The Red Wolf's Mate*

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****Thank you for taking the time to begin my story. I hope you enjoy and continue. I do not own the rights to this picture.****


Flashback: Wyatt (child)

Whiskey........that is all I smell right now! I've come to recognise it well since moving in with my grandma. I hate, no despise, the smell to the point I feel like gagging but have learned to push it aside. She has changed since that night but she is all I have left. 

"Grandma, I want to stay with you. Please, please! I don't want to go" I urgently plead with her while desperately gripping onto her shirt sleeve to the point my knuckles are white. I'm holding on for dear life now and crying, sobbing actually, with warm tears streaming down my cheeks. Yes, a boy crying  but I don't care. My parents are gone and I've been staying with her since the accident. But....but now she wants to send me away!!!! 

"You will go. I can't have you here anymore you little ass. I just can't look at you anymore. Not after what you did to my baby boy. I just want you out!! You killed them you worthless piece of shit!!" she bends over and screams directly in my face so loudly that my ears are now ringing and I flinch backward. The alcohol on her breath is so thick it makes me want to throw-up!!! She is inches away from my face, her eyes are bloodshot, breathe reeking of whiskey!! 

It was an accident!! An accident!! I didn't mean for it to happen!! 

I'm scared, so scared. I want my parents but I'll never see them again!! Grandma is all I have left, all I know!! And..and....she...she hates me and is sending me away to people I don't know! 

Why? Why Grandma?! You're suppose to love me. Take care of me. I need you!! I'm still your grandson, your family!!

"I don't give a rat's ass what you want boy. I will not take care of such a piece of shit like you anymore. Now, lets go finish throwing your shit into these garbage bags. You're lucky I'm even letting you put your shit in garbage bags. I should just throw it all out on the lawn and be done with you. But I'm feeling nice today. Let go of me and hurry up damn it!! They will be here soon for your sorry ass" she all but calmly snarls me, her breathe hitting me full force  while prying my fingers away from her shirt so hard that it hurts!! 

"I'll do better! I promi...

I never get to finish my sentence because she suddenly rips my hand away from her skirt, stands to her full height, and slaps me so hard across the face I slam into a dresser, hitting my head hard!!! Her eyes hold nothing but hate!!! 

She hit me!! She really hit me!! She has never hit me before!!

This is not my grandma!! This is not the grandma I know!!

"Don't you get it you dumb little shit. I hate you! I don't want you here and I don't ever want to see you after you leave my house!!! Get up, get your shit, go wait outside in  the drive-way, and I never want to see or hear from you ever again!!" she screams at me while harshly yanking me up by my arm, shoving me hard toward the floor where I land on my half full garbage bag, and stomping out of the room!!

I hear her slam a door so hard that I think she broke something!! 

I slowly crawl off the bag and try to focus on getting my stuff, knowing that if I forget something I will never see it again.  

Mom. Dad......I'm so sorry and I miss you so much.......I say while crying and packing.


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