Chapter Twenty-Four: Help her.

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Kakyoin turned his head to look at you worriedly. You were sitting on the bed, legs crossed under you, pillow in your lap, blanket over your shoulders as you watched some random TV show one of them turned on last night. Your eyes seemed sunken in, and you had this blank look on your face. Ever since last night, you hadn't fallen back asleep, nor had you said anything else. It was worrying to everyone. 

The redhead looked back down at the files in front of him. He and Jotaro were currently trying to locate Yoshikage Kira, a serial killer, stand user, and the threat to Morioh. So far, they hadn't got very far in their search, but there wasn't much to go on in the first place. According to another stand user, he changed his face so he couldn't be recognized, which set them back even further. 

"Anything?" Kakyoin asked, looking across the table to Jotaro. He shook his head. 

"We may have to survey the streets after all," He said, looking through the photos. 

"I may be able to help!" Kagome said, surprising them with her sudden appearance. She bounced into the room, the door swinging close behind her as she made her way to the center of the room towards the men. She placed a duffel bag onto the table. 

"What's that?" Jotaro asked. 

"Technology!" She chirped, unzipping the bag. "I called the lab and had them send over some of the new equipment so I could get started."

"On?" Kakyoin questioned, glancing at you. You had laid back and were now facing the wall, your back to them. 

"Y/n gave me the reins in this investigation," She said, taking a laptop out and opened it up. "Kira is a murderer, therefore he is in my jurisdiction. I have all rights to track him down using databases."

"How will you do that?" Jotaro asked, watching her fingers glide across the keyboard, much like yours. 

"By running facial recognition," She replied. "I can use the old photo we have of him and run it through employment records to figure out who he was before we caught onto him. I just need to email Nitiro-san and get her login for authorization-"

Suddenly, the laptop was snatched from her hands. None of them had realized you had even gotten up from how quiet you'd been. You stood over Kagome as you typed a few things in before handing it back to her. She looked up at you in confusion before looking back down, seeing that she now had access to every database known. 

"Thank you, Sensei," She smiled gratefully, already entering the information. 

"Did you run the fiber you found on the button?" You asked, your voice quiet. Kagome nodded. 

"The color was a light shade of purple, and I matched it to the brand Valentino. It was sold at the local department store...Kame Yu...where...Kira worked as well," Kagome said as she read the information she was gathering. "His record is clean, and he's never been in trouble with the law. He doesn't even have so much as a speeding ticket. He's been on jury duty twice, and never has been late or hasn't shown up. He's never been late for work, and even has 12 hours of logged overtime in the last week. However, he hasn't shown up for work in four days, and no one has been seen there either."

"What his address?" You asked, walking to your bag. 

"He lives in the northeast section of Morioh's villa district. His house number is 24," Kagome replied, looking up as you took your shirt off. "S-SENSEI!" She yelled, throwing her hands over Jotaro and Kakyoin's eyes. 

"They've seen it before," You replied, shifting through your clothes to grab a shirt. "Besides, we don't have much time. He could go back. Call Josuke and his friends and tell them to meet us there. Kagome, gather the CSI bag."

"Yes ma'am," She stood up and did as she was told as you pulled a turtleneck from your bag. 

"You should rest more. You look exhausted," Kakyoin said. You pulled the shirt over your head, ignoring the blush on both of their faces. 

"It won't do any good if I stay here," You said as you fixed your pants. "I can't help in a stand fight, but I'm the senior field crime scene investigator. You need access to that house, and I can get inside without getting in trouble with the authorities. We can't just go inside without probable cause or reason to believe that he is in danger inside."

"This is the part where we come in," Kagome said, throwing the bag over her shoulder as she tucked her badge in her pocket. You hung yours on your belt loop and slipped your long coat on. 

"You two wait until we give the clear," You said, you and Kagome slipping your shoes on. "I'm not bailing people out of jail today."

"Just give us enough time to get permission from the police to continue our investigation. You guys deal with the action, and we'll keep everything moving smoothly and keep the police out of it," Kagome said to the two men, waving to the two men before following you out of the door.


"This is in our jurisdiction. Our town. Our limits," The chief of police said, leaning back in his chair as he lit up a thick cigar. 

"My case, my evidence, my leads, and my investigation," You replied calmly, standing in front of his desk. 

"Where did you get these leads? This case has been cold for over a decade," He puffed out some smoke.

"My sources are confidential," You said, waving the smoke away from your face. "You should know that better than anyone, sir."

He took a moment to look you up and down, flicking his eyes to Kagome who stood by the door, silent before taking a long drag of his cigar. "Why is it you've picked the case up?"

"Miss Sugimoto and her family deserve the justice they never got," You replied, tapping your leg through the pocket of your pants. "Her case went cold, and there are no officers still on the force who would know anything. I was hired to investigate, and I plan on doing that. If you deny me access to the city, I'll bring the D.A. in here and we'll settle this by book."

He glared at you. "Fine. Do what you want," He said, sitting up in his chair. "But if I hear anything about you meddling around outside of this case, I will ban you from this city. Is that understood, Detective L/n?"

"Yes, sir," You said, bowing your head. "Thank you," You straightened up and jerked your head to the door and Kagome left. 

"One more thing," He called, making you both pause. "Any evidence you find, I want to know about it. This is still my case. You are just doing the hard work for me,"

You didn't reply as you closed the door behind you and left with Kagome, calling Kakyoin as you did. It was decided you'd meet there. Kagome hailed a cab and after climbing inside, you sighed heavily and dropped your head tiredly. 

"Sensei, are you sure you shouldn't be resting?" Kagome asked softly, her voice filled with worry. You shook your head as you rubbed the scar under your eye. 

"I'll be fine Kagome," You said. "I'm just...I just miss him is all."

"I'm sorry," She whispered. "I can't even imagine."

"It'll be fine. Like Jotaro said, he's probably just dormant. If I truly need him, he'll come to me. I'm sure of it," You said, turning your head to the window. 

He just had to.

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