Chapter _33_

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Kaylee s POV:

With one last look at the night light of the Aurora Borealis somewhere on the synchronized wall of the planetarium and after I had a wish when I saw a shooting star, the fast wheels of the car catapulted us home.

"Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight: I wish I may, I wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight."

Lately, I've put my logical thinking on hold and totally indulged in feelings.

I know that it will cost me too much and that it will catch up with me, but I have already started to descend this steep slide and the fall on it will be deadly. I hope not literally- deadly.

We held hands and quietly climbed the stairs to our room. Our silent smiles spoke for us.

I took off my cardigan and stretched my body, while Noah had already slipped to the bathroom

"I'll be quick, just to take a shower."

After couple of minutes, without thinking much, I squeezed the doorknob and gently opened the bathroom door. I was surrounded by steam of hot water and cuz  he was too, he didnt immediately saw me through the glass wall of the shower.

With my right hand I reached for the zipper on my back and with one fine movement i unbuttoned it, causing the dress to slide under my feet. I was left only in my underwear.

I slowly opened the glass door, my feet sinking into a whirlpool of water on the wet tiles.The muscles of his back made a kind of maneuver as he ran his fingers through his soaked and wild hair.

I approached him dangerously close and he radiated a dose of dark sensual energy.

I wanted him so badly that my thoughts and everything inside me began to turn into steam that was surrounding us while water drops played "Swan Lake". Like Tchaikovsky himself was conducting a wonderful ballet symphony.

I rested my palms on his broad shoulders and began to slide down.

Down the tense muscles of his back.

Then even lower. My fingers teasing and exploratory.

Even lower.

More and more.

I slid down his hips until I reached his V lines. I paused and, like a conquest, i embraced his manhood with my palms.

Noah tilted his head back, his hair tousled in the air. His hands clung to the cold tiles on the wall and he let out a scream of pleasure and deeply moaned.

With one hand I continued my foreplay and with the other hand I wandered over his perfect abs. 

He was strong and solid.

I showered him with small kisses on his back as I soaked him up to the heat of the water.

From a distance came the faint gleaming light of the bathroom light, and mingling with the curtain of steam made by the warm water, it looked like the flickering of a dozen candles.

Noah then turned to me and wrapped me in a powerful and sensual kiss, devouring me in every possible way. He consumed my mind, my body.

He unbuttoned my bra with one hand and slid it lightly over my shoulders with his fingertips.

The next thing I am aware of is that he pressed me roughly against the wall, his manhood pressing my stomach. Without interrupting the kiss, he lowered his hands along my face and neck to my chest. He than cupped them with so much passion that I screamed in ecstasy. He sent kisses along the edge of my jaw to finally nibble my hardened nipples.

I threw my head into the crook of his neck kissing him gently. He turned his head to the side and again took me into a sensual kiss full of domination and fight.

The kisses slid all the way down my belly until they reached the edge of my thong.

I raised my right leg on his shoulder as his hand slid down my thigh along with my underwear.

The last thing I remember before the tsunami in my head, was his hot breath at my entrance and all the riders of the apocalypse got off their horses.

The view from the height of his divine body and shoulders worthy of a Hercules was spectacular, I absorbed it as I plucked and pulled his black hair in bursts of pleasure.

He stood up slowly, mingling his lustful gaze and my ecstasy blurred vision. He grabbed me by the thighs and gently lifted me up, coming out of the bathroom and carrying me to the bed.

I scattered on the bed like a flower opening its tender and fragile petals for the first time.

He hovered me and threw me into the shadows like an eclipse of the sun. He kissed me all over the body, his hands exploring every millimeter. I was melting under his touch, and goosebumps started their revolution.

When he found himself in front of my entrance, he looked at me significantly and I dug my nails even dipper into his back when I felt him overtaking my body. Our naked and wet bodies swayed in ecstasy as our sighs echoed trough the room.

One beam of the full moon shone through the curtains illuminating his hand playing with the strands of my hair. With my head resting on his chest, that rose and fell in the rhythm of his now calm breathing, I listened to the strong beating of his heart.

"I always want you here, close to my heart."

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