Chapter Fourty: The Run And Go

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Kakyoin pushed Jotaro away playfully, laughing lightly as the ravenette hit him on the back of the head gently. Kagome and Keito were muttering about a new game flyer, arguing with each other about what version was the best. Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi had still yet to show up, and Kakyoin just figured they were still at home. It was early anyway. You had been oddly quiet in the past ten minutes, and he could only figure you were busy on your phone. 

He, however, couldn’t help but feel...weird. He looked towards Jotaro, who was frowning slightly. Jotaro turned his head to the redhead, their gazes locking in a knowing gaze. One look and they both knew. They had to ask you. Turning around to where you’d been standing, they suddenly saw you appear from seemingly out of nowhere. 

“Y/n!” Kakyoin exclaimed after you dropped onto your knees. This caught the attention of the two teens who raised their heads. Kakyoin and Jotaro ran to your sides, carefully grabbing you and pulling you back onto your feet. Your cheeks were flushed feverishly, yet your face seemed paler than normal. Your hands shook slightly, and you were breathing unsteadily. 

“What the hell happened?” Jotaro demanded. 

“You reversed time, didn’t you?” Kakyoin asked. 

You averted your eyes, looking down and off to the side in a look almost like shame. It reminded them of a child who just got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. But in this case, you got caught with the clock of the universe in your hands. Kakyoin placed a hand on your cheek, his eyes slightly widening at the heat from your face.

“How many times?” Jotaro asked with a deep frown. Kagome looked at you worriedly. 

“It doesn’t matter,” You said, voice sounding more grainy than normal. You tried to take your arms back, but both Kakyoin and Jotaro tightened their grip, holding you in place. “Let go. I have to-”

“How. Many. Times?” Jotaro growled. You flicked your eyes up to his in a harsh glare, thinking he would back down. No, it only made him glare harder at you. You held his gaze, clenching and unclenching your jaw a few times. 


“Sensei! You’re burning up!” Kagome exclaimed, removing her hand from your head. 

“I’m fine,” You snapped, your image glitching out of their holds. You stepped away as you pulled your hoodie from your burning body. You couldn’t deny that you were beginning to feel the effects start to catch up to you from reversing time. You were hot, your body was beginning to ache, and you felt dizzy. However, none of this was going to stop you from going to the alley to get to Hayato before Kira. 
“Y/n, stop!” Jotaro barked, making everyone around him jolt from the sudden exclamation from him. You stopped when you felt two phantom-like arms grab your shoulders gently. You felt your eyes widen when they curled around your front and held you protectively. 

Star Platinum had formed behind you. One arm was across your collarbone, the other curling around your waist. Its head dipped into your shoulder, nuzzling its face into the crook of your neck. He held you tightly, and you could slightly feel a tremble in its grasp. It crooned a soft ‘ora’ into your skin. You slowly raised your hand and rested it on its muscular bicep as you relaxed against it, your eyes slowly fluttering close. 

Jotaro was trying to keep you from going. He was trying to keep you from harm. He wanted to protect you. You considered ignoring all of them and running away, but...something kept you from doing it. No matter how badly you wanted to break away, you held still. 

“You helped us, so just please, Y/n, let us help you,”

Kakyoin’s words echoed in your mind, making you take a deep breath before releasing it. You had to remember that you weren’t alone. You never were. You weren’t strong enough. You can’t do this by yourself. 

“Under the Pepsi sign, it’s an alleyway. A boy, his name is Hayato, will be there at 7:37. Kira is chasing after him and plans to kill both he and Rohan. I broke his cycle so he can’t reset the day,” You said quietly. 

“Go,” Kakyoin said. 

Hai!” Kagome and Keito said and soon, you heard their steps rush past you and then silence. The phantom arms disappeared and were replaced by real ones. You leaned against his chest, slowly opening your eyes. 

“Help them, Kakyoin,” Jotaro said. “I’ll take care of her,”

The arms around you tightened slightly, as you watched the redhead nod in understanding, before turning and running off after the two teens. You kept your gaze on him until he rounded the corner, disappearing from your sigh completely. You squeezed Jotaro’s bicep, making him look down at you. 

“Stop,” He muttered, removing his arms from you. Before you could say anything, he had turned you so your chest was to his. His arms folded around you, holding you close to his chest as he ducked his head down, so the shadow from his hat cast over his eyes. Your hands curled around his back slowly, your fists grasping at the material of his white coat as you rested your head on his broad chest. He felt your shoulders relax, and your breathing slowed to a normal pace. 

“I’ve got you,” He whispered softly, his hand subtly playing with the ends of your h/c hair. 

You felt your eyes widen, your breath hitching in your throat from the words he uttered to you. No matter the situation, no matter how far you’d been from him, how long you’d been apart from him; It felt like he was always there. Maybe he didn’t always hold you like this, or maybe he didn’t always say comforting things to you. But you knew. You’d been his best friend long before you knew anyone else. You knew him better than anyone, and he knew you. 

A sense of overwhelming warmth wrapped around you, making your eyes slowly go slack. You felt then. You felt as if nothing could touch you. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes, and you felt a few fall over your reddened cheeks. Intaking a shaky breath, you felt your heart ache. Where was this whenever you needed it? This feeling of security, content, and peacefulness? How was he able to do this, even if he seemed so...brash…?

But the feeling of anxiety was still swirling in your stomach, rising to nip at the channels in your throat, making it hard to speak or breathe. You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, but the pressure felt as if it were too much. You felt fear consume you. You feared that Kira would get to Hayato, and you wouldn’t know, and you couldn’t reverse time. You felt anxious that Kakyoin, Kagome, and Keito had all went. You wanted to believe that all three of them would be able to stop Kira, but you couldn’t be certain. And it was haunting. You were utterly terrified for their sake. Why couldn’t you go? You had to. You had to make sure they were alright. 

“It’s alright, Buttercup. They’ll be fine. It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” Jotaro whispered. You felt his lips upturn into a smile as he pressed them against your cheek, nuzzling against you. 

“I’m not gonna let anything hurt you anymore,”


So here's this chapter. I'm sitting in the waiting room in the hospital, and I hate it here. I'm so tired and I've been here for like an hour.

But I doodled Atlantis so that's a plus. I'm also convinced that he has become my comfort character and I love it.

Have a good day :)

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Have a good day :)

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