Chapter _38_

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Noah's POV:

I waited in a dark room as memories of this evening floded me.

Our quarrel in the cafe that ended with the beating of that bastard. How could Kaylee be so blind. Not to see he sees only interest in her. I was not angry with her, I saw innocent and pure feelings in her eyes. As always, she fought for herself and for what she thought was right. I trusted her, but I didn't trust others.

After I got out of the cafe, I ordered Liam to put her "friend" under surveillance. I came home and waited for him to come back.

I honestly wasn't even sure if she was going to come home. I was tense and nervous. I, who do not blink when someone needs a life to be taken away. I was afraid that one gentle being would not leave my chained soul and thus take with it every hope that my life has meaning.

When I saw her enter through the door, although she was captivated by the combat and furious energy, peace reigned in me. She came. She's back. I mean to her.

After her painful words, she expressed a wish, not a wish but a command, that she wanted to tget away for a while and think about everything.

I let her go. Strange but, if I had kept her there I would have just kept her away from me. And I didn't want that.  Although it hurt to let her go, I had to.

They say, Let go of the people who are leaving your life, don't pull them by the sleeve! ... If you have left any trace of beautiful feelings in them they will surely come back

With the sight of her back and the loud footsteps going away, I threw myself into the sofa. It never happened to me, but a bitter tear slid down my face.

After a while and with darkness in my soul and my thoughts, a frightened Liam burst forth before me.

"Get up boss, Kaylee is in trouble."

I looked at him murderously, jumped off the sofa and grabbed his collar.

''Talk! Talk when I tell you "

At that moment, I realized that he was not guilty of anything and that he could only help me. I let him go and took a deep breath.

'' The man you tasked me with following went to Kaylee's building. According to his data and the list of all real estate, places where he used cards and the like, that location was not in his interest at all. "

He sat on the couch and continued

"At first I thought he had forgotten that she was married and didn't live there anymore, so he came to beg her, talk to her or see if she was okay. But. . . it was weird to me that he was constantly moving as if to check if anyone was following him, he was with that little Harper from Kaylee's office And they were trying to get in the back entrance. Too many suspicious things that made me wonder. . . ''

I stood next to him, leaning against the wall and waiting to see what he would tell me next.

"After a while, Kaylee came too. I waited but no one came out. . . I looked through the windows of her apartment with binoculars and saw several people moving there. Impossible, isn't it, if she's alone in the apartment? I hacked the surveillance system of her building and when I wanted to see the snaps from her hallway, I couldn't find them, someone deleted them and turned off the cameras. "

"That son of a bitch, I should have killed him when I had the chance."

"Fortunately, our team and I combed through his documents and saw that two days ago he rented a cottage 50 km outside the city. I believe he intends to take her there and. . . ''

He looked down and didn't want to finish the sentence.-----

And so my recollections of that past hour ended. I was sitting in the dark, in an old cottage room deep in the woods. The stupid moron didn't even leave the guards to guard the cottage, making it even easier for us.

But why him? Was he jealous and wanted Kaylee just for himself? That's the question I'll find out answer to soon.

I was in a dark corner and the one entering the door could not notice me.

I heard the squeak of the tires And at that moment Liam contacted me via a wireless headset.

'' Noah, they've arrived. Harper, Dean And another bodyguard. He will guard the front of the cottage and I will take care of him. They open the trunk and take Kaylee out of a large cardboard box. She seems to be unconscious. He'll be inside in about 30 seconds. Be ready.''

''Of course.''

The thought of being drugged and placed in a huge cardboard box in transport made me squeeze my sake and a thirst for blood flared up inside me.

The door opened and Dean carried Kaylee over his shoulder. When I was sure she was safe and that he had landed her on the couch, I stepped out of the shadows.

"We meet again."

He wasn't much surprised when he heard me.

"I was expecting you."

Harper looked at him strangely

"Dean, what's this supposed to mean, this is not part of the plan?"

He turned to her

"I think your job is done here."

With one movement of his hand, he twisted her neck and fell to the ground with a loud sound.

'' You may be wondering who I am and why I'm doing this. I'm probably known to you as El Diabolo. "

I quickly went through my memory and remembered that they mentioned that name to me when they caught a girl who made a problem and stole receipts from the Cruz brothers. That woman told them to tell me that no matter how they stopped her, El Diabolo would come to me. I didn't consider it significant. I later learned that this mysterious El Diabolo was a man within the state apparatus and in connection with Congress. I could not get any other information. He hid his skirt. Until now.

Now everything is clear to me.

"You took what rightfully belongs to me. I could have killed you right away, but I wouldn't have earned the trust of the ruling parties. I wanted to prove that I could execute you personally. "

"That's where you were wrong. By touching my wife, you attributed the death sentence to yourself. "

At the same time, we pulled our weapons against each other. We looked into each other's eyes. It is a matter of life or death.

Suddenly there was a gunshot, probably Liam had killed his guard.

I took that as a sign of distraction and shot him in the heart.

He just laughed and nodded. The fucking moron was wearing body armor.

I should have shot him in the head. At the moment of thinking, I got too carried away And that gave him the advantage of pulling a gun on me. I didn't have enough time to pick up the gun and hit him first. He will not miss this, he will use the opportunity.

The moment he pulled the trigger, a loud bang was heard. Behind him stood a hungover Kaylee who hit him in the head with a tree that was next to the fireplace. It made him faint in seconds.

Bang. Blood.

He fell to the ground, this time I aimed at his head.

When I was sure he wasn't breathing, I ran to Kaylee, Liam came in the door.

She looked at me with a smile and fainted in my arms.

"Liame call our people to clean up this mess and I'm taking Kaylee home, call Dr. Chen to wait for us when we get there."

I said I would keep her and protect her from everything, but in fact she was the one who saved me.

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