Chapter _14_

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Noah's POV:

When I saw the invitation I got from the law firm "Johnson & Walker" I knew it was a sign for me. I thought about her for a long time, although I persistently thought that it was just a matter of lust, I still had the feeling that something else attracted  me to her like a magnet. I haven't felt that before. With none. Never.

When I saw her in that gallery, it is fair to say that she herself looked like a work of art, painted by the hands of an artist. From the moment I stepped inside, our gazes met and I saw that she was not indifferent. She soaked me up with her eyes like that glass of champagne she held in her hand.

I approached her from behind. I scanned her like those scanners at airports. A black tight dress that possessively hugged her curves and absorbed them. A black dress that revealed her tender back, which made me feel the need to slowly take those straps off her shoulders as I kissed her neck and stroked her breasts with my hands. But. . . there was neither time nor place for it. Although I can say that I barely restrained myself.

I didn't expect her to agree to dance with me without any objections. Although, to some extent it seemed to me as if she was doing all this unconsciously and as if she was under some spell- love spell. She seemed so relaxed and approachable.

The touch of her naked skin and the proximity of her body launched me into another dimension and just like that I already knew that I could not leave this thing just like that. Unfinished. For now.

I withdrew and left the celebration.

And now I am drinking whiskey on the balcony of my penthouse, while the bright turquoise light of the pool blinds me.

She will be mine.

Kaylee's POV:

It's been five days since my promotion was celebrated. The work in the company has normalized and I can say that I am working at a normal pace. Now it's the turn of others to prove themselves, I proved my own. Although in this situation, I would even like to have a surplus of work so that I don't have to think about what's bothering me.


Do I think of him? Yes.
Do I want to think of him? Not.

It is a good thing that we did not meet again after that day, although I doubt we will meet again soon. Luckily.

I found myself in a situation where everything I disapprove of, which I think is not good - I rush in. The world of crime is a big no for me, and now I am slowly returning to that world, with a passport and a cocktail in my hands. With big sombrero hat on my head.

I have to stop being so harsh on myself.

You're attracted to him, Kay. It is okay. It is a higher force that you cannot bring to justice and it can not be sentenced to prison. This is not a courtroom. Accept it and it will be easier for you.

Yes, I'm right. It's just a physical attraction and since I'm not going to let it develop into something else or let something happen between the two of us, it's not a problem.

But I want to, i long so much. . . Come on, shut up!

An internal debate erupted inside me until Harper began waving her hands in front of me.

'' The earth is calling Kaylee. The earth is calling Kaylee. "

I winced at the thought and slowly raised my head.

"Don't worry about it, it's not like the aliens kidnapped me."

"You were so engrossed in your thoughts that I thought you were practicing some new age meditation technique or something."

Harper laughed playfully as she gestured with her hands that she was confused but also curious at the same time.

"I didn't go all crazy because of work, don't worry. I can meditate, yes,  with a glass of wine, with some good food. Well, that's meditation for me. True Nirvana. "

I burst out laughing, of course joking with her.

"I'd keep chatting, but Jack Phillips is waiting for you at the front desk."

"Why didn't you send him to my office?"

"He said he didn't have time and that he would just wait for you to sign some papers and move on."

"Okay, tell him I'm coming right away."

'' Of course, and by the way, I like your outfit today. Those yellow palazzo pants with a deep waist and with that white shirt are like from a magazine. "

'' Thank you H. I'll keep in mind your taste, when it comes to your birthday. ''

 I winked at her and before I left I picked up a couple of documents from the desk.

As I walked down the hall, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a meeting taking place in the glass conference room, I was a little surprised that I wasn't familiar with it, but I hurried so that Jack wouldn't wait any longer.

'' Jack, nice to see you. I see you have some papers for me. "

''The pleasure is all mine. That's right, sign in the designated places and I have to go. They are waiting for me in court, I'm already late. "

I was greeted by a skinny and middle-aged man. Jack is a really dedicated worker and punctual, so I immediately signed everything so he could leave as soon as possible.

As I was returning to my office, I was once again passing by our conference room whose walls were made of glass so that everyone could see what was going on inside.
The smile on my face faded a little when I saw him sitting at the table. Carter. Noah. I flew in quick steps to my office and leaned my back against the door, my hands on my heart. The sand in the Sahara desert was cold in relation to me, as much as I was burning.

Okay, looks like we'll see each other more often than I thought. I have to control these reactions of mine as a high school student so that I don't turn out to be a complete fool.

After I calmed down, I went to the desk, but to the side opposite my chair, where the chairs for clients are, and started sorting through the paperwork.

Ah, will this day ever end?

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