Chapter _32_

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Noah's POV:

The burgundy fluttering dress played tango around her bare knees, twisting the edges and caressing the silky skin of her legs. A light breeze rippled through her hair and hid her bright smile to some extent. She ran her hand through the frantic strands of hair, her eyes shining under the dark sky.

I got out of the car and stood next to her before she had a chance to get closer to the door. When she noticed that I had already formed next to her, she miraculously leaned her back against the car, looking me in the eyes. Open. Gently.

I approached her slowly and her back clung even more to the metal armor of the car. A playful smile lit up her face. I approached her even more slowly.

The anticipation seemed to disintegrate her body. It was as if I could see it parting in front of my proximity.

I stood in front of her, our bodies touching lightly. I tilted my head as I gently removed the hair from her neck with my right hand.

''You're beautiful.''

I whispered in her ear and felt her tremble under the heat of my breath. I continued to run my hand down her neck and hand until I reached her hips. She closed her eyes.

I affected her.

I veered off course and opened the car door. That sound startled and she opened her eyes in vain as if expecting my hand to end up somewhere else.

Not on the doorknob. Definitely.

"Thank you, very gentlemanly of you."

She laughed a little embarrassed and a little disappointed, it seemed to me.

"Anyway, will you tell me now where we're headed?"

"Patience,babe. Patience."

The drive to the Hayden Planetarium was quiet but pleasant. We exchanged a couple of sentences, mostly what she was doing today. We constantly exchanged some smiles while driving. I felt happy. I really did.

When we stood in front of the beautiful building, she looked at me questioningly. It was not clear to her. We got out of the car holding hands. Our grip was a little unsteady and loose. I squeezed her tighter and she rewarded me with a wide smile.

"I can say that everything came to my mind, but I didn't even have this in option."

She turned to me with a smile and wrapped herself around my arm like a schoolgirl. My schoolgirl.

When we went inside, the guard took us to the planetarium. When he left us, there were only the two of us in the whole building.

It was pitch dark, no finger in front of our noses could be seen. She clung to me, her hands resting on my chest. Although I couldn't see her face, I know she was confused and just when she wanted to say something, I put my finger on her soft honey mouth.

"Three, two, one."

At that moment, the darkness above our heads was replaced by the glittering carpet of a swarm of small and large stars. A meteor shower could be seen in some parts. It was as if we were under a waterfall of shooting stars, bathed in the dust of the celestial stars.

Her warmth left my body as she spun around and absorbed the wonder that surrounded us. She covered her mouth with both hands in surprise. Then she turned to me.

''This is wonderful.''

I smiled at her and just pointed my head to the side. There on the floor was a blanket on the floor with a picnic basket.

I approached her, grabbed her hand, put it closer to my mouth, kissed her and took her to our place.

We sat down, she was watching the starry kingdom while I took champagne glasses and strawberries out of a wooden basket.

"I won't even ask you how you managed to close this place just for us. I think it would be superfluous to ask. "

She told me as she took the glass from my hand.

'' I have a friend who has a friend who has a friend. . . ''

We laughed holding our gazes.

"Why did you choose this place?"

"I wanted you to see how I feel every day when you're by my side."

I looked away from her lips, and looked up and continued.

"When I'm with you, it's like I'm covered in a blanket of stars. And universe, even though it's infinite, is becomimg too small for everything I want with you."

I turned to her and then she too looked away from the starry sky and looked at me. She took the strawberry and brought it closer to my lips. I swallowed it, as I swallowed my accumulated desires for her every day. I approached her slowly, she put her arms around my neck and our lips joined.

I gently lowered her body to the floor, kissing her gently and absorbing her every breath and every thread of hers. I never expected that some unknown thing like this could come out of my hardened heart. It was enchanting.

I moved away quite a bit and we soaked our eyes as if the Milky Way around us was getting tighter and tighter and merged us into one planet. We were one. In that moment. In this respect. Then.

She lay on my chest, I hugged her and we immersed ourselves in the beautiful sight above us.

I was her shell and she was my pearl. I protected her from the strong sea current and she represented the most precious thing in me.

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