Chapter _15_

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Kaylee's POV:

Knock Knock!

I was sorting through the papers on the table when there was a knock on the door. The thought went through my head that it might be Noah, but I casually pushed the thought away. I mean, why of all the people would he head to my office?! It is certainly Harper with the documentation that must be completed today.

'' Come in. ''

I said without looking back at the door. My voice was strong, but the emotion it carried screamed with uncertainty. I heard the sound of the door closing, but somehow that sound was quite muffled and slow to unfold. That moment carried some kind of dramatic connotation. I don't know if I started to lose my mind, or my mind just got the role of producer of some third-rate romantic movie.

I didn't turn around. Honestly, I didn't dare. I was afraid of my desires. Is what I want to see exactly what I subconsciously want? But also what I'm afraid of.

"Good afternoon, Miss Walker."

The vibration of his deep voice sent a chill that streamed from my neck and then down my back. My stomach clenched and I felt like I had received a blow from some first-league rugby player.But my voice was a bearer of strength, determination, steadfastness. Ironically, isn't it?

'' Good afternoon, Mr. Carter. What do I owe this visit to? "

I was still with my back to him, but I could feel the heat and the rush of adrenaline when I felt him approaching me. His proximity caused the eruption of all volcanoes deep inside me. What is this man doing to me?

Without warning, his hot breath slapped my neck as he slowly brushed my hair with his fingertips to the side and tossed it gently over my left shoulder. Hairs on the back of my neck rose like soldiers that stood up to greet their general. Horror had already gripped my entire body, which was on the verge of total collapse. Holding a pile of paper in my hands, I squeezed my fistas if preparing for the most important boxing match. What I was feeling at that moment flooded my whole body and I was not prepared for it. It was as if the logical side of me left the room as soon as he entered it. Incredibly. This doesn't look like me at all. I really mean- at all!

"I was thinking of something."

He said slowly, torturing me, his lips slowly touching my ear. Oh God!

"Okay, we figured you were thinking after all."

I said coldly and a little sarcastically, skillfully concealing the insecurity and my potential crash lurking behind my own words.

'' Oh yes, I'm thinking. And lately, the subject of my thoughts has been you. "

He laughed wickedly, approaching me dangerously. With his hands he slowly drew a non-existent trajectory along my back, moving from my shoulders to my hips. Then he grabbed my hips dominantly but it felt like some oriental massage to my senses.

"What you obviously didn't realize was how much I wanted you."

A kiss on the neck.

''From. Our. First. Encounter. "

A kiss on the neck even lower and juicier.

It's over, I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. This is definitely my end. The end of a life I have known so far. The truth is the following. If I really wanted to, I could probably resist my primary needs and instinct. What scared me was that despite everything I knew about this man and how much I was against everything he represented - I wanted him.

As a lawyer, I was great with the words - introductory, closing, defense, prosecution. But at this point, the words were exactly what I didn't have. Or I was too scared that what I was going to say was to kill every moral and principled Kaylee in me. The words were what I didn't want to say. So in a sign of quiet approval, I tilted my neck slightly to the side, giving him full access.

Although I couldn't see, I felt that irritating smirk on his face. Did I surrender too early, should I have surrendered at all?

His strong hands left my hips and slowly slid down my arms and his fingers intertwined with mine. From the intensity of our interaction, I tilted my head toward the table as strands of my hair surrounded my face.

He turned me around quickly and abruptly, so we met face to face in a second. From the force of the turn as well as from all the emotions that flooded my body, I moaned.

From that sound his eyes got wider, and again that irritating smirk distorted his face. I could read intentionsthat he had for me in his eyes.

He pressed his hands to the bottom of my back and pulled me hard against him. I felt his mint and warm breath play around my facial features and slowly closed my eyes.

The darkness was so close to me and ready to swallow me completely.

The warmth of his body and his lips took me to another dimension. A place neither on earth nor in heaven.

The kiss was intense and raw. The call of the rainforest could be heard through the flow of our bodies.

I relaxed and my hands roamed through the black strands of his smooth and styled hair. He expertly lit fires on my body with his fingers.

Suddenly he abruptly stopped this sweet torture and took a step back. We were both out of breath. More me than him. He straightened his suit and fixed the disheveled strands of hair with his hands.

He looked me seductively and primal desire was seen in his eyes.

''Until we met again. Miss Walker. "

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