Chapter _23_

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Noah's POV:

It was almost midnight, and the SUV was cutting through the thick darkness on the road ahead of us. I tried to ignore her as much as I could while driving so I finished some work over the phone. But unsuccessfully. Just her presence around me aroused some warm and burning feelings. That's exactly what I was afraid of.

After our eyes met, the conversation developed like a blast. I longed to touch her, her porcelain skin which sang magical notes enchanting me to touch her. I fought the power of her purity and ferocity. She was wild and beautiful in her struggle to stay strong.

When the conversation about her job started, she somehow got a male name, Dean. I immediately remembered that guy from the club and my blood started to boil with jealousy. From the first encounter, I knew that this woman would be my end. She was different. She was strong. And now she's just mine. The only male name that will come out of her juicy lips in waves of pleasure and moaning is mine. Only mine.

That feeling blinded me so much that I had to take my dose of antidote. Her. The touch of her lips was the gravitational force that brought me back to earth.

I leaned into my corner and sank into the darkness that enveloped me like the finest silk.The car stopped in front of a house I bought just for us.

House of modern design, flat roof with huge glass portals that occupied a large part of the wall surface. It was surrounded by a high fence that protected it from the prying eyes of ordinary mortals.

I looked at Kaylee, whose eyes were round and wide open, soaking up the beauty of modern architecture.I opened the front door and turned to face her

"This is your home from today. You will tell me everything that you think that needs to be changed or adjusted to your needs. "

She nodded as she looked inside.

From the foyer we entered the open concept room. On the left side was the living room and in front of it was the kitchen with a huge island in the middle. Further left in the extension of this huge space was a huge balcony door that led to an outdoor pool that had refined canopies under which were seemingly comfortable beds with countless soft pillows.

Turning, to the right were the stairs leading to the bedrooms. There were more study rooms and a gym in the house.

I took off my jacket and tossed it over the furniture as my back leaned against it while standing. She looked at me and asked me a little uncertainly.

"Where's the bedroom?"

''I will show you.''

I walked past her and began to climb the stairs, feeling her steps behind me. When I reached the master bedroom door, I grabbed the handle and turned my head looking her straight in the eyes. 

In her eyes I could read the fear that just flashed and disappeared quickly, the determination and. . . something that seemed like lust. I opened the door and in front of us there was a view of an elegantly furnished room that exudes comfort and intimacy. A huge bed in the middle while at the bottom of the room was a closet. To the left was a bathroom that was connected to the room.

"So that's where the magic happens. . . "

I told her, wanted to tease her a little.

"Of course, in that sense I mean much needed rest and sleep from a hard day."

I smirked, arching my brows, wanting to do her cardio before bed.

"Of course, I didn't think of anything else, since that's out of the question."

"Our housekeeper has already put your things in the closet, so you're free to make yourself comfortable."

She just nodded and went to the closet, took her things and headed for the bathroom.

The sound of the shower and the very thought of a jet of hot water pouring down her sinless body tormented me on so many levels.

I sat on the bed and stuck my head in my palms, running my fingers through my already disheveled hair. Just as I began to unbutton my white shirt, as if woven from a dream, Kaylee appeared in front of me.

She wore a black silk nightgown that hung down to the middle of her thighs showing off her long and tanned legs.

Suddenly she sat down on my lap and unbuttoned the remaining buttons deftly and slowly, torturing me, at no point did she break eye contact.

When she unbuttoned the last one, she pulled the shirt off my shoulders with her fingertips, opening the living wounds where her touch had passed and  threw it behind her. Enraptured by the moment, she drew contours with her hands in places where my chest and arms revealed tattoos and pushed me hard so that my back landed on the soft bed below me. She leaned slowly toward me, her wet hair falling from her silky shoulders and drops of lukewarm water moisten my face like morning dew.

She touched my lips gently with hers, almost imperceptibly.

"Just because we'll sleep in the same bed doesn't mean anything will ever happen between us. Don't come up with any ideas, because. . . ''

She drew gentle kisses on my cheek and along my neck with her lips, until she reached my ears and whispered softly and seductively

''. . . just because I put signature on the paper doesn't mean I'm going to put my signature on your body. "

Moving away from me, she went to the bathroom and left me with my own thoughts.

"Only if you knew you had already left your signature on me. . . ''

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