Chapter _8_

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Kayle's POV:

After Wednesday and the fatal encounter with the gentleman "on the other side of the law", my life returned to normal. I had a bunch of work waiting to done that has been put on hold. I was drowning in work so I didn't even have time to think about anything else.

As much as I felt physically exhausted, I felt complete and fulfilled again.Because that's what fulfills me. Work and only work. Work, in most cases, depends mostly on me, while expectations of a different nature. . . emotional nature. . . well, they depend on many things, not to mention unstable emotions, unpredictable reactions, disappointments. So let's say that in these kind of relationships, emotional, there has to be a defense attorney and a prosecutor and a judge in you, all in same time. Too complicated. And unnecessary.

I've been working full steam ahead these few days, and I've admitted to myself that I really need a little relaxation.

So in that sence, going out with Freya will come in handy.

I thought as I rummaged through my wardrobe. I wasn't sure what to wear. . .Something a little more challenging or elegant? Still, Freya said it was a prestigious club. I couldn't decide.

I went to the bathroom and took a long, relaxing bath. I wrapped my hair in a towel and put on a bathrobe. After I dried my hair, I put on makeup. My makeup was light to moderate. Just enough to differentiate it from a light daily make-up, nothing excessive.

I chose a satin dark green dress, and it fitted perfectly to my body, revealing all the curves. Thin brats, and the two sides of the neckline overlap, revealing the cleavage to a decent extent. I put on my silver sandals, picked up my purse, and after my intercom rang, I went down to the front of the building, where Freya was already waiting for me.

"You go girl. You're like Dr. Jekyll by day and Mr. Hyde at night. "
She said, poking her head out the cab window.

When I opened the door, she moved to the side, making room for me and i added
"As far as I can see, you are ready to set the on fire club tonight sis. Pedal to the metal. "

The taxi ride took about half an hour, there was a traffic jam and it seemed to me like tomorrow was the end of the world and the city was on its feet.

"How was your week? I can say that mine was the worst in the history of the worst weeks. I fell in front of the camera while giving a statement on behalf of my boss. Yes, I fell. More precisely, I kissed the floor as if I was ready to be fertilized by it. "
She burst into hilarious laughter.
"If it wasn't sad, it would be funny."

I looked out the window, and the bright and dazzling lights startled me. I remembered my week.

"Yes, that's very inconvenient. I believe you'll become a hit on Youtube. Don't worry, I'll share the video as many times as necessary. "I joked with her.
"Mine was as usual, this time difference is that I just had a meeting with Noah Carter. We have represented him in some cases."

"Noah? Are you saying THE Noah Carter? Fuck, I don't know your criteria, but in my opinion, it would be the best week of my life. "She said excitedly, cracking her mouth.

"Well, I don't know. There's something about him that I don't like. He is too conceited and full of himself. The way he looks at you and walks. Ugh, he thinks he can achieve everything by force or just in the blink of an eye. "
I said, digging too deep into the story and acting.

"Oh-oh, it seems to me that someone is under the influence of love spell" she began to laugh

"Don't be silly, Freya. I admit he is desirable, really desirable. But that doesnt change the fact that he's just not the type of person I'm looking for. Not even close."

"What kind of person are you looking for? We know you're not looking for anyone. What you are looking for is to get lost in the sea of ​​work, And I wouldn't want to disappoint you, but the club is. . . "

"All in all," I interrupted her, in a calm and serious tone.
"Forget what I told you. I want to enjoy this evening and loose my strings. "

A taxi stopped in front of the club. She looked at me with her mouth open, and I could see that she was considering whether to continue, but since I had rudely interrupted her and stated that I wanted a good, carefree time, she said nothing further.

"As you wish, but I believe you'll have a crazy time in that case." She laughed a little mysteriously as we got out of the cab.

The entrance was worthy of the red carpet. A crowd of people took turns in the vortices. The golden letters with a black frame differed from the flashing city lights - "Saint Tropez"- was written.After breaking through the crowd, Freya showed our invitations to security and so we sailed into the rich interior of this place. The interior design was some weird mix of 50s style and modern industrial design.

Classy, I thought. As I toured the splendor around me, I felt like Alice in Wonderland.

"Freya, I can tell you that this is a better option than sitting at home in my pajamas and watching a movie with a pound of Cookies & Cream ice cream."

"I betcha" she giggled like a schoolgirl to my statement.

The manager brought us to our table. It is a booth that had a semicircular corner set and a table in the middle. I looked around, and as far as I could see, and that was not so much because of the crowd in front of our table, booths of the same format were scattered around us.Classy, really classy.

Then I blinked a few times to make sure I saw well. He was sitting at our table.

Dean with another man.

"You didnt? DId you?" I stared at her

"Girls gotta do what girls gotta do" she shook my hand and led me to the table.

Dean stood up, and seductively but again in a way gently kissed me on the cheek.Truth be told, he was a real catch. Manly, muscular with a small hair bun and short beard. Something like a modern lumberjack.

Um, I wouldn't complain so much, if he cut down this tree here.
I thought as I turned away from him. The other man was Chris and his appearance was not so edgy, he gave the impression of a classic corporate man.

"It seems that the only way for a man to make you go out is to mislead you. I'm glad you're here tonight."
He whispered in my ear, tickling me imperceptibly with his sharp beard on my sensitive skin. The hair on my neck reacted instantly.

Gradually, we all relaxed with a couple of start-up drinks, giggling and chatting, and the atmosphere around us at the club also heated up.At one point the crowd of people in front of our table cleared up. They probably found a table to sit at. They cleared the way for the smell of all kinds of perfumes, mixed with cigarette smoke and dim light to appear on the place where they stood. When that mystical cloud subsided, an image of an illusion flashed in my eyes.

Yes, I'm sure I'm imagining it. Too many martinis, and definitely the last one clouded my mind.

Still, it's not.

There, across from my booth, I recognized Liam's already familiar face and the one even more familiar to me, Noah.

I took the olive out of the martini and slowly nibbled on it as I studied him.Dark beige pants, a brown belt and a white shirt, with the first few buttons unbuttoned showing indication of some tattooes.

Damn you and your seductive appearance!

As I sipped my drink in fascination, our eyes met.He watched me in a relaxing and seductive manner. A new song began and his lips started singing the words of the song, looking me straight in the eyes and hitting me in the core.

"I get those goosebumps every time, yeah, you come around,

You ease my mind, you make everything feel fine... "

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