Chapter _22_

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Kaylee's POV:

Although, I thought I would immediately fall asleep from the exhaustion i felt, as if for bad luck, I was awake all the way as we drove. I expected some intolerance or an awkward situation — but none of it happened. In fact, nothing happened at all. Noah was either looking at his phone or through the car window, and he didn't look at me from the moment we entered the car. It's not that it didn't suit me, but it bothered me a bit that we didn't establish any communication at all. The fact that I didn't know what to expect next bothered me most.

After about an hour, by chance our eyes met and neither of us looked away. It was a duel, in which one of us will end up with a hole in their chest.

"I'm not afraid of you."

I said authoritatively, leaning on the elbow of my right hand as I dipped my fingers into my windblown hair.

"Nobody said you should be afraid of me."

He squinted his eyes at me, positioning his body against mine.

"What you need to be afraid of is yourself and your desires."

He held out his hand to me and ran his thumb lightly over my lips, parting them slightly.

I took this as a provocation and did what he least expected. I realized that I would most easily confuse him with unpredictable actions. What I did next, to put it mildly, confused me as well

"My desires do not rule me. I rule them. "

And I licked his finger with my lips. I put my left hand on his chest and then pushed him lightly, so that he leaned into the seat.

"But, you don't have to worry. Because you successfully managed to kill the last crumb of, let's call it, desire for you. "

He said nothing, just laughed a little mysteriously.

"I forgot to tell you one very important thing, nothing in my life will change with the fact that I married you. Tomorrow, like every other day, I will go to work and nothing will stop me. "

"Speaking of which, I told Colt that you weren't coming to work all week, by the way, he conveyed his congratulations. And for other things, I don't think you're aware yet that they've already started to change. "

The stunned expression on my face was more than evident.

"Where did you get the right to tell him such an important thing, I should have done that ?! Since he knows what I think about you and your business, he probably didn't even believe you and thinks that all of this is very strange. "

A thunderous laughter echoed through the car, cutting the silence into small fractions.

"Oh yes, the old weasel believed me. I told him that the passions between us flared up explosively after our meeting in the office and that we no longer wanted to wait with the wedding. After all, fuck him, his opinion means nothing to me. Let him think what he wants. "

Anger rumbled through my veins, that arrogant son of a bitch threatened to damage my reputation.

"I had no doubt that you were interested in anyone's opinion, but what will he think of ME now? He will question my fairness and honesty, maybe he will change his mind about me staying a partner! What will Dean think of me, or the others? Oh god. "

He came incredibly close to me, and his warmth only flared up the furious fire that already burnt inside me. He tilted his head to the side, caressed my cheek, his fingers trailing down my neck and back, as if making a mental map of my body, absorbing part by part.

He sneaked up to me like a notorious thief, drawing the last atoms of strength out of me like a leech. He licked and bit his lower lip. My breath got caught in my throat. He said trough gritted teeth passively aggressively.

"No one should have you in their mind, except me. No one. Your name from someone else's lips will be their last word. "

He captured my upper lip with his lips and let go the next moment, stepped away from me and leaned against the other end of the seat, continuing to look through the gleaming glass of the car.

Only then did I manage to let out that trapped breath that came out of me like a geniefrom a bottle. Only this time he did not fulfill my three wishes, but swapped the last particles of my mind that were scattered in the air that existed around me.

After a short time, the car stopped and we found ourselves in front of his house. My house. Our house.

The restlessness in me grew like atmospheric pressure at great heights, only at the thought of us sharing the same roof, the same bed.

So it seems that show must go on. . .

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