Chapter _31_

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Noah's POV:

As I watched the road ahead through my dark glasses, some idiotic smile spread across my face.

"Someone is in a particularly good mood today."

Liam looked up from his phone and laughed, teasing me.

"I expected you to be angry and furious, considering you ran away from the party last night."

I quickly rewound the film in my head. Her warm hand in mine. I almost tore the blanket off us and took her roughly in that very second. Anger and love mingled in me like a centrifuge, and that is, I can say, one of the deadliest combinations. But I soon calmed down as the warmth of her skin flowed from my palm to all parts of my body like some soothing aroma.

I realized that this was a big step for her and that I had to be patient.Well, as much as I can.

"It was nothing. Can't I be in a good mood? "

"I don't know why, but it seems to me that SHE has something to do with your mood today."

Liam turned to the passenger window, looking at the low plants by the side of the road.

"Does it just seem to me or do you have something against her?"

A thought full of doubt flashed through my mind.

"I have nothing against her, I'm just afraid she'll soften you, that you ll lose your sharpness. You already know what I want to tell you man. "

''Whatever. Tell me, did you happen to see old Colt Johnson at the party? "

He turned abruptly to me, shooting me a look.

"No, I didn't, why are you asking me that?"

"Forget I asked the question."

We drove for another hour or so and came to an abandoned hangar. A small plane had already landed on the runway and I saw workers carrying cargo into jeeps. Well, at least it won't be a problem here.

As I passed my men, we nodded in greeting and they confirmed that everything was fine. One of them opened the large, rusty hangar door.

A man was tied up in the middle of this dusty room, blood dripping from his face, his clothes torn. I signaled to the guard to lift his head.

One of my burly man approached him, lifting his head while holding his hair to which he moaned.

"I see you got comfortable around here. . . So lets make this quick and tell me who sent you and why did you follow my wife?''

He looked me in the eyes, laughing hysterically while spatting blood.

"You know what, I prefer to keep you in the dark. ''

I laughed, looking at his tortured body. Well good, if he wants to play that game let it be.

"We will kill her first, and then when we are sure that you have suffered enough and you will die in the worst torment."

I punched him, and his head hung above his chest cuz he was unconscious.Just as I was about to get up, Liam came over and shot him. What?!

'' What the fuck? Imbecile, why did you do it? He didn't deserve to die this fast, I had special plans for him. What happen to you?''

"Sorry boss, but I got so upset when he started threatening, like he didn't know who he was talking to! I lost my temper. After all, he was tortured and interrogated for two days, he admitted nothing. I also tried to extract some information from him, but his mouth was sealed. "

"Thats  never gonna  happen to you again, or I'll take care of you, understand?"

I thundered at Liam. Fucking idiot.

Upon returning home, I was engrossed in my thoughts. Someone has been following Kaylee and my people for days. I don't even want to mention it to her. She will panic and just now that we have started to build a relationship, she will run away with looking back no matter what. There's no way I'm going to let that happen. Like I won't let the anything happen to her.

I picked up the phone and typed her message.

I'll be there in an hour, get dressed and wait for me.

After less than a minute, my screen lit up.

OK. Hmm, how do I know what to wear if I don't know where we're going?

I laughed.

That's the charm. Happiness is beautiful only while waiting, while giving only a hint of itself.

Alright poet, I'm getting ready and waiting for you. See ya.

I hope she likes it.

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