Chapter _17_

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Kaylee's POV:

The crowd at JFK airport was unbearable. Young people. Old people. People colliding in a hurry. Smiling people waiting for someone. Sad people who see someone off. And me.

On the shiny tiles of the airport I dragged my little suitcase in which I packed the most necessary things, since I had no plans to stay longer. After about half an hour, I boarded the plane, and sat down in my business class seat. It was almost impossible to find a ticket, but luckily for me, or unfortunately, there were only a few seats left in business class for the 9am flight. After the audible announcement, I put on my seatbelt and the turbulence on takeoff, accurately described my inner state.

The flight lasted five and a half hours, and during that time I did not manage to close my eyes for a second and rest before the big meeting with my family. The uncertainty I felt put all my senses in a state of great danger. I didn't know what to expect, but I knew it couldn't be something good.

After landing and breaking through to the exit at the airport, a well-known face was waiting for me in front of the airport.Lucas, my brother.

'' Sis, its been ages since we last saw each other. You look kind of more serious to me than our last time seeing each other. Although our last meeting was somehow in the fog. "

'' Maybe because you were too drunk that night. Like every previous one. You and your friends were exaggerating at the time. "

"What can I tell you, youth-madness. I can't figure out if you're happy to see me or if you're not happy ?! "

"Believe it or not, I can't decide yet, given the circumstances. But what I can tell you is that I missed your brotherly embrace. "

He hugged me tightly, so tightly that I almost ran out of breath. Lucas hasn't changed much. Dirty blond hair adorned his pale face and green eyes. It seems to me that he visited the gym and the shooting range a lot, considering how much bigger he has become since our last meeting.

"I can tell you that you are now for a reason - big brother! What did you eat  that you grew so much? "

I punched him in the shoulder playfully.

"I know you don't want to hear this, but I've eaten a lot of enemies and dollar bills."

My smile slowly subsided. I made the decision to withdraw from this way of life, but for my brother, as the heir of my father and his clan, I knew that there was no such possibility. Even if he wanted to, he would not succeed. He would be liquidated by the opponent, just in revenge for my family. Something in my heart tightened and turned. I was sorry, for him. For him, the future began from the day he was born. He never even had the opportunity to live in the present. The present he has chosen. Hope for the future is all he grew up with. I stroked his face gently and hugged him gently. I know he desperately needed that hug.

The drive to our house was fast. The rows of tall palm trees fluttering in the wind were like a breeze for my soul. The warm California air steamed my skin and did a kind of detox.When we arrived in front of the house, a large metal fence opened on a button that Lucas pressed. I tried to build a facade around me so as not to see how much I was affected by the reunion with my family.

The interior of the house flooded me like a tsunami. Everything is the same as the day I left. We turned right into the large living room and there was already a welcome committee there. Father and mother, Lucas and I. My mother's sweet and sad eyes immediately found me and she flew into my arms. She hugged me tightly and I wrapped my arms around her a little sluggishly. All of this was simply too much for me.

"My dear baby, you have become a real woman." She said sadly and longing was heard in her voice.

I turned to Roger, my father. I looked at him stoically, his face cold as ice. He got up with dignity from his chair and held out his hand to me.

'' Good afternoon Kaylee. Welcome home.''I didn't say anything, I just nodded.We all settled in, while the housekeeper brought us refreshments.

"Without further ado, because probaly there wont be the story about how you missed us, I'll get to the bottom of it."

He said sipping a glass of whiskey, reclining deep in an armchair and leaning on the handrail while holding a lit cigarette in his right hand.

"You know that our very lives are a kind of risk and uncertainty. We were ready for that, always ready for a possible attack or liquidation. But things have changed significantly, when your idiot of a brother ... '' '

"Hey, I'm in this room too ..." Lucas interrupted

"Like I said, everything changed, as did our position in the hierarchy, when your idiot of a brother  stole a delivery of weapons and twenty million dollars in cash from another clan, during one handover, and thus violated the peace agreement that reigned between us. Since then, our end is near. "

The expression on my mother's face was stunned. And sad. And devastating. A whirlwind of tears piled up in her tormented eyes. Lucas fidgeted in his chair, nervously touching his hair and biting his fingernails. My father looked me straight in the eyes.

"That's the moment when you parform. In order to prevent the massacre of our family, according to the agreement that exists in the mafia world, our daughter must marry the boss of that clan. "

His words saddened me like the cold of a Siberian winter. I was stunned. How dare he force me to marry someone I don't know and who is one of the mob bosses.

How dare he-even when he know that i had to leave my own family, hey my own family, to escape crime and murders. And now, he is  ready to throw me into a cage for who knows what a hardened criminal!

I felt faint and my throat tightened, I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think.Is this some kind of cosmic karma and the price I have to pay because at the cost of my family I wanted freedom from mafia life? Because I wanted my life?

'' I understand this is too much information for you that we are asking too much. You did what you had to do to escape and now we are taking you back to the beginning. We have time until tonight to let them know the answer. "

My mother spoke in a weak voice and interrupted Roger.

'' Kaylee sweetheart, heavy hearted I beg you for mercy. But I'll understand  if you don't want to agree to the proposal. If this has to be our end - let it be ... "

Demonstratively, I got up from my chair, shooting each of them a murderous look. I turned and walked briskly to my former room.

Am I willing to sacrifice my life for my family, the same family I ran away from?

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