Chapter _25_

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Kaylee's POV:

For the next few days, I spent most of my time in the study room or on the couch in the living room, analyzing the cases I was working on. I haven't seen Noah, unless we count "little night encounters" when we go to bed. He would leave before I woke up, and he would arrive very late in the evening.

Tonight, I went to bed earlier but the dream never came to my eyes. The silence and darkness in the room was broken by the faint sound of the door opening. Even though I had my back turned, I could feel him moving around the room. I pretended to sleep. Suddenly, my eyes were blinded by the light from the bathroom, which I was facing as I lay down.

I opened my eyes just a little, so that I could explore the light source without being caught.He left the door wide open, and through them, I could see  how the light was mixing with the thick cloud of steam coming from the direction where he was bathing.

Suddenly, my stomach tightened at the very thought of him surrounded by a cloud of steam and a jet of a million of drops splashing around him.

I sighed deeply, and like in an action movie, I waited for what would happen next. The sound of a shower jet was no longer heard, and there before my eyes,he appeared with  a towel hanging dangerously low on his hips. With his back turned, disheveled, wet hair and a god-given body. The muscles on his broad shoulders and mascular back, flexed in waves, as he rubbed his black, soaked hair with his hands, and drops of water fell around him humbly bowing to the sculpted beauty of his body.

When the towel fell to the floor, my breath stopped in my throat and it was as if it had sailed somewhere further south, conveying the emotional charge and lust that appeared in me at that moment. He started to get dressed and when I noticed that he was going to turn around and walk towards the bed, I closed my eyes tightly. I tried to calm my breathing, which was uneven and rapid, followed by a galloping heartbeat, but I desperately failed at it.

I felt the bed sink under the weight of his body and heard him let out a deep exhale, which seemed to tell me about his tension and worries.

I heard the bedding sheets rustle and assumed he was facing me.

Deafening silence cut through the darkness of our bedroom.

Out of nowhere, he gently stroked my hand with his palm, drawing only heart-visible routes. With a quick movement of his hand, he brought his hand back to himself and I could no longer see, hear or feel anything.

If I couldn't fell asleep by now, now it will be even more difficult to do it.

The morning came and the faint morning rays broke through the window, caressing my face and waking me from my trance. Like every morning, the morning team consisted of just me and the bed. I pulled on a silk robe and hurried downstairs, toward the kitchen to get my morning dose of coffee.

I couldn't believe my dreamy eyes when I saw Noah in the kitchen.

The nostalgic smell of homemade food spread through the room and the smell of his perfume made me float to the island and sit on one of the high chairs.

I sat down and looked at him wordlessly. He probably felt my gaze on him and turned around with something on his face that looked like a small, innocent smile.

In front of me he put a plate with pancakes, strawberries and bananas and a chocolate topping on top. As I glanced at the plate, he managed to put a pinch of fresh orange juice next to it.

The expression on my face probably looked like some kind of perverted sculpture, since I didn't expect any of this.

Hey, I didn't even expect to find him in the house!

Our staring contest and silence lasted a few moments. Then he spoke, pouring me coffee in the mug in front of me.

"The annual celebration of the most successful CEOs of the city of New York will be held tonight. I would recommend you to go to the city and buy a dress that you think is worthy of such an event. I don't think I need to stress that we should look like a happy, newlywed couple. "

I took a sip of my coffee and nodded.

"You shouldnt doubt that. And you saw for yourself how well I can act. "

He just shot me a deady look, turned around and walked towards the door.

'' By the way, thanks for the breakfast and coffee. I really appreciate that. "

He paused for a moment, not turning to me. Then he opened the door and disappeared.

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