Chapter _21_

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Kaylee's POV:

According to the legend, it is said that the creator made the world for six days and rested on the seventh day. In this regard, Sunday is a day of rest and worship.

Sunday. For me, it is the day when I'll sign my transfer to hell - by express train.

Or it looks like the beautiful Petra Gold Rolls-Royce Cullinan will take me there.

As I was told, a vehicle will be waiting for me to take me and Freya to a mysterious wedding venue. As I approached this beautiful SUV, in its reflection I saw myself in a white wedding dress, with soft pink cheeks and lips and hair flowing in continuous and gentle waves down my shoulders.

Suddenly, Freya interwined her fingers with mine and squeezed me in support.

"You're beautiful, honey."

The ride took two hours and I wondered what the catch was. Why so much trouble for one simple formality. Freya and I talked poorly along the way. She didn't insist on talking to me because she saw for herself that I needed silence.

I, on the other hand, even though I didn't want to, wondered what Noah would look like. I know it's completely wrong to think of him that way, because I should hate him. But one part of me, one twisted and utterly wrong part of me, secretly thought of him.

My daydreaming stopped by the braking of the car. I looked around and the sight fascinated me. The driver opened the door for us, and after Freya came out, he extended his hand to me and helped me out.

We were on the Main beach, East Hampton. The view was breathtaking. The sunset scene colored the ocean in gold, blue, and orange tones. At the bottom of the beach was a wooden altar decorated with flowers in pastel colors, white canvas and pampas grass. The way to the altar was framed by candles, while on either side were chairs for the guests, of which there were about fifteen. To the right were tables, where guests would later sit, beautiful and in boho style.

If it wasn't a mafia wedding, I'd say it's a fairytale wedding. Me like Cinderella. And my prince  charming was waiting for me at the bottom of the altar in a beautiful black suit. Everything was breathtaking. The whole scene. And no matter how wrong it sounded- him.

There was a light and relaxing sound of the piano in the background, and only then did I notice that a piano with candles lined up on it, was located on the left. Then I got the sign to go and just like that, I took the first step towards a new life. To the beginning of the end.

I paced slowly, swaying to the magical tune made by the piano. I stopped and found myself face to face with my hostage taker. He smiled innocently at me, as if all this was normal and as if we were another couple happy and in love. When he noticed that I hadn't removed the frown from my face, taking my hand in his, he squeezed me slightly.

It brought me back to reality and reminded me that I have to pretend in front of the world. I put forced smile and shook his hand back.

'' Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today to witness and celebrate the wedding of Noah and Kaylee. Marriage is the promise of hope between two people who love each other sincerely, who honor each other as individuals, and who wish to unite their lives and share the future together. In this ceremony, they dedicate themselves to the happiness and well-being of each other, in a union of mutual caring and responsibility ''.

If this was someone else's wedding, where I am just a guest, I would shed tears of joy and I would think that this is a wonderful sermon. But I was not a guest, this was my wedding. The stabbing pain in my chest suffocated me and where our skin touched, it left fiery marks on my body. Only the cool ocean breeze worked in my favor and with its caress, took a little part od my pain.

'' Now, you may kiss the bride. ''

I was so lost in my thoughts that these words hit me like an electric shock. All I remember is that the next moment I was right next to Noah and his hot breath was pounding on my face. Taken away and as if hovering above my body, I was brought back to earth when his full and electrified lips kissed me surprisingly tenderly and promisingly. I closed my eyes and placed the palm of my hand on his cheek.

We moved slowly away from each other and he whispered in my ear, so quiet that no one else could hear

''Watch out, you may like this too much. . . It can get into your habit. "

An evil green lit up his face.

'' I seem to have chosen the wrong profession. I'm such a good actress that even my husband didn't see the difference. "

I whispered to him triumphantly. He glared at me blankly but behind that emptiness I could see a defeated look. Yes, this time I took the victory.

There was music in the background and we headed to the podium to have our first dance. John Legend's song "All of Me" played a seductive dance with waves caressing the sand on the beach. 

Only then Noah and I clung to each other and began to get carried away by the words of the song. I tried to stay sober, but his closeness bothered me. He, on the other hand, deliberately caressed my arms and back, accidentally brushing his lips against my cheek, neck or hair. He used the situation to provoke me because he knew I would not react because of the looks that were directed at us.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't affected. But I don't want to accept that, much less admit it. This madness must stop. I was hostage in his arms.

Night fell and the sky was covered with a carpet of twinkling stars. The guests were slowly leaving and it was time for us to say goodbye. I took one last look at the shimmering and dark depths of the ocean and Noah closed the Rolls-Royce door. He thus closed all my hopes for a carefree life.

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