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A/N: hi if you're here from Colby's video, just know that what he read wasn't my book. So if that's what you're expecting...it's not what this is.

"Violet! Wake up!" Daisy exclaimed causing me to bolt up, trying to catch my breath. "What?!" I exclaimed, feeling the annoyance bubble up.

"Sam and Colby posted. They said there's a HUGE announcement at the end of the video, come on. Get UP!" She exclaimed and tried to pull me out of bed.

"It seriously can't wait? I worked until 6am....I need my beauty sleep." I groaned as she pulled me up. "You've been sleeping all day Vi. It's literally 5pm." She said as I looked at the clock.

"Well shit." I said and rubbed my eyes as she turned her computer on.

Daisy and I have been best friends since I was little. We were in the same dance class in kindergarten and have been inseparable since.

Junior year of high school I ended up moving in with her and her mom, because both of my parents died in a car accident.

Losing both of my parent so tragically changed my life. I was locked away for a while, dealing with the trauma as best as I could. I was lucky I had Daisy and her mom though, they were family to me at this point.

When I got out of the mental hospital I had a new perspective on life.

Life was precious, it was a gift that was given to you. It could be taken at any moment though,so you needed to live each moment like it was the last.

I knew my mom and dad were proud of me, I could feel it.

As soon as Daisy and I turned 21 we moved to Colorado. It was always a dream of mine to live here, but it was extremely expensive. I had to work really hard, working 6 days a week, 14 hours a day usually.

"Dais, it's my one day off...please just let me sleep." I begged as the tiredness hit me like a ton of bricks. "But......I want to spend time with you..plus not knowing what this announcement is has been KILLING me." She groaned dramatically and threw her head back into my pillows.

"Fine! I'm the sure the announcement isn't going anywhere in the next couple hours but I'll humor you. Start the video." I said and gestured to the computer.

Don't get me wrong, I love Sam and Colby and I love paranormal things but Daisy was a new level of obsessed.

She had fan accounts which she would update every day, she was signed up for their texting program, and had almost every piece of merch known to man.

I thought it was sweet that they brought her so much comfort. Daisy's been through a lot, most of her trauma coming from her deadbeat dad that she and her mom had to escape from when she was a kid.

It took a long time for her to be comfortable around men, so the fact she was obsessing over these two dudes was a huge step for her. I was forever proud of my best friend for that.

"Let me get snacks!" Daisy squealed then ran out of the room. I chuckled then checked my phone, leaning back into the pillows and getting comfortable.

I groaned when I saw one of my coworkers, Jarrod, had texted me.

J: Hey V. Are you working tonight?

V: No. why?

J: I want to take you out.

V: Flattered. I'm hanging out with Daisy though, sorry.

J: One day, I'll be able to take you on a date. Mark my words 😉

V: Lol you can keep trying to at least.

I rolled my eyes, then put the phone down, grabbing my fluffy pillow and holding it tightly. Jarrod was a good friend, but he was also a huge flirt. I knew he liked me but the feelings weren't mutual and he knew that.

He was a nice guy and was honestly pretty attractive, but I never wanted to date someone I work with. That would be weird.

"Okay! I have sour patch kids, popcorn, and two bang energy drinks. Pick your poison." Daisy said and held up two of the drinks, "I'll take the skittle one." I said as she nodded and tossed it to me.

"Ready to get our spook on?" Daisy asked as she plopped down next to me and took a bite of popcorn. "Where are they in this video?" I asked and reached over to take a bite of popcorn.

"Some place in Texas. I heard it's really scary." Daisy said, keeping her eyes trained on the video. "Which one do you think is cuter?" She asked randomly as soon as their faces were on the screen.

"Oh! Uh...I guess Sam is pretty cute." I said with a laugh. I didn't really have a preference on which was cuter, but I knew Daisy was actually in love with Colby.

"Pretty cute? He's so attractive! Both of them are, I can't believe Colby is still single, I mean look at him!" She said then pointed to the screen.

Colby has gotten pretty built since Daisy introduced me to them. He had dark brown hair with purple streaks in it and these ocean blue eyes that could melt any girls heart. He really was attractive, but definitely wasn't worth swooning over.

Sam had dyed his hair a dark brown but it kept fading against his naturally blonde hair. He, like Colby, had these big blue eyes that would shine in the light of the camera.

I really liked their dynamic, Sam was the sun to Colby's moon and vice versa. They just worked.

It reminded me of Daisy and I.

I had long raven black hair, with a blue tint to it and big brown eyes with enough freckles to cover my cheeks. Whereas Daisy had short bleach blonde hair with blue eyes, her favorite color was yellow and she always had a big smile on her face.

She was the sunshine to my cloudy days.

"I wonder what it would be like to be able to just hang out with the guys. Do you ever think about that?" Daisy asked as I shook my head, "can't say that I have." I said with a laugh and took a sip of my energy drink.

I did however think about possibly ghost hunting one day. I was always interested in doing something like that, but it intensified when my parents died.

I wanted to be able to communicate with them in some way.

I wanted them to tell me they were okay.

I knew in my heart though that it would never happen. They were gone and I just had to deal with it. I don't think I would ever get the closure I needed, but that's okay. Sometimes people leave with no warning, it's just how it is.

We watched the whole video, which was actually pretty good. They ran away when things got intense but that's something they apparently always did. I would say it's annoying, but I really can't blame them. That shit would be so scary.

"Okay here's the announcement!" Daisy squealed as she sat up and closer to the screen.

"What's up guys! We have HUUUGE announcement." Sam exclaimed with a wide grin as Colby looked at him with a big smirk, causing his dimples to pop out. "Yeah, we love ghost hunting and exploring BUT we also love you guys." Colby said and looked at the camera.

"We want one of you to bring a friend and come explore WITH us." Sam said as Colby nodded, "yeah! All you have to do is click the link in the description and subscribe, then you'll be entered into the random raffle." Colby explained as Daisy gasped next to me.

"Vi! We have to do this!" She said and bounced up and down on the bed. "I can't afford that, Dais..I'm sorry." I said as she shook her head, "look! It says it's all inclusive, so the guys will pay for one person and a friend to fly out and stay in a hotel. We would just have to pay for food." Daisy said as she pointed to the screen.

"I don't know, Dais..." I said with a sigh as she pouted. "Come on, Vi. The chances of us winning are small but they're even smaller if you don't enter too! Pleeeeeease?" She begged as I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. But if we win, you're paying for my food." I said as she squealed and hugged me, "thank you thank you thank you!!!" She yelled as I laughed.

I guess we were entering the contest.

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