Chapter _13_

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Kaylee's POV:

When we reach the top, do we realize that the very path we take to reach it makes the top so special?

 Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I reminisce about the past few weeks and how I really put my whole self into this promotion. A pale yellow light fell at an angle on my face and lightened my hair which was slightly wavy. The burgundy lipstick on my lips seemed to depict the fire in the words they can spill- a verbal warning of how taugh i am.  A black silk dress that barely covered my knees hugged my body and in symphony with it radiated some raw energy. A sleeveless dress, whose thick straps flowed from my sjoulders into the waterfalls at the bottom of my back, revealing it naked. Stilettos in the color of my lipstick and a small bag in the same color.

I got in a taxi and drove to a small gallery, which we rented to celebrate my promotion for becoming a partner. As we are one of the most reputable law firms, the guest list consisted of senior officials, close friends, important clients and other reputable lawyers. As they would say, cream de la cream.

Around 20pm, people started coming and the space was filled with chatter, smoke and the smell of mixed perfumes. People would approach me and congratulate me, and I would instruct them to make themselves comfortable and enjoy food, drinks and company.

"I'm proud of you K. You accomplished everything you fought like a lion."

Freya told me with tears in her eyes. Balm for the soul are such friends who celebrate your successes together with you.

"For you. For your success - in the courtroom and outside! "

Dean picked up his  glass and made a toast. After our so-called date, we continued our contact and we heard each other regularly but nothing more happened between us. After our greeting in front of my building, I wasn't sure about my emotional openness to him, so I reduced the contact to a pure friendly chat. Although I still felt that he had some attraction towards me. But i didnt pay attention to that.

As we drank champagne and laughed, my gaze went to the door. At that moment, the personification of my nightmares, but also of the most exciting dreams, stepped into the room. Dressed all in black, he was already announcing my end. The end of a life I know. I kept eye contact and absorbed it as if my life depended on it. His gaze aroused a thousand degrees in me and the room suddenly seemed so small. I was on fire. I melted. Only by his gaze.

Suddenly, a group of people came between us and I couldn't see him anymore. I shook my head and went back to the conversation I was having with my friends. A sensual and slow dance song was heard in the background.

I felt a tighter grip on my hips and I felt like throwing my head back and moan. Then I felt a hot breath on neck  and a deep, manly voice that makes you obey. 

"May I have this dance?"

I turned slowly and looked him straight in the eyes. I didn't say anything. I didn't even have a need, I think my body language spoke for me.

We headed towards the middle of the room. 

We stopped. 

Not for a moment taking our eyes off each other. Raw, sexual energy was emitted around us. He took my hand with one of his and placed the other hand on my bare back. I put my free hand around his neck. We got too close. The warmth of his body intoxicated me and my body became too unstable. I completely surrendered to his dominance.

He caressed my bare back gently with his fingers, teasing me and provoking me. I closed my eyes at the intensity of the touch that sent eruptions into my center. Unconsciously, I cuddle his neck with my fingers and ran through his black hair.

I was overwhelmed by darkness, and I enjoyed it. It seemed to me that the light would blind me in those moments.

He came dangerously close and whispered in my ear, his lips touching the fringe of my ear almost imperceptibly.

"Congratulations, Miss Walker."

Just that.

And then he ran the tip of his nose along my neck and stopped on my shoulders. He tilted his head to the side and I did the same. He smirked, raised my hand that was in his and kissed it. Then he withdrew and merged with the crowd. I was left paralyzed in place.

What the fuck ?!

After that, I didn't notice him anymore.

The evening came to an end and after I escorted the last guest, I picked myself up and went home.

A strong jet of shower melted me under its heat. As the drops of water flowed down my face, I closed my eyes and caressed my neck with my hands where his touch and warm breath passed. . .

What am I getting myself into? . . ?

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