Chapter _3_

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Noah's POV:

I didn't sleep well last night. My thoughts wandered to today's meeting.

"This thing must be completed quickly, easily and without problems. Yes."

This is a step that will further strengthen my position as the king of the underworld and once again prove my undeniable power. When my business finally has the legal support of the top government officials, no fucking second-rate mobster will even have a chance to try to take over what is mine. Because I will have all the business spheres in this country in my hands. This will drive even more fear into the bones of my enemies and so-called friends and show my undeniable rule.

I ran my fingers through my hair and headed for the gym i made in one of my rooms.

"I precisely have time for one stress free workout."

I did a series of push and sit ups, and ended up with pull ups.

I went to the bathroom and saw in the mirror how every muscle was tense- unlike me, who felt relieved and free. Yes, it can be said that I have a body that every woman craves. You can see it in their eyes, even when I'm dressed, they are undressing me in their minds. There is lust in their eyes and a plea to satisfy all their fantasies.

After a relaxing bath, I put on my navy blue fitted suit, brown belt and shoes in the same color. I ruffled my hair, if I may say so, in a neat and sexy style.

"Let's do this shitheads"

I stepped into my emerald green Bentley Barnato, and the brown leather interior hugged me like a bottle of good whiskey. On the way, Liam, my right hand man, called me.

"Whats up Liam?" I told him, looking for a chance to overtake the convoy of cars that blocked my way.

"Good morning to you too. I'm calling to tell you everything is ready. As for the legal team, Johnson informed me that today we will resolve the issue of dismissal of the directors and some other legal papers, and that tomorrow we will legally, supported by papers, unite. You understand?"

"I was hoping we could work it out today." I said, there was a sense of condemnation in my tone.

"Old Colt said that,  the incorporation of businesses," Liam said slowly and with special emphasis on the word business,

"can only be done after the directors are replaced and the paperwork around them is completed, according to his senior associate Walker."

Tension flowed in the conversation, because we both know that this must be completed as soon as possible.

"There always has to be some asshole "Walker" to procrastinate."I said a little annoyed and hung up.

I whizzed between cars on the fast streets of New York like a pro.When I arrived in front of the building, I parked my Bentley in a private law firm garage. On the way to the elevator, I met some more board members and together we headed to the conference room. The atmosphere we were in was such that I felt like thunder among the black clouds, tearing them to the dust of heaven. I saw fear in their eyes and a plea, plea for mercy.

At the front desk, we were greeted by a slender black-haired receptionist, who was pulled up in a tight black skirt and a white business shirt with Harper nametag pinned on it. When she saw me, she licked her lips seductively, swallowed a lump in her throat and said in a trembling voice

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. Follow me this way. They are expecting you. "Looking only at me while adressing to everybody.

At her words I was totally cold-blooded, showing not a gram of sympathy. Every day women came to me, eager for my attention. They were only used for fun and relaxation. But none of them had the character I was looking for. Fuck, I wanted a strong woman. Which can stimulate all my senses, including my mind. To intrigue me. I think it would be too much to add- and match up to me. Because, let's be honest, it's impossible, nobody can match up to me.

First I flipped my eyes around a group of people entering the meeting room and concluded that everyone had come. Good, because I don't want it to hamper my plan. Eventually I got in too.

As the crowd in front of me cleared, I saw a curved silhouette of the woman in front of me, leaning against the coffee table. She looked me straight in the eyes as she muttered something to herself in her chin. The way her full lips moved made me want to keep looking at her.

There is something in the way two people look at each other, that is more sexy and deeper than just physical contact. Let's call it some dirty mind tickling. It tickles your imagination and mind, and leaves room to wonder what you would do to each other.

I pushed these thoughts away and rudely cut off eye contact. I came for one thing. Absolute dominance and that is what I have to concentrate on.

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