Chapter _34_

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Kaylee's POV:

The morning dawned, and the next, and the one after that.

His strong arms were wrapped around me as our bodies intertwined under the covers. I wouldn't mind if it started like this for me every morning. The warmth of his body consumed me so much that I wasn't ready long after waking up to really wake up and leave the bed.

"You know, it's not that I'm complaining, but eventually we have to get out of bed and live real life."

His rough, morning voice pushed me even deeper and deeper into bed.

"I know, but its  so warm here, and comfortable. Is there life beyond this? "

I hugged him even tighter, snorting.

"Are you saying I opened the door to a new galaxy for you?" I knew I was good, but your words. . . ''

I punched him in the chest and threw a pillow at his face. Then I sat on him, strands of my hair caressing his face as I got closer to his lips.

"I mean, it's hard for me to leave the warmth of the bed. Bed! Large rectangular wooden frame with a soft mattress in the middle. You don't exactly fit that description. "

I thought to myself and giggled. I gave him one quick flash kiss.

Noah then grabbed my buttocks with both hands, the muscles of his arms becoming visibly tense. As I like.

With a quick movement he turned me over and now he was over me. Fuck. What a view. What a man.

He gently kissed my neck, cleavage, lines of my jaw.

"Then let that wooden frame of yours and the soft mattress keep you company, and I'll leave. When you say you can do without me."

He bit my lower lip a little rougher as he slid his hands down my thighs and suddenly I could no longer feel his warmth.

That son of a bitch got out of bed. Although the sight of his naked body receding was definitely worth it.

I rolled into endless layers of blankets but what I couldn't hide was the silly smile on my face.

What is this that Noah and I have?

The real thing with the wrong person? Wrong thing with the right person? Wrong thing with the wrong person but feeling is good. . . feeling is right?

I raised my head and instantly sank even deeper into the pillow.

Why whenever we feel happy, do we have to look for some reason why we shouldn't be?

I got dressed, although sullenly, because I hadn't gone to work for a couple of days and now it's a little harder for me to get back on track.

Me, who adored my job, just my job and nothing but my job.

I definitely ran out of a couple of fuses in my head. Love can do that. . . Love? No, wrong choice of words. Totally wrong choice of words. That's not how I feel. Isnt it?

The plaid two-piece costume was my choice for today otherwise as I adjusted my hairstyle I headed to the garage where my Toyota was now already parked.

"Don't worry, Mommy's back."

I ran my hand over the hood and the door, talking sweetly to my car as if it were my baby and not a car.

'' Good afternoon Mrs C! I see that you enjoy your married life, you are captivated by some explosive and positive energy. "

"Thank you, Harper, but my radiant appearance and energy are still responsible for a few days of rest."

I said and thought to myself

A couple of days off? Of course, it's wonderful to tell such lies. You did everything- just didn't rest.

"Is Colt in the office?"

I turned to her before heading for my door

"Mr Johnson had to leave a few days ago for family reasons. He said he would be here by the end of the week. I left all the post on your desk. If you need anything, I'm here! "

I thought about it and continued towards the office. I hadn't seen him since when I thought I saw him at a party and I hadn't had a chance to ask him about it. That will have to wait for his arrival.

As I cleared a stack of papers on my desk, my phone vibrated.

"I hope you are not still missing your bed. Yes it is tough. And big. But it will be waiting for you again tonight. "

I looked away from the paper and laughed as he tried to be funny. And a tease.

'' Nah, I've already gotten over it. As you say, it will be waiting for me there tonight, tomorrow morning and so on every day. "

I was delving into some court document when my phone vibrated again. I said out loud as I shifted my gaze to the screen again

"You little one, I can't concentrate because of you."

I turned on the screen to read the message.

"How about a comfort coffee?" I would really like it, and I think we have a lot to catch up for. And I think you have a reason to treat. "

Noah calls me for coffee to be consoled? I do not understand. When I took a closer look, I saw Dean's name at the top of the message. Freya must have told him about me and Noah.

Well, why not, it's just friendly coffee anyway.

'' Hey Dean. I'm pretty busy these days, but from the tone of your message I can see that you are in a bad place and I will be happy to listen to you. That's what Friends Are For.''

When I rewind the film, due to my maniac attitude towards work, I managed to maintain a relationship with only two friends. Freya and Dean. I wasn't ready to lose that either.

"If you're in favor, I'd like to call Freya too. Isn't that a problem? "

''Of course its not. See you tonight  at "Chez Piere" at 8pm? "

''See you.''

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