Chapter Eleven: That Was Before.

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"There," You said, clipping the fastener on the bandages. "Now lay back."

"I'm fine, Y/n. Really," Kakyoin said, blushing from how close you had been to him. You grabbed his shoulder and forced him to lay back with a grin. 

"You don't need any kind of brain damage. You're dumb enough as it is,"

"That's so mean!" Kakyoin cried. "Jotaro!"

The ravenette man scoffed from the other side of the room. "Don't bring me into this."

"I wouldn't be so mean if you didn't give the perfect opportunities to do so," You hummed, standing up from the bed. "Now shut up and lay down."

"You need to get your side cleaned out, Sensei," Kagome said, looking up from the papers her and Jotaro had been looking over. 

"It's only a scratch," You said. "But where is the peroxide?"

"Lay down," Kakyoin mocked your tone and sat up, snatching the bottle from the table beside him. 

"I can clean it myself," You frowned, reaching for the bottle. Kakyoin raised it above his head. 

"Nope. I'll do it since you so graciously helped me, I'll help you," He said. 

"Kakyoin," You huffed. "Why are you like this?"

"Cause. Now lay back," He said, mocking your tone once more. You glared at him, but laid back anyways. You lifted part of  your shirt, exposing your stomach and sides. 

"Hurry up," You said. Kakyoin's eyes were wide. "What?"

"You have a belly button piercing," He said, looking down at the f/c balls. 

"Yeah? So?" You raised an eyebrow. "Kak, either clean the cut, or back away before I kick you in the nuts."

"Okay, okay," He said, taking a cloth and dipping it in the peroxide before gently dabbing the cut. 

"Is that the arrow?" You heard Kagome ask. 

"Possibly," Jotaro responded. "Noriaki, hurry up and both of you get over here."

"Yeah Noriaki," You said. "Hurry up,"

"You're awfully mouthy, Bunny," Kakyoin murmured.

"You're awfully slow. Give me the cloth," You said. 

"No, I got it!" He said. 

"Then do it!" 

"I am!"


"Slow and steady wins the race!"

"Not when it's taking five freaking years to clean a cut that's three inches long!"

"I know what I'm doing dammit! Hey, knock it off!" Kakyoin yelled as you tried reaching for the rag. 

"Quit being a priss and give it here!" You said.


"Kakyoin!" You yelled. He yelled as he fell back, and you fell on top of him, still reaching for the pink cloth. The two of you wrestled around, snatching the cloth back and forth. 

"If I didn't know any better," Kagome said, raising her head from the photos to look at you and Kakyoin. He was half-way off the bed, holding the cloth above his head and out of your reach. You were laying on his chest, legs tangled with his and one hand on his shoulder, the other reaching across him for the cloth. 

"I'd say the two of you were...close."

Both of your faces flushed a dark red. Kakyoin gave a short scream as you jumped up, shoving him completely to the floor as you scrambled to your feet. You yanked your shirt down, retucking it into your jeans as you snatched your glasses from the table. 

"What do you got?" You asked, trying to brush off the things that just happened. 

"Pictures," She sighed, handing them to you. "Kujo-san could probably explain it better. I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this."

"When we left Egypt, the Speedwagon Foundation found this arrow in Dio's mansion," Jotaro said, making you visibly tense up. 

"You think this arrow can give Stands?" You asked quietly. 

"Josuke called me yesterday," He said.

"And?" You looked up from the golden arrow. 

"And, Angelo killed his grandfather." 

"You've got to be joking," Kakyoin said, coming to stand beside you. 

"He attacked Josuke, and we defeated him together. But before we did, he told us that a man shot him with an arrow while he was in jail, and he developed his Stand." Jotaro explained. "He described that arrow."

"So, Angelo was shot with the same arrow you found in Egypt, it gave him a Stand, and then it gave me one as well?" Kagome asked. 

"Sounds like it," You mumbled, tossing the photos on the desk. "The arrow was originated in Egypt, were Dio resided. The arrow has the ability to give someone a Stand. Considering how many Stand users we fought on our trip, my guess is that the same arrow gave them their Stands. If the Speedwagon Foundation has this one, then there is more than one arrow. The one that hit Angelo hit Kagome as well. Whoever has this arrow, only has one. Do we have any idea who it may be?"

Jotaro shook his head. You crossed your arms over your chest and nibbled on the inside of your cheek. 

"I know that look," Kakyoin said. 

"So do I," Kagome muttered. "What are you thinking, Sensei?"

You stared off into space, a thousand thoughts running through your brain. "Laptop," You mumbled, dropping your hands as you looked around. "I need my laptop."

"It's in our room," Kagome said. "I can get it." You nodded and as she jogged out of the room, you picked up each photo from the desk and laid them out on the floor. 

"Uh, Y/n...?" Kakyoin asked. 

"What the hell are you doing?" Jotaro asked, watching in confusion as your spread them across the floor in front of you. You sat down in the middle of the pictures, eyes scanning each of them. 

"Connecting the dots," You mumbled, head rasing as Kagome re-entered with your laptop. 

"Here, Sensei," She said. You thanked her and opened it up, your fingers gliding across the keyboard gracefully. You scooted over and Kagome sat beside you. 

"What's the main idea here?" You asked, glancing at her. 

"The arrow that gives people Stands," Kagome replied. "Its the center piece that everything else branches from."

"It connects you and Angelo together, it connects both of you to Stands, and it connects everything back to the arrow." You said. 

"It's one big loop." She mumbled, looking at you. 

"One big loop, that we're gonna find a fault in."

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