Chapter 10

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•• Baton Rouge, Louisiana ••
•• February 17, 2020 ••

•• Adorn Philips ••

To make this story short, my mama ending up finding Kentrell's house.

She got me, made a big deal about it.

And now I'm not allowed out the house anymore.

It's like she's starting to treat me like I'm 11 again.

That was like a year after I lost my hearing, I remember she would keep me inside of my room.

Basically grounding me for nothing.

Everybody wants to know the story on how I lost my hearing.

But I don't think it's something people should know.

Maybe I'll try to explain it out to Kentrell.

Like I like to explain my life stories, but that one, I just can't.

Anyways, my dad told me I wouldn't be grounded for long.

I honestly don't know why I freaked out on Kayy like that, I guess I was just tired of her.

There's a lot of anger built up in me, and I let a portion of it out on her.

Ever since then, the media been going crazy about that.

•• Kentrell🥺❤️ ••
I started reading shit about deaf ppl .. u know there's a way u could get help, right ?

•• My Future🤤💚 ••
I seen, my mom said it wouldn't help me .

•• Kentrell🥺❤️ ••
U know yo mama a asshole, right ?

•• My Future🤤💚 ••
Most times, yeah .

•• Kentrell🥺❤️
Still grounded ?

•• My Future🤤💚 ••
Yeah, why ?

•• Kentrell🥺❤️
Cuz I'm finna come sneak u out, be ready in bout 10 minutes, and Ian taking no for an answer .

•• My Future🤤💚 ••
Okay, I'll be ready .


Standing up from my bed, I put my phone in my back pocket, and put on my slides.

Looking out my window, I titled my head wondering how the fuck I was gone sneak out.

I'm literally upstairs, and it look high as fuck.

Out of the corner of my eye, I seen an all back car pulling up on the back road.

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