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I'm sorry. I've wanted to do this for so long but I never had the mental strength to bring myself to do it. So here.

The sun beamed down on you, making you shed the white coat you'd taken from Kakyoin's closet and place it on the back of the metal chair you sat in. You crossed one of your legs over the other as you looked around. The city of New York was bustling at this hour, people rushing around for the thirty minutes they had for lunch. The ravenette beside you glanced at you in the corner of his ocean eyes, frowning at the solemn look on your face.

For the past few days, you'd been restless. You would lay in bed with him and Kakyoin, but he doesn't ever think you fell asleep. If you did, it was briefly and you'd wake up at the mere sound of the sheets rustling. It was concerning to both males. He wondered if it had to do with the newfound information on Dio Brando's son in Italy. He was afraid that it had triggered something from the past, but you didn't act as it did. Yesterday you had spent the day with Jolyne, taking her out to the mall and bonding with her. You had seemed happy the whole day, but once you got behind closed doors, you blankly stared at the wall as you seemed to contemplate something. Later that night, you asked Jotaro if you could go to New York. You hadn't told them why, just that you wanted to see Mr. Joestar. Kakyoin's agreed to stay back and babysit Jolyne and Josiah and urged Jotaro to go with you.

Without thinking, he reached out and brushed your hair away from your face. You flicked your gaze to him, smiling softly at his actions. Jotaro's rough hands pulled some of your hair back, brushing it from your bright e/c eyes. They had changed since you were kids. They used to be so energetic and full of hope. Now they seemed dim and calm. It was like the raging storms behind your eyes had calmed, and were peaceful.

"What's going on with you?" He asked quietly, removing his hand as a black car pulled up beside the table you sat at, outside of the small and quaint cafe. Soon, Mr. Joestar emerged and was guided into the chair across from you.

"My, look at you two," He chuckled, straightening his glasses as he smiled brightly. "I'm so thankful I can officially call you my granddaughter." He motioned to the ring resting on your finger. The diamonds glinted in the sunlight and the leaf-shaped emeralds reflected small green lights on the table. A smile graced over your lips, to which Jotaro was grateful to see.

"Is something wrong, Y/n?" He asked. "Something wrong with Jolyne or Josiah?"

"No, no, Jolyne and Josiah are fine," You said, looking down at your scarred palms. "Josiah actually made it a point that I had better tell you hello, and that you're his favorite, but don't tell Nana,"

Mr. Joestar laughed. "Do you have a picture?"

Jotaro pulled his wallet out and handed a picture to his grandfather. In the photo, you were sitting on a blue blanket in the park, wearing a white sundress. Jolyne was at your side, peering into your arms at the child you held. Her hair was braided neatly with a colorful flower crown placed on the top of her head, matching yours. An infant was in your arms, bright blue eyes staring back at the camera. Tuffs of red hair poked out from under the large hat on the top of his head. His tiny hands were reaching out towards the camera. Your eyes were shining brightly, happiness evident on your face.

"Mama, mama!" Jolyne yelled, running towards you. She bounced onto the blanket with you, holding a bundle of flowers in her hand. "Can you teach me how to make a flower crown?"

"Of course sweetie. Here, sit down and let me show you," You said, carefully showing her how to weave the flowers together until they formed a crown.

"Here!" Jolyne chirped, standing up and placing one on the top of your head. You giggled and kissed the top of her head affectionately.

"Why don't you make one for Dad and Papa?" You said. Jolyne nodded excitedly and started mixed flowers together.

"Dada!" The child in your arms yelled, extending his hands up to the redhead approaching you. Kakyoin smiled and plucked the boy from your arms and tossed him in the air.

"Nori!" You scolded.

"What?" He grinned, placing the giggling baby on his side as he knelt beside you. "It's fine. See? Still in one piece!" He held the baby up beside him, both of them smiling widely. Sometimes, you don't think your son looked like Jotaro at all. You were sure he was identical to Kakyoin. The only difference between them was their eye color. Josiah had bright blue eyes, with e/c flakes in them. He has the attitude of both males, and he favored Jotaro over everyone.

"Dad! Come here!" Jolyne said, jumping to her feet as Jotaro approached, placing the bag down.

"What is it?" He asked, dropping into a crouch in front of her. Jolyne reached up and removed Jotaro's hat, and replaced it with the flower crown. You burst into laughter at the look on Jotaro's face. He sighed and stood up.

"Dada!" Josiah said, wiggling from Kakyoin and reaching towards Jotaro. Jotaro smiled slightly and placed his hat on the top of your son's head.

"Wait, mama," Jolyne said, peering over your arm as Kakyoin stepped back and nudged Jotaro.

"Dada!" Josiah cried, reaching out as Kakyoin pulled a camera out and snapped a picture.

"He's gotten big," Mr. Joestar said, handing the photo back.

"He's almost two," Jotaro said.

Mr. Joestar turned back to you. "Y/n, is there something on your mind?"

You fiddled with your hands before looking up. "I...wanted to..tell you..something."

"Oh? What is it?" He asked, eyebrows raising in attention. He read the hesitant and grim look on your face, and his smile slowly faded.

"I've been thinking about this. For a long time--since Egypt actually. I've wanted to talk to you about it, but I've been scared to talk about it," You said. Jotaro frowned.


"I...when I was hurt, and I was in that coma..." Your lips softly curled up into a soft smile. "I wasn't alone."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Mr. Joestar asked curiously.

"Someone was there, guiding me through it all. He explained everything to me. He didn't leave my side, and he was so...caring. He told me who he was, and why he was there." You said. "He wanted me to tell you something, but I didn't know if I should. I've had years to think about it, and I've decided that you deserve to know who was there with me, doing one last favor for you."

"What are you...?" Jotaro trailed off as he watched his grandfather's eyes widen.

"You..mean.." You smiled and raised your head, e/c glinting in the sunlight.

"I think it's time to explain one last thing to you..."

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