Chapter Fifteen: Excitement

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"They broke your laptop!" Kagome exclaimed, picking up the broken electronic. 

"They took the footage too," You sigh, raking a hand through your hair. "And they broke my glasses." 

"You sound madder about the glasses than you do the evidence they took," Kakyoin said, raising his eyebrow. 

"I am," You huffed. "The footage was from the street. I can always get a warrant for an assault charge on Kagome. My glasses on the other hand.."

"I'm sure it'll be fine, Sensei," Kagome said, standing back up. "I'll call the front desk and get someone to fix up the room. I'll also flash my badge and get the tapes from the hall."

"Alright. Keep your cellphone on you. Call me if anything happens." You sighed again, looking at the mess on the floor. "I just can't catch a break,"

"Any idea who could have done this?" Kakyoin asked. You rubbed the sides of your head as a migraine began to form. 

"I have a few guesses," You said. "One of them being the Stand user that keeps going after Kagome," 

"You think he tore the place up looking for Kagome?" He asked. 

"That," You said, kicking your laptop softly. "And he destroyed the tapes that were pointed at the fight. I was going to transfer them onto my hardrive and run facial recognition. He must have realized what I was doing and came to destroy it before we could identify him."

"Then he knew you had the tapes," Kakyoin said. "Is he following you?"

"Probably. He's more than likely following me in and out of the hotel," You scratched the side of your head. "I could get the guest list, but even then it would take too long to narrow it down. I...I may-" You stopped and turned to the man tied to the chair in the corner of the room. "You."

His eyes widened as you approached him. You pulled the bandanna from his mouth and put you hand on the back of the chair, leaning down close to him. "W-what do you want from me?"

"Who told you to do this?" You asked. 

"I already told you! I won't snitch!" He yelled. 

"Alright. I'm not in the mood," You walked around him and untied him, only to grab the collar of his shirt and drug him to the balcony. You threw the doors open and shoved him against the banister, threatening to push him over the edge. "Talk or you drop."

"B-bitch!" He yelled, snapping his gaze from the ground to you multiple times. 

"Start talking or I'm really gonna seem like a bitch," You said, raising an eyebrow. 

"F-fine! Keito sent me, alright?! Keito Koruu! He hired me to come and trash this room! That's all I know. I swear!" He yelled. 

You stiffened. 

"Keito Koruu? Who is that?" Kakyoin asked. You stood up, shoving the man away from the balcony.

"Get lost before I kill you," You said, watching him scramble out of the room.

"Y/n?" Kakyoin looked worried. 

"Keito Koruu was my first assistant. He bailed out on the job a while back. He went off the grid almost a year ago," You explained in a quiet voice. "I...can't..believe it."

"He could always be lying," Kakyoin said. 

"I don't think he was," You said. "Keito hated me. He hated Kagome. He hated everyone on my lab."


"His sister was murdered, and I was given the case. It was the very first case I worked on, so I was working with another Forensic scientist. He did most of the work, and I did the DNA samples. Some semen samples were found and I ran them through the system. The match came back to his friend. He didn't believe it, but we had motive, and evidence from him. He even confessed at his trial. Keito thought I tampered with the evidence, so he came to work with, around the same time as Kagome. He thought I favored her because I praised her for doing something right. I didn't hate him, and it wasn't like I didn't do the same to him and vice versa. But he ended up just dropping out without saying anything." You said, leaning against the railing. "But...It makes sense. I knew something was wrong with him. Now he's trying to kill Kagome,"

Kakyoin placed his hand on your shoulder as you groaned, tossing your head back in exasperation. "We'll catch him before he can do that. I swear to you,"

"I hope you're right," You sighed. "Cause Keito is smarter than I am."


"Wait...Koichi is a stand user now?" You asked, looking from Josuke down to the silver-haired boy. 

"Yeah. It's because of that arrow," Josuke said. "Okuyasu's brother said he got it from an old" He trailed off before looking at Koichi for help.

"Enyaba," He said, saving his friend. "And someone named Dio,"

You visibly tensed, and Kagome turned her head to look at you. "You were right," She said. 

"This day just keeps getting better and better," You mumbled, rubbing under your eye. 

"What do we do now?" Koichi asked. 

"First, we need to get this information to Jotaro and Kakyoin back at the hotel," You said. You had just run into the three while you were out, and they had stopped you. You were introduced to another boy named Okuyasu, who was also a Stand user. 

"Then?" Josuke added on. 

"Then..." You turned to Kagome. "We go home,"

She blinked at you stupidly. "S-seriously?"

"Well, duh," You said rolling your eyes as you put your hands in your coat. "We need to get to the lab as soon as we can. I've got things that need to be done there. It's already been repaired and ready to use, so we don't have to worry about a third party,"

"It might actually be better for you to get out of here because of the guy chasing after you," Josuke said, turning his attention to Kagome. "You might be in danger here."

"Y-yeah. I-I guess s-so," She said, rubbing her arm. 

"Thanks for telling us," You said. "You need to get your hand looked at further, by the way. You bled through those bandages," 

"Oh shit," Josuke said looking down at his hand. 

"I'll see you guys when we get back," You waved. 

"Bye, Y/n-san!" They called. 

"Sensei, why are we leaving all of a sudden?" Kagome asked as you started walking away. 

"Because," You glanced back at her. 

"We've got work to do."

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