Chapter _1_

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Kaylee's POV:

I opened the door of my apartment, slowly taking off my black stillettos. I turned on a table lamp which was next to the couch, on which I throw myself as if in a cotton field, and the smell of jasmine circling the apartment relaxed all my senses.

"Today was a fucking good day" I told myself.

But it can be even better with one glass of  wine. Cold wine. Red wine.

I dragged myself to the bathroom and took off my clothes, which have started to tighten like iron chains that I have to wear around my ankle. A strong jet of hot water washed away the struggles I fought today. And there were plenty of them. Among other things, the ones I take with myself every day. . . but not now. Now it's time to put my mind to silent mode and finally pour that freaking glass of wine.

I put on my satin nightdress and strolled to the kitchen.

"Finally," I thought as I filled the glass to the brim.

Leaning against the glass balcony door, I sipped wine as I watched bright city lights.

"Relax girl, carpe diem, tomorrow will be a hell of a day" I took one big sip, remembering that tomorrow we have an important meeting with the delegation of the hotel chain "Carter".

It is a special general meeting. Since the company wants to deliberate upon matters that require the urgent attention of senior executives and the board of directors, I believe he will come too.

And given that our law firm is a leader in its branch, of course we will be there as the legal part of the team. Including myself.

I raised an eyebrow and my full and red lips curled into a smirk.

 I was already deep in my thoughts, thinking how the trainee lawyers had been talking all day about him, his "out-of-this-world" eyes, and Apollo's body. Although I am up to date with many things that happen in various spheres, I skilfully skip the part of the newspaper or website that is reserved for scandals and gossip. Maybe out of the fear that one day I might read something about my family. I don't  know...maybe. I don't want to analyze that part of my conscience now. That's why I'm not so informed about him.

Although in real life I refuse dozens of invitations to go on a date or even have a drink, here I am, thinking of a man I don't even know.

"Really Kay, really?!"

Did curiosity really kill the cat?

As the last sip of wine burned my throat, but gently and sweetly, I decided that i owe myself a good night's rest. The lawyer in me ruled.

"Objection sustained!" I smiled as I settled comfortably into my bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Noah's POV:

I loosened my tie and threw my head back on my black couch. I really understand why most people don't like Monday. But I'm not like most, my work week never ends. Every day is like Monday. Fucking Monday. I took a glass of whiskey and soaked my senses in light sips. Let them at least faint, to soothe this torrent of thoughts that swirls in my head. With a quick stroke, I took the last sip, stood up, stretched my head from right to left, and carefully unbuttoned the buttons on my shirt.

One cold shower, I need it to clear my mind.

The warmish water ruffled my raven hair, and the strands embraced my forehead as I tilted my head down and clung to the cold tiles with my hands.

I came out of the bathroom, which was connected to my bedroom with a towel loosely hung low on my waist, and threw myself with my back to the bed.

Tomorrow we have an important meeting where it is necessary to replace certain executive directors as well as make a plan for legal support and incorporation  of secret jobs and transactions of mafia into the legal flows of some of my companies.

"Great. Fucking great," I said through gritted teeth, thinking about how I would have to spend the whole day and probably the next day with middle-aged corporate men, where half of them smelled of homemade food and old whiskey they'd been drinking since early morning.I put on my boxers, left my watch and cell phone on the nightstand, and before i fell asleep i thought

"Oh god, i need to get loose. Soon."

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"Absolutely his".
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