Chapter _41_

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Kaylee's POV:

I was done with breakfast and I can say that I had an appetite like a bear when he wakes up from hibernation. My body cried out with sleep and food, even though I woke up less than an  two hours ago.

I wanted to rumage trough my things in the hope that some fragment of memory would come back to me. Wandering through my belongings in the closet, I realized that I looked like a kind of workaholic, given the number and types of business suits I had. They were all feminine and sophisticated. My jewelry was minimalist. 

I have already created an image of myself as a person with a work habit. What is my profession, because by the things I came across, I resembled a serious person?

Do I ever get loose? Was I like a robot and lived by a steady pattern?

Then I switched to the Noah part. Suits in predominantly dark colors lined up indefinitely. The shirts hung neatly on the offings, most of them were white or black.

As I ran my hand over the row and row of suits, forcing them to collide with each other and swaying on the bar, something fell out of one pocket.

I bent down slowly and picked up a picture from the floor. Wonderful! Because I didn't notice the pictures in the frames around the house. Were we both preoccupied with work that we didn't have time to ennoble our home?

I picked up the picture and turned it over. My eyes shone with some soft glow and I absorbed the invisible lines of the image with my finger.

He and I dance at our wedding. A picture was taken behind my back so my face is not visible. His hands low on my lower back and his pearly smile as he laughs with his eyes closed as he absorbs the scent of my hair. Blured lights in the distance.

He seemed happy as he held me in his arms. He kept this picture in his jacket. It probably means so much to him that he carried it with him. It means. . . that he cared a lot about me. . .

How hard it is for him that I can't remember him? US.

I took the picture and put it in the drawer of my nightstand. Then I went to bed to take a nap, as the headache began to take hold.

I woke up and felt refreshed. I threw my head deeper into the pillow, because I had a feeling of discomfort that I didn't know who I was. I seem to be a person with a lot of self-control as soon as I handle the whole situation so well. I listen to the doctor's instructions and hope for a speedy recovery.

Nervousness flared up even more when I touched the wound on the back of my head. Where did that wound come from, what actually happened? The answer I hope to get soon.

After a few minutes, Noah entered the room and carried orange juice and waffles on a tray.

"The sleeping beauty has finally woken up. I was hoping to find you awake. "

"What time is it, I must have slept a long time?"

'' 4pm. Freshen up a bit so we can go out for a walk, what do you think? "

"Sounds great."

He left the tray on the nightstand and left the room. I drank the juice and took two bites of the beautiful soft waffles and changed.

''I'm ready!''

I exclaimed loudly as I descended the stairs.

The ride was a little longer and I used that to find out some information, but Noah spoke up sooner

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