Chapter _2_

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Kaylee's POV:

I woke up very early this morning, just like every other day.
The early bird gets the worm.

"Yeah, right." I smirked

If you want to become a partner in the law firm, you must get up so freakin' early. Picture this as- my soul is still asleep, but my body is ready to run a marathon. I got up before the first rays of the sun and after the ritual in the bathroom, I headed to the kitchen.

With automatic movements of my hand, I prepared a magic potion and opened the balcony door. I was applauded by the sound of busy cars and people already rushing to their jobs.

It seems that this city really never sleeps.

"Or it doesn't go to sleep at all"

I thought, as the smell of coffee wafted through the apartment and swirled with the sounds coming from the busy streets of the city.

An icy breeze played its dirty dance around my legs and climbed towards my shoulders and neck. This caused goosebumps to appear all over my body and one sip of coffee warmed my chilled body again.

I opened the door of my closet and already knew what was appropriate to wear for a meeting of an important nature.

This time it will be beige dress,with sophisticated lines, a little above the knees that has a gold narrow plate on the neckline that connects the two ends. Over the dress I will wear a blazer without buttons, which is part of the costume. Golden checkered earrings, minimalist and elegant and dark yellow stillettos.

I blow dried my long brown hair, and put enough makeup on my face to cover all the overtime hours I spend in the office. That will do the trick. I burst my favorite perfume couple of times, "J 'adore", and I was ready for a new work day.

"Damn girl, you are smokin'."

I laughed childishly. I've always done that. The girl has to raise her self-confidence. I always liked to lead monologues with myself, out loud. The power of man must come directly from his center. Self-confidence must have its roots in the image we give ourselves. I was ready, I took the keys, locked the door and left the apartment with the following thoughts

"I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me"

I sat in my gray Toyota C-HR, and in the blink of an eye, I was already on the too crowded streets of New York.

I parked the car in the company's private garage, and after a few dozen steps I found myself facing a building with "Johnson" written in capital letters.

"And Walker. Soon, very soon. " I thought, as a dark look changed on my face.

The elevator took me with its astronomical speed to the floor where my office was located.

"Good morning Harper" I greeted the receptionist.

"Good morning, Miss Walker, you are on fire today," she said with a smile.

"It seems to me that today, unfortunately, I will only put out some fires"

I commented, primarily referring to the extensive work that lies ahead and the problems it encompasses. As well as stubborn middle-aged directors who will surely make it difficult to complete this job quickly.

I settled in my office, which I personally arranged. Wenge wood color furniture combined with green and white. A large table with a pile of papers neatly stacked. Two comfortable chairs of industrial design in front of my desk and walls covered with shelves that had some books and folders. Behind my back, as if painted, stood a beautiful view of the city and all the beauty it possesses.

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