leaving for good

12 1 2

Black bird
Black moon
Black sky
Black light
Black everything black
Black heart
Black keys
Black diamonds
Black count
Everything black

Yeah I have that song stuck in my head now
enjoy the chapter

You were fed up with your parents.

you were on your way to work completely broken.
You were forced to work at the agency at the young age of 16.

Your parents seen they were paying quite well and they didn't want to be found out.
You didn't want them to either that only means more consequences for you.

You always came to the agency happy or at least seeming happy.
You have made a close bond with Peely your partner.

Arriving you didn't bother changing your mood.
You haven't told anyone about your parents and how they use and abuse you.

They weren't physical abusers but they were emotionally.
They would tear you down unknowingly everyday.
You would try to explain but they never let you so you kept silent and they wondered why but you didn't bother to tell them.

Its not like they would listen anyways.

They were like anyone you met in school.
But the agency and the members there were the only thing that stopped you.

Peely had recently found the scars on your wrists and questioned them. You had to make up a lie so you just blamed it on the cat.
The one you don't have.

He figured out that they were made purposely and you have been clean for two weeks.
It was pretty hard but you found a way to manage.

He kept a close eye on you and your actions to make sure everything was ok.
You have been planning this for over 5 years now your going to take it into action.

*time skip

You arrived and was greeted by Peely once you first walked in.
You gave him a faint smile before walking passed him to your temporary room.

he knew something was up.
You closed and locked your door not bothering to answer it to anyone.

You grabbed a blue school back pack from under your bed.
Placing it on your bed you looked around your room pulling out a small Note book and pen from in between your mattress.

You opened it and clicked your pen walking around the room grabbing the things on your list tossing them onto your bed.

Once you were done you walked over and went over your list.
" pocket knife check,clothes check,cash check,jacket check,art stuff check,phone check,charger,flashlight,blanket check,check and check..."  You mumbled stuffing each thing into your bag.

"Im missing something" you thought.
You checked around your room and found a full pack of batteries.
"There we go" you smiled stuffing it into the bag.

Then you heard a small yet sudden knock at your door.
It opened slowly giving you time to drop the bag behind the bed.
"Hey y:n,are you alright you don't seem like yourself today" he said looking around the room.

"Im fine I'm just a little more tired than usual" you lied kicking the bag under your bed.
"Okay well then if your not busy we have another mission today" he responded.

"Ok I will be out in a minute" you said putting on a fake smile hoping he wouldn't notice anything.
He closed the door and you let out a small sigh of relief.

Since you had already packed there was no turning back from what you had decided.

*time skip

The day went by Pretty quickly.

A little too quickly.

You grabbed your bag and waved everyone you last goodbye.
But they didn't know.

They just thought you were walking back home as usual.
But instead of heading home you went in the complete opposite direction. Heading into the bright city.

You wandered around not caring where you went or what you had to face. You stared up at the bright lights of the city windows billboards stores and many other things.

You felt free as a bird.
Out on your own starting a new life.
Everything you have ever dreamed of was now right infront of your eyes.

Blinding you with possibilities.

The night passed by and you became very tired.
You had no place to stay.
No place to go for safety.

This is where the fear kicked in.
You had to keep calm or another one of your anxiety attacks would kick in.
But this time no-one was there to help you if it did.

You heart started racing.
You felt like that was the only thing you could hear.
No cars diving through the streets before you
No music from small parties and restaurants
No longer feeling safety as you once did before.

You heard someone coming up behind you quickly.
You turned around and seen a guy.
He looked about 20-30 years old and you didn't recognize him.

He grabbed your backpack almost yanking it off your back.
You tugged on it holding it as tight as you could keeping it on you.

You screamed trying too attract any kind if attention and possibly someone who could help.

you kicked him in the stomach making him groan.
His grip was tight and strong yanking you any which way.

someone ended up getting him off of you and you made a break for it.

You ran as fast as you could through the city.
Through many crowds and eventually finding a small alley you could hide in for a while.

You made a sharp turn into the alley and it was a little too sharp making a brick wall hitting your shoulder. You fell onto your side scraping your arm on the not so smooth concrete.

You held your arm tightly hoping the stinging would go away.
It did but your other arm hurt like hell.
You taken a deep breath hoping to calm yourself down but it didn't work.

The blood streamed down your arm making you wince tears immediately hitting your eyes.
Fear struck you again.

Your hearing faded into a loud ringing noise and you covered them trying too make it stop.
You felt like the world was spinning before you.

You fell back onto the concrete leaning against the wall for support.
Usually your anxiety attacks never got this far because Peely was there to help but now he wasn't.

You whimpered as the ringing got louder.
Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest.
Your breaths were heavy and short making your heart beat faster and your mind race.

You felt as if something and or someone was standing on your chest making it harder to contain it.

You then remembered the video Peely had made you.
You pulled out your phone and immediately brought it up.

The sound of his voice made the ringing fade away reliving you.
"Hey its ok calm down we can get through this" he spoke.
Even though it was just a video it helped you


Your heart slowly calmed as did your breathing.
the video ended and you turned off the phone saving its batteries.
You took a deep breath before setting up a small place to sleep.

You used your back pack as a pillow and curled up into the small yet warm blanket you had packed.
The backpack wasn't too comfy but it worked.

You shut your eyes eventually falling asleep wondering.

Will I ever return to my family?
And Peely?
What will they think?
What will they do once they find me?


Let me know if you would like a part two and I will gladly do so😋

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