Chapter _28_

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Kaylee's POV:

I took a sip of coffee, and the hot liquid burned my throat sliding lower and lower.

"Uh, fuck."

I totally forgot I didn't even wait for it to cool down. I frowned as I moved the papers from the table looking for a glass of water.

''Its better now.''

I leaned back in my chair and rotated toward the large window behind my back, immersing my thoughts in the beautiful view of the city.

What have I hurt him so much that he doesn't want to talk to me for days? He neither talks nor wants to look at me. Whenever we are in the same room, he would turn his back on me, leave the room, anything-just not to be near me. After all, why i care,I certainly won't run after him, I don't feel anything for him anyway. Or . . .? No, no.

I mean, I was just telling the truth, I don't understand why it would hurt him so much, he doesn't feel anything for me except some physical attraction. Right?

I snorted to myself under my chin, and reclining in my chair, finally sipped my drink.

Men. . . and then they say women are complicated. Yeah, right!

After finishing the most important jobs for today, I headed home. As I was in front of the door, I heard the slackness of some relaxed conversation, the laughter and giggles of several people. I twisted my mouth in a "whatever" way and entered the house.

I was greeted by a scene of male company sitting relaxed on a couch, with a drink in their hands, chatting casually. Among the unknown faces, I recognized Liam. The last time I saw him was at a wedding, although we didn't make any contact. He looked at me a little weird, and some wicked chill rumbled through me.

Noah was sitting in an armchair, both hands resting on the handles, a glass  in one, legs wide spread. He was wearing black sweatpants and a white T-shirt. Rarely have I had a chance to see him in a casual outfit. Or lately, to see him at all.

He looked at me sharply and briefly, taking his eyes off me.

''Hello everyone.''

"Oh, isn't that the new Mrs. Carter?" It was time to meet the woman who managed to tame this wild horse. "

Said one of the men.

"You didn't just compare me to a horse, did you?"

Noah said coolly, looking at the man, a half-smile just flickering across his face.

"This stud?" Naah, I don't believe there is anyone who can tame this man here. "

I said casually as I approached Noah and slowly settled into the handrail next to him, pushing his hand away to make room for myself. He turned his head like lightning towards me and as he warned me with a look, I just kept going.

So didn't he say we should play a happy couple in front of others ?!

Looking him in the eyes, I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling it and lightly plucking it, completely unnoticed by the others.

Do you want to ignore me and avoid me? Then you shouldn't have married me. Let this be your punishment - my closeness.

But the truth is that I seem to be a very confusing person for myself even. I want him to leave me alone, and I don't want him to avoid me. I don't want to have anything to do with him, and here I am now, touching him and challenging him. . .

Who can figure out what's going on in a woman's mind?

"That's where you're wrong, I don't think you're even aware of how much power you have over him."

The same man looked at me again. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Liam running his hand through his chin and looking at me thoughtfully.

"By the way, my name is Justin."

I was approached by a large blond man, Justin.

''Nice to meet you, my name is Kaylee. And now I have to retire, I had a very busy day. I'll leave you. You guys probably have your men's topics to talk about. "

I said, and looked at Noah, sending him a wicked smile and left the room.

I came into the room and threw myself on the bed, looking at the ceiling. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

God, what am I doing? I reject him from myself, and then it bothers me when he rejects me. Uhhh.

Who could understand me?

 I fell asleep and did not notice when someone entered the room. The sound of the door closing and the shower running, woke me up. I opened my eyes, but it took me a few moments as I adjusted to the darkness that wandered around. I reached out and turned on the lamp on the nightstand. I got up and rubbed my eyes and woke up a little.

Damn, I forgot i have makeup on. I hope I didn't smudge. I had to wait for him to come out of the bathroom to get myself in line.

At that moment, the bathroom door opened and he came out, followed by a cloud of steam. A white towel hung low and loose on his waist, as if teasing me. He stood in front of me, his six packs watching me, and I widened my eyes like some hungry tiger lurking for its prey.

Get a grip woman! You hormonal teenager!

I raised my head and tilted it to the side.

He looked at me palely, without a shred of emotion.

"Tomorrow you will go with me to a private celebration. Closed type. "

I realized he wanted to tell me we were going to a mobster's nest. Great, what a fantastic event, i am so thrilled! You see the irony in my words, don't you?


"I believe you will be a good actress, as you have been so far."

With those words he turned his back on me.

I went to the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face. I raised my head and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"Do I really act? Or . .? Maybe I feel something for him? "

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