Chapter 5

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•• Baton Rouge, Louisiana ••
•• Same Day ••

•• Adorn Philips ••

I smiled as me and Kentrell continued to walk down by the river.

He's actually interesting.

Well at least that's what it seems like to me.

We haven't communicated with each other a lot, since it's gonna be hard teaching him sign language.

I don't think he graduated from school because he doesn't know a lot.

And I'm not even referring to the sign language.

But overall, he has a unique personality.

If only I could get to know him more, and he could get to know me more.

I would like to tell him my story, he seems like he'd actually pay attention to me.

Yeah, I like to do that.

"Uhhh, wanna come over to my house?" He asked as I read his lips. "You can teach me your sign language."

I laughed on the inside because of how nervous he seems.

I nodded my head and he grabbed onto my hand unexpectedly leading me to our cars.

Guessing I'm going to follow him there.

We both got in our cars and pulled off from the area.

I got behind his car as we stopped at a red light, giving me the chance to text my dad.

•• Daughter Adorn❤️ ••
I'll be home late .

•• Dad🗣️🥰 ••
Okay, why tho ? Are u safe ?

•• Daughter Adorn️❤️••
Yes, I have a friend, going to their house .

•• Dad️🗣️🥰 ••
Alright, don't say out too late . I love you, text me if you need anything & be safe💙

•• Daughter Adorn❤️ ••
Okay nd I will . I love u too .


Looking up the light had changed just on time, and he started driving.

So fast.

No wonder we got in a wreck.

Him and my mom can't drive.

We finally made it to his house, and I parked my car right by his and got out.

This a whole mansion.

He must be famous.

I wonder what he does.

He waited for me, and reached out to hold my hand as I took it.

Passionate •• NBA Youngboy •• CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now