chapter 1

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•• Baton Rouge, Louisiana ••
•• January 5, 2020 ••

•• Adorn Philips ••

"You ready?" My mama mouthed to me as I read her lips

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"You ready?" My mama mouthed to me as I read her lips.

Nodding my head, I put down my notepad that I was drawing on, and stood up from my bed.

I stepped into my furry slides, before walking over to her as she grabbed onto my hand.

Holding tighlty onto her hand, she walked me outside the house, and to the car.

We made it to the car, I got in, and immediately put on my seatbelt as she did the same before pulling off.

I sat there quietly, staring out the window as we drove out of my neighborhood onto another road.

My mama never played any music, at least I don't think she did.

If she did, I couldn't hear it at all.

I couldn't hear nothing at all since I'm deaf.

No, I wasn't born with no hearing. It happened when I was 10 years old.

Worse time of my life, I don't like to talk about what happened either.

I learned sign language, and reading lips at a young age.

My mom does sign language too, but she often talk to me since she says she wants me reading lips more.

Either way, they're both easy to me.

Most times I talk, I did research, and it said that deaf people voices sound different than others.

I don't know why, so half of the time I barely speak.

Plus, I can't hear my own voice, so why would I want to talk?

Continuing to drive, I'm guessing we were headed for me to get a check up at the doctor.

An all white hellcat charger I think, pulled up next to us, as I could see the inside of the car crowded with people.

The driver looked over to me, and nodded his head up at me smiling, showing off his pretty diamond teeth.

I smiled back, taking my hand, and waving at him before my mom started driving off.

Lot of traffic today.

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