Chapter _19_

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Noah's POV:

When she appeared, a black cloud hung above her with all the lightnings and thunders roaring through her head. If looks could freeze, hers would surely have already turned me into an iceberg. She tried very hard to be sober, she was a strong woman indeed. I just wonder, for how long?

She entered the apartment and left the door open for me, signaling me to follow her. Smart little thing.

Although visibly tired and emotionally drained, she irradiated the whole room with her beauty. A plain white T-shirt tucked into black jeans with a deep waist accentuated her sculpted figure and disheveled hair covered the delicate, velvety skin of her cleavage.

"Make yourself comfortable."

She told me while going to the kitchen. I took off my jacket and leaned back in the corner of the sofa, watching her return with two glasses of whiskey in her hands. She handed me a glass, not taking her icy gaze off me, which, on the contrary, ignited fires all over my body. She sat across from me, in another corner.

Slowly sipping her drink, she leaned back even more relaxed and checked me from head to toe then she finally broke the silence

"There is one very nice saying- You can never make the same mistake twice because the second time you make it, it's not a mistake, it's a choice."

She wanted me to read between the lines and thus made it clear to me that she thought our last meeting and everything that happened between us was a mistake. She wanted a verbal war- okay. I have prepared the final word for this lawyer.

"Life is about choices. Some we regret, some we're proud of. Some will haunt us forever. The message: we are what we chose to be."

She rolled her eyes and laughed blankly

"Or better yet, let's say what others decide for us. Yes, I think that's better."

She leaned toward me and those cheeky lips of hers played tango as they spoke, whatever words came out of them.

"Now let's get down to business. Tell me everything I need to know and I'll tell you what's out of the question."

I think that she imagined this conversation as a lawsuit she has to win. Wild and combative. Like it.

"We'll have a wedding in two days, on Sunday. An intimate atmosphere. Although this marriage may not be real in your eyes- it must be in the eyes of public. It means you're going to wear a wedding dress. It means we're going to live together. It means we're going to sleep in the same room. If you haven't figured it out by now - that means for everyone else this marriage has to look real and loving. "

I took a short break to give her time to digest what I had just told her. Her facial expressions remained the same, not revealing her thoughts and what was going on in her head. I continued after I failed to read it.

"You will keep me company at all social events, where you will act a loving and caring wife, keeping in mind the paparazzi who will keep an eye on our every move. For your safety, like everything before, no one but my closest people in the mafia will know about this."

I know she is furious and upset at the moment, but I don't think she understands the essence of this "farce". If someone else had dared to do what her brother Lucas did, he would not have seen the light of day long ago, as would his family. When it all happened, I was on tour around America reorganizing my network. The timing was perfect. When I left Washington for Los Angeles, that little idiot tried to fool me. I inquired about his family and learned that he had a sister who separated from them and started a new life. Kaylee. His disrespect had to be punished, and I, as a ruthless king, was expected to execute the entire family, including her. I couldn't allow that. To save her from certain death, I decided to marry her. At the cost of her hating me. Finally, when i saw invitation for her promotion i knew it would be perfect way to get close to her and get to know her better.

"Can I invite a couple of friends to the wedding?"

"You can."

"As for the part where you and I sleep in the same room... I don't understand why it's necessary. Unless you want me to suffocate you in your sleep?"

She said a little intriguingly, but I know it was just her sarcastic sense of humor as a defense mechanism.

"If any of my opponents found out that this is a farce, they would take it as my weakness. And I guess you don't want to know what they would do to your family if they found out what a traitor your brother is..."

She wisely kept silent and weighed this statement in her head.

"If that's all, I agree."

She said calmly, without a shred of emotion. This surprised me and I was a bit taken aback because I was prepared that some things she would certainly not accept, especially the part where we sleep in the same room.

"Are you sure? There's no going back after this."

"I'm sure, it's my final decision."

I frowned, creating wrinkles on my forehead. Something seemed strange to me, like the way she agreed to everything in such a relaxed way. I smell some hidden intent behind her answers.

This woman surrendered so easily, she certainly has something in mind. Want to play?I am also more than in the mood for one good game.

"You will be informed of everything in time, choose a wedding dress tomorrow, Like everything else you need and put it on my account."

I got up from the sofa and approached her slowly while she was still sitting. I tilted my upper body slightly toward her. She didn't blink. We looked deep into each other's eyes, challenging each other to a duel. Although she gave the impression of an ice queen, the way she kissed me in her office revealed her unspoken words to me. She couldn't erase me so quickly, even if she wanted to. I'm still there, in her mind. I know that.

I approached her dangerously close, our lips hovering one above the other, not touching.

"See you on Sunday, babe. I'll wait for you."

Then I walked away.

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