Chapter One: Meeting

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Laughter and voices echoed down the hall. The music being played in the room drowned the sounds out as the next song came on. Fingers tapped on a keyboard in beat with the song, a gentle voice humming along with the words. 

"Y/n-sensei, what is this song?" A voice asked. A woman sat at a table in front of a microscope, pushing her hair away from her face. 

"It's called 'Tainted Love' by Soft Cell," You replied, a smile creeping on your face as you remembered who made you listen to this. "It's American 80's rock."

"I didn't know that," The other woman said.

"A friend recommended it to me," You said, clicking a pen as you scribbled some information down a sticky-note. "And your hair should be tied back when you are in my lab, Kagome. I don't want to have to treat you like a middle school student learning safety in science lab."

"Ah, s-sorry, Y/n-sensei," The woman apologized, hurriedly tying her long hair back.

"Don't let it happen again," You said, turning to face her. "Your hair could accidently mix in with the samples we already have, and even though we run our DNA samples anyways, it's still a hassle to deal with."

"I-I know, it won't happen again." She said. 

"I don't mean to sound like a jerk," You sighed, the circle frames on your face rising as you rubbed your eyes. "I know you're still learning."

"It's alright," She said, standing up as she closed a petri dish. "I understand that you must get a lot of things like this happening. You have another assistant, isn't that right?"

"Did," You corrected, a sigh escaping your lips. "He bailed on me a while ago. I haven't heard anything from him in months."

"Oh," Kagome said, placing the perti dish in it's respectful place. "So I'm the only one working under you?"

"At the time being, yes." You said, tilting your head to look at the calendar. "But after the seminar, I'll assume there'll be more people coming to apply here."

"Well, that's understandable. That's how I applied," She chirped. "I was amazed by your achievements in Forensics, and when I saw you were taking applications for an assistant, I knew I had to apply."

"Don't say it like that," You laughed. "You make it sound like I'm famous."

"You are!" Kagome said, eyes sparkling as she looked at you. "Everyone in this town knows who you are! You've solved hundreds of cases that left everyone stumped! L-like the Kiroshi case! No one could figure it out, but as soon as you looked at the fingerprints and DNA samples, you had the murderer behind bars in a few hours!"

"That's just good forensic skills," You replied, glancing at her. "Which you should be able to have by the end of this semester. Speaking of school, don't you have a lecture in twenty minutes? Get washed up and head to your campus."

"Y-yes ma'am!" 

You shook your head at the nineteen-year-old girl, chuckling softly. You turned back to your computer, picking the phone as it began bringing loudly. You paused the music and pressed the phone to your ear, holding it with your shoulder as you typed on your computer.

"L/n," You said. 

"Hi L/n-san," The voice of the reciptionist made you smile a little. 

"Hello Nitiro-San," You said. "What do I owe the pleasure?"

"Well, I've got two handsome young men in front of me, requesting to come see you in your lab." The old woman said, emphasing the word 'handsome'. 

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