Chapter _5_

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Noah's POV:

As I was leaving the company garage, I saw her standing next to a gray Toyota. Although I could go the other way, something inside me pulled me to choose the exit that passes by her side.As I passed her, I tilted my head to one side to look at her and let her know that there was no shame, embarrassment, or any kind of discomfort with me. I always do what I think I need and want. I think that, among other things, this shaped my strong personality. With my look and attitude, I show people that I have all the self-confidence of this world and that there is no room for even 0.01% insecurity.

She turned her head, strands of her hair flew off her face over her shoulders. However, one strand remained in the middle of her face, hugging her lips.

I still can't understand what it is that this woman awakens in me, but it seems to me that I give her every movement some dramatic and lustful thought.

With a sharp motion, I returned my gaze to the road in front of me and plunged into the sea of ​​cars.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and a symphony of thunder, lightning and heavy rain began to change.Great, this day fully describes my current state of mind.

It is Tuesday night. . . And I must invite Liam to report to me on the problem that has arisen with our associates in Washington.

After a while, the bell rang and on video surveillance I saw that Liam had arrived. I opened the door and greeted him fraternally. He sat on the couch and I brought whiskey from the bar.On a coffee table in front of him, he placed two large envelopes full of money, car keys, and he spread out on the couch as if waiting for a lap dance.

"Man, the Cruz brothers really screwed up this time. Xavier is a smart young boy, there will be some use of him, but Xander ... screwed up. He allowed low passions to cloud his mind, and that's where it took us. "

Liam said, raising his hands high and visibly annoyed and in disbelief, so he continued

"A beginner's mistake, I can't believe he didn't foresee that. How didnt he  figure it out in time? "

The problem was that part of the job the Cruz brothers did was a bottleneck. They were over-exposed and there was a possibility that they were exposing part of the work that was going on in Washington. In any case, we would have to solve the problem, someday. But the girl Xander picked up from the bar and took to her apartment drugged him and stole receipts from the handover of goods. The girl is obviously a professional.

"We cannot allow those receipts to see the daylight. They can bring them in connection with our business and jeopardize the whole operation. "

I said sharply and Liam understood the point.

"Our people in homeland security are already watching all the surveillance videos. Whatever professional she is, she will be caught today. "Liam confirmed and we drank our drinks in silence for the next five minutes.

"Once we have completed all the obligations here, you and I will go to Washington on Monday and restructure the network. Without mercy." i claimed "From now on, there must be no room for mistakes, omissions in the distribution of power. Anyone who does not follow my orders or decides to disobey them will be sanctioned. "

I took the money from the table to the safe and came back. What a roller coaster of drama.

For the weekend, we are opening a new club in the city center, which will also be the center of our secret affairs. An elegant, luxurious place that does not give the impression of a dull job.

"We are opening "Saint Tropez" on Saturday. It will also be a celebration of the successful completion of our work. I expect only the best. "I laughed a little wickedly and darkly with a hint of amusement, while thinking about something

Liam and I have always attracted the attention of the opposite sex. He is a couple of inches shorter than me, but of equally solid build. Tattoos covered his entire muscular torso. Short brown hair, brown hooded eyes  and sharp facial features. 

"Only the best, of course." Liam said, and I was already looking forward to Saturday and the chance to release my valves with strong drinks and easy women.

After a couple of drinks and an agreement for tomorrow's meeting, he left me.I finished jobs and transactions on my laptop and was exhausted.

"Miss Walker. . ." I thought.

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