Chapter Seven: I'm Just A Fool.

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"See? It wasn't that bad," You said, exiting the building as you held up the test tube containing the shard of glass you collected. 

"Y/n, I truly believe you became even wilder," Kakyoin said in an exasperated tone. 

"Is that a bad thing?" You laughed, tucking the glass away safely in your bag. 

"Compared to how reckless you were beforehand, yes." He huffed, glancing at you as you brushed some hair from your e/c eyes. Your hair was shorter than he remembers, which made him a little sad. He liked your h/c hair when it was long. But he wasn't thinking that you didn't look good with shorter hair either. 

"Just be glad that you were there. I would have went down there if you weren't." You said, brushing your shoulders off. 

"You worry me, Bunny," He sighed. He turned to say something but stopped when he saw your cheeks tint pink in a blush. 

"W-we should find Jotaro and see if he found Josuke or not," You said, snapping Kakyoin from his daze. 

"Y-yeah. I'll call him," He said, fumbling to get his phone from his pocket. After he made his call to Jotaro, it was decided you three would meet at the hotel you'd be staying at. When you and Kakyoin arrived, Jotaro had already made your reservations. 

"Here's the key to your room," Kakyoin said, handing you the card. You thanked him quietly. 

"U-um..Kakyoin..." You said as he turned away. He stopped and faced you. 


"I-is it alright if I stop by you and Jotaro's room later?" You asked, looking at your feet. 

"Of course!" He smiled. You nodded bid him a goodbye before walking to your room. You plopped on the bed, kicking your shoes off as you did. You let your hair down from the ponytail it had been in, letting it fall and frame your face. You sighed, pushing your glasses into your hair as you rubbed your eyes. 

What were you even doing at this point? Grabbing random pieces of things and calling it 'evidence', making up addresses, and stalling around. All this for what? To spend time with someone that shattered you into a million pieces as a teenager? Why did you even agree to come with them? They were more than capable of finding Angelo by themselves, but you still traveled with them anyways. Was it because you still cared for them, and wanted to make sure they were okay? You hadn't seen them in nine years, since after the trip to Egypt. You hadn't spoken to them since the falling out you had with them. 

You reached into your bag and retrieved your wallet, folding your legs under you as you flipped it open. You gazed at the picture inside, a feeling of nostalgia and sadness washing over you. 

"Your smile is so pretty," Kakyoin complimented, making your cheeks tint pink. You looked away before taking his hand. Jotaro pulled his hat down as you took his as well. Because of your height, you had to jump up to give Jotaro a kiss on his cheek and had to stand on your tip toes to give Kakyoin one.

"Hey, you three!" Polnareff yelled, gaining your attention as he held up the camera. "Smile!" You did so, happily smiling with sparkling eyes.

"Lemme see!" You said, running up and taking the Polaroid picture from his hands. Jotaro and Kakyoin were on either side of you, both of their cheeks red from the kiss you had just planted. You smiled widely at the photo.

You were standing between both men, a wide smile on your face as you held their hands in yours. Jotaro was looking at you with a grin, amusement in his ocean blue eyes. Kakyoin was smiling at you as well, his purple eyes filled with admiration, his lips parted in a laugh. 

A sad smile spread across your lips as you looked at the photo. You missed this. You missed them. 

Is that why you agreed to them so easily? Why you allowed them back in your life so quickly? You hadn't even questioned why now, out of the whole nine years, they decided to come back. 

They wanted help. That was all. When you first saw them, you were so happy. You thought maybe they wanted to talk again, maybe catch up over dinner? But when you saw that look in their eyes, all that went down the drain. You knew standing in that hallway that it wasn't happening. They only wanted your abilities as a stand user. 

You felt another pair of eyes staring at you, and when you raised your head from the photo, you were met with glowing white ones. He was sitting in front of you, legs crossed with his arms resting on his knees. He was looking at you with a stern look, a small frown on his face. 

"Why are you looking at me like that?" You sighed. 

He only stared back. 

"You're so pushy for something not everyone can see," You mumbled, closing your wallet, hiding the photo away once more. You placed it back in your bag before facing the light blue skinned being. "Happy now?"

He stood up, the movements looking easy as smooth as he looked down at you. He gave one more look before fading away. You sighed again, wiping your hands down your face. You sat on the bed for a few minutes, not really wanting to get up and do anything. But you did anyways. You stood up and took the chip of wood and shard of glass from the test tubes and tossed them in the trash. Then, you slipped your shoes back on and left your room, making sure to grab your card as you went. 

You walked down the hall towards Jotaro and Kakyoin's room, rubbing under your eye as you knocked on the wooden surface. The door opened and revealed Kakyoin. He smiled and moved to the side, silently inviting you inside. You walked past him, your gaze on the floor as you entered. 

"You sounded like there was something wrong earlier," Kakyoin said, following behind you as you walked into the main part of the room, eyes raising to look at Jotaro. 

"I...I wanna talk," You said, taking a deep breath. 

"About?" Jotaro asked, closing the file he was looking at. 

"Well, actually, let's talk about Josuke first. Did you find him?" You asked, now wanting to avoid the subject. 

"Yeah, and we discussed everything." Jotaro frowned. "Why are you changing the subject?"

You scratched your cheek nervously. "I really can't slip anything past you, can I?"

"Y/n," Kakyoin said. You sighed, raising your eyes to look at them both. 


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