Chapter 14

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•• Baton Rouge, Louisiana ••
•• Same Day ••

•• Adorn Philips ••

I stood outside of Kentrell house watching as him and Kay argued.

After we left the doctor's place, we came back to his to be met with Kay.

At least it looks like they arguing, I know he mugging her and she mugging him.

His friends stood around me.

I had read Ben lips a few minutes ago and apparently they standing around me so if Kay would try to hurt me, they was gone hurt her.

I honestly don't know what's her problem.

I beat her ass already, thought we was done.

She even had her shoulder wrapped up, apparently I reopened her bullet wound.

But I don't give a fuck, I stood up for myself.

I continued eating my fries Kentrell got me from McDonald's as we all just stood there watching them.

I couldn't even hear shit that was being said, but their movement was slick funny to me.

She was all in his face and he kept pushing her back and shit.

Since it's almost night, nobody was outside.

Perfect time to kill a bitch if he wanted to.

If I could, I woulda been killed her ugly ass.

Shaped like a whole fucking ice cream sandwich and got the nerves to talk about somebody.

I know I'm small, but shit I got a shape, she ain't got shit.

Her body just going down in a straight line.

Can't believe Kentrell settle for that, when he could do so much better.

Out of nowhere Kay slapped the fuck out of Kentrell making his head turn to the side.

My eyes went wide cause damn she done fucked up.

Looking at Kentrell his eyes started change color as he got mad.

He reached back and punched her in the face as she hit the floor.

Three went up and pushed him back trying to calm him down.

I walked over to her body and kicked it softly seeing she was out cold.

Ion know if she dead but the way he punched her, it's a possibility.

I felt a hand grab me, and the next thing I know I was being snatched up into the house.

Looking back, I seen that Kentrell was the one that grabbed me.

His hold on my arm was tight as fuck, and I tried to move it.

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