Chapter _39_

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Kaylee's POV:

I opened my eyes to meet the blinding light. It was dark around me, only one beam of strong light reached me.

This is not heaven, I am certainly not in heaven. If I was, my head wouldn't hurt so much.

When my vision cleared a little, I saw a middle-aged man with stethoscope around his neck and a lamp in his hands checking my pupils.

Why? What happened? Did I have a car accident?

Nothing was clear to me and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't remember anything.I tried to get up, when someone's strong hand held me back

"Stay still, you have to lie down. Everything is fine.''

A deep male voice echoed through my ears but I couldn't connect the voice and body. The thought of not knowing where I was, who I was with, and not being able to remember any memory older than the moment I woke up, made my heart beat faster and I lost my breath.

"I'll give her a sedative, it will calm her down and put her to sleep again."

Dark. Silence.

After who knows how long, I tried to open my eyes again. This time I succeeded without any heavy strain. The room was empty. There was no one around me. I looked around the room slowly. Someone's bedroom, it looked comfortable and exuded intimacy.

I glanced across the room to stop my gaze on something that looked like a bathroom door.A bathed man, with a towel wrapped around his waist, filled the entire room when he shielded the door. Drops of water dripped from his hair and slid down his muscular body. Tattoos ran down his chest and I suddenly felt the need to run my fingers through them all. Who is he?

He looks like a god that climbed down on escalators from the sky. But those eyes. . . eternal swirling of the most beautiful shades of blue and green framed by thick black lashes.

He approached me slowly without a word.He sat next to me and just looked at me.

I got up and sat down. With the fingers of my right hand I gently caressed his eyes, cheeks, lips and he would lean towards my hand, eyes closed. He slowly kissed my fingers that caressed him.

Who is he and why was I not scared when a naked man sat next to me? Why did I have the desire to touch him?

I looked down at his chest and with my fingertips absorbed the art on his skin.

Without a word we approached each other and our lips hovered over each other, sending waves of vibration to my center. He cupped my face with his manly hands and we kissed sensually, deeply and connecting. He leaned his forhead to mine.

"Those lips make it fill all the emptiness I feel right now."

I said and the man was still silent.

"I don't know who you are, but I feel like I already know you and that you are a lost part of me."

Suddenly he removed his hands from me and moved to the side.

"What do you mean, you don't know who I am?"

I looked at him, pain, hurt, fear in his eyes.

"I can't think of anything. Everything is unknown to me, but at the same time so soothing. "

"Kaylee I'm Noah, your husband."

Noah? How beautiful that name sounds, as if my soul sings it.

"You must have amnesia from punch and shock, I'll call Dr. Chen right away."

He rushed to the phone and called someone.

I lay back in bed and stared at the ceiling.

How come I feel so relaxed and I don't know anything about myself? After a few moments, a man burst into the door with stethoscope around his neck and a leather bag in his hand.

He slowly sat down next to me and addressed me

'' Good afternoon, Miss Carter. I'm Dr. Chen and I'm here to help you. I hear you have trouble remembering some things? "

He told me slowly as he pulled something out of his bag.

"Some things?  More like everything! But doctor, why do I feel so calm when I should be going  crazy because I can't remember anything? "

"It's because you're under sedation, so your reactions are a little dull. You suffered a kind of shock and trauma, as well as a strong blow to the head. Your body is probably under stress, so it is difficult to process things. I wouldn't worry about you. I believe the memory will return to you soon. You will be surrounded by familiar people and things, which will help you speed up the process. "

Dr. Chen performed the examination and left, leaving me with. . . Noah. The embodiment of earthly beauty and masculinity.

Do we have children? Do we love each other a lot?

Now dressed in tracksuits and a gray T-shirt, he approached my bed. He sat down slowly next to me and stroked my hair.

It's good that i was under sedation because I think I'd get out of my skin because of the feeling of the unknown.

'' Noah. . . ''

I said softly, running my fingers over his lips.

He lay next to me and I rested my head on his chest.

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