Chapter _24_

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Kaylee's POV:

That night, sleep was hard to come by. Overwhelmed with various emotions, I had a hard time surrendering to the dreamland. My previous actions were far too bold, and yet the feel of his warm muscular torso was comforting. I wanted to tease him and emphasize my strength in a special way, but the only thing I proved to myself was that this man, who was lying on the other side of the bed, could potentially be my biggest weakness.

When I was awaken in the morning by the still unfamiliar look of my room, he was no longer in the bed. I looked at the clock that showed 7am. Stretching my sour body. I headed to the bathroom and started getting ready for work.

When I got dressed, upon returning to the room, I noticed a small box with my name on a wooden dresser. I opened it and saw a new phone with a note

Old number -but new phone and contacts.

I went into the adress book and saw various unknown names. One well-known one was at the top of the list. Noah.

I had to go to the office and see what the situation was there. I remembered that my car was parked in the garage of my apartment, and that I still did not have the exact address of my new place of residence. Going down the stairs, I closed the front door and headed to the guard standing at the gate.

"I'd like you to take me to one place."

I told the person in the black suit and the dark glasses.

''Just a moment.''

He said, taking his phone out of his pocket and calling someone. After a few moments, a man in the same suit appeared in front of us, tall and, lets say, a bunch of men.

'' Good morning, Mrs. Carter. I am Hayden and I am at your service. Where would you like me to take you? "

The Hulk spoke. Although he made a frightening impression with his build, his energy seemed to me, protective and pleasant.

"Hi Hayden, I'd like you to drive me to my office, I'll tell you the address in the car."

We got into a black Jeep Wrangler and sailed through the grey concrete of the streets. When we arrived in front of the building, I smiled politely at Hayden and told him that I would call him when he should pick me up, since his name had already been entered in my phone book.

"There's no need to call me Mrs. Carter, I'll be waiting for you here. Such are the orders. "

I wanted to say something, but I just shrugged, knowing there was no point in arguing.

As the elevator launched me to the floor of my office, I spun a wedding ring around my finger, which suddenly began to tighten like a ring of fire.

After the door opened, Harper's smiling face could hardly wait to swallow me.

'' Good morning, Miss Walker. . . I'm sorry to say, Mrs. Carter. "

"I see that the news travels fast here. Good morning to you too, Harper. "

Leaning her elbows on the reception desk, she dipped her chin into the palms of her hand.

"Although I did not expect this, I can say that in a couple of situations I suspected that something was going on between you. Especially after his last visit to your office, when I found you lost in your thoughts. But a wedding. . . no one could have expected that! "

Images of previous events began to surface in my head, but I drove them away in the blink of an eye.

"We didn't want it to be known, we wanted to keep our intimacy to ourselves. After all, he is a well-known businessman whom journalists can hardly wait to crucify in the newspapers. "

I smiled a little artificially and headed for Colt's office with Harper's chirping in the background.

"Oh yes, congratulations!"

After a loud knock on its massive wooden door, a muffled male voice was heard on the other side

"Feel free to come in."

Opening the door, I put on my smile and Colt stood up and headed to me the moment he noticed it was I who was entering.

He shook my hand and suddenly hugged me tightly.

'' Congratulations Kaylee. You really managed to fool me. Looks like you're just a man of flesh and blood. Each of us has some feelings that defy all the laws of nature but we just can't resist them. It doesn't make you any less human. You can find full support in me, there is no need to hide things from me. Especially not as big as a wedding! "

I did not expect such a reaction from Colt. Knowing that he was an experienced, suspicious and wise man, I was amazed at how he accepted the whole story on the first hand.

I parted my lips in a half-smile

'' Well thank you Colt, your words mean a lot to me. You know, I was afraid of your reaction since you know what I think about everything that's going on behind the scenes. . . your opinion means a lot to me, since you've always been like a second father to me. "

"Some things don't need to be explained, nor should they be asked for a reason."

He said as he took his favorite whiskey out of the mini bar and poured it into crystal glasses. He made a toast and I just licked the bitter liquid, not wanting my mind to be further clouded by alcohol, and honestly I didn't even want to remind myself about the wedding anymore.

After a long conversation and his persistent insistence that I take a week off, I left his office.

Some feeling of uneasiness wandered through my body and something didn't seem right to me. Colt's sudden euphoria about my marriage to Noah brought me some uneasiness. But I let it go, on the grounds that I was currently under the impression and that my emotional compass was in disarray.

I took some documents from my office, wanting to study some cases at home, and headed for the black Jeep where I was greeted by Hayden's familiar face.

"Drive us home."

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