This Isn't Like You!

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Pairing: Damon x reader

Genre: Angst, Fluff

Characters: Damon, Y/N, Elena (mentioned), Klaus (mentioned)

Description: Damon really hasn't been acting himself lately and Y/N tries to comfort him. This doesn't go to plan as Damon becomes angry and scares her. Will they ever be able to reconcile their relationship?

Damon really has not been acting himself recently. He's been drinking more than he usually does, he's been more angry than he usually is and he's been avoiding any type of conversation with you. You were beginning to worry about him and decided, one last time, to try and talk to him about what was going on.

You walked down the staircase in the Salvatore house and walked into the kitchen where you knew you would find Damon. And there he was, sitting at the table, drinking a glass of bourbon at 10 o'clock in the morning. You walked over and sat opposite Damon at the table and placed your hand on his.

"Hey, baby, how you feeling?" You looked at him with comforting eyes and a slight smile on your face, trying to coax him into telling you what was wrong. "M'fine" He was staring into his glass, swirling it around with his other hand. Pressing the issue further, you grasped Damon's hand tighter and pulled his arm towards you, making him look up from his glass with a confused look on his face. "Are you sure? You really haven't been acting yourself lately." Clearly getting annoyed with your questions, Damon ripped his hand away from yours and got up from the table. He walked to the sink, emptied the glass and walked to the library.

Taken aback by Damon's actions, you knew you were getting somewhere and decided to follow Damon. "C'mon, D! Please tell me, I can help" Looking around the library, you found him slumped in the chair, head in his hands. "You can't help me." If you weren't so close to him, you probably wouldn't have heard what he said. Sitting down on the arm of the chair, you placed a comforting hand on Damon's back and began to rub circles. "I'm sure there's some way I can help. You can tell me anything, baby."

All of a sudden, Damon began to shake with anger. He jumped up and leaned into your face. "YOU CAN'T HELP ME! THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO! NOW JUST GO AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" With tears in your eyes, you ran out of the room and back up the staircase to pack your bags.

Damon knew at that moment that he had scared you and immediately regretted the way he acted. He was just so worried about you and didn't really know how to channel his emotions properly. Damon sighed with his head in his hands; knowing that he's screwed everything up with you, knowing that he's drove away the best thing that has ever happened to him. He heard your footsteps coming down the staircase and immediately jumped up.

You couldn't believe how Damon was treating you. After his outburst, you had become a little scared of him. You never thought that Damon would speak to you the way that he did. You were always the one he showed his softer side to. As you packed your things, tears ran down your face as you reminisced about the good times you had together. When you had finished, you zipped the bag up and walked quietly out of the room, not wanting Damon to know you were finished. You tried to tiptoe down the stairs but you knew that Damon would hear you. Your thoughts were confirmed when he emerged from the doorway of the library.

"I'm so so sorry, baby. I don't know what came over me. I never meant to shout at you like that. Please forgive me." Damon walked towards you and you flinched, immediately regretting your actions. Damon's face fell as he realised just how much he had broke you. "I'm sorry, D. But I need to leave for a couple of days. I need to figure out what to do about our relationship. I can't hang around just to be treated like a punching bag for you, it's not right. I'll be at Elena's. Please don't try to call me, I won't pick up." And with that, you walked out of the door and into your car.

It had been a few days since you last seen Damon. Even though you did tell him not to call you, you were half-expecting, or half-hoping, that he would ignore your request and call you anyway. You had talked through the whole thing with Elena and, even though she didn't agree with his actions, she thought that you should go and see him and try to talk things through. After all, he had never acted like this before and deserved a second chance.

Plucking up the courage, you gathered your things together and drove over to the Salvatore house. Letting out a puff of nervous breath, you knocked on the door and anxiously waited for Damon to answer. When the door opened, you really didn't expect the sight you seen before you.

His hair was dishevelled, his breath smelt like bourbon and he looked like he hadn't shaved since you left. Damon's eyes widened, clearly surprised to see you. "Hey, D. Can I come in?" He nodded in response and opened the door wider so you could step through. Damon lead you into the sitting room and sat down, leaning over to grab more bourbon. You reached over and grabbed his hand. "I really don't think you need anymore." He looked up into your eyes and all he could see was hurt. Damon hung his head low but kept his hand in yours.

"Hey, D. Look at me. I really need to talk to you about what happened." Slowly, Damon lifted his head and hesitantly looked into your eyes. "I really need to know what's going on with you. You can't push people away like you did with me, it's not healthy. Please, talk to me."

Damon opened and closed his mouth, unsure of whether to tell you. He was scared that it would make him look weak, that you would see him in a completely different light. He couldn't bare it if he completely lost you, you were his world and he wasn't ready to give it up.

"Ever since Klaus took Elena, I've been so worried that he would try and come after you. I've been trying to think of ways that would hide you from him, that would protect you. I couldn't bare if something happened to you, you're my rock, my anchor. I'm so sorry about the way I acted and treated you, you really didn't deserve it. I was so frustrated about not being able to find something that I took it out on you. You were only trying to help and I love you so much for doing so. I understand if you don't want to be with me, I just need to know that you'll stay in my life." Damon took a deep breath, feeling a lot lighter now that he had told you everything.

You looked at him with tears in your eyes. You were completely shocked. You never expected Damon to feel that way. He was always the tough brother, never the one to worry. "I'm speechless, Damon. I really didn't think that you'd feel that way, you never show it. I will always try to help you, no matter what. And as for not being with you, I couldn't imagine myself with anybody but you. You're my world. Just please, don't scare me like that again." Damon's face lit up and he grabbed you in for a hug, clearly happy that you weren't going to leave him.

You and Damon spent the rest of the day talking through different ways they could take down Klaus, once and for all, obviously without you getting into harms way.

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