Chapter _29_

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Kaylee's POV:

The whole day passed in a hurry and my head, full of confusing thoughts, was facing an explosion of atomic proportions. I was overthinking and that brought me to the edge.

"Spend eighty percent of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday."

I read one slogan on the billboard of a building as I was returning from the store where I bought a dress for tonight.

'' Yes, that would be true. But my problem from yesterday awaits me today, and tomorrow. . . Until the rest of my life ''

I came home and it was empty. I tossed the keys on the table by the entrance. Only the sound of my disappointment echoed through the hallways. I went to the room and pulled out the dress I had bought from the bag.

It was a black, midi, powerful one shoulder dress. One sleeve was long and the shoulder part had sharp, futuristic lines. Asymmetrical V shape neckline.

After tying my hair in a low ponytail and letting the two front strands fall to my face, I put on burgundy lipstick.

I have to admit I looked a bit mystical, dark and powerful.

You know what they say- if you can't be the poet be the poem.

When I came out of the closet, my ‚‚ruler from the shadow‚‚ put on the jacket of his suit.

Well, the lyrics of his song are extremely deadly.

When he felt my presence, he raised his head. He opened his mouth slightly, but then seemed to come to his senses. He looked at me penetratingly, defiantly, and I felt as if he had dragged me into the dark underworld with him for a moment.

I cut eye contact and headed downstares, the clicking of my heels saying the final word instead of me.

I settled into the SUV, the door opened and Noah occupied the entire spiritual field in the car with his appearance.

Damn you,  and your energy that electrifies the air around you.

The ride was extremely uncomfortable and quiet. When we arrived, we stood in front of a building that looked so old, as if it would collapse at any moment. I just couldn't understand why we were here. We entered a dark alley on the side and entered a side entrance.

The hallway was long and dim. At the end of the hall, we were greeted by two bodyguards, as wide as the passage we passed.

They just looked at Noah and nodded. They opened the door and it was as if we had sailed into another world, neverland.

The smoke in the room somewhat hid the luxurious interior. A river of people flowed through this huge space, and crystal chandeliers hung from high, church-like ceilings. How many secrets does this seemingly old building hide?

I wrapped my arm around his, to some extent the whole atmosphere that reigned here disturbed me. I didn't feel safe. But I didn't let it show on me.

We fidgeted through the room talking to various people, I mean mostly Noah was talking. By the time we came for our table, I had drunk a couple of glasses of champagne brought to me by the waiter.

Then Noah talked to a short, middle-aged man. I was bored listening to their conversation, so I looked around, drinking who knows what glass of. . .

What caught my eye was a face I knew well. The face of my boss. Colt. What is he doing here?I opened my lips in disbelief. He saw me and just raised his glass, made a toast to me and winked.

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