Chapter Twenty-Three: Horrifying

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Josuke looked down at the bed. You were fast asleep on your side, hair in a sloppy bun with the covers over your shoulder with one arm. Kagome was sitting on the foot of the bed, looking at you as well. Okuyasu was out cold in the armchair by the bed. Jotaro was just entering the room with Kakyoin. 

"How is she?" Kakyoin asked, peering around Jotaro's tall shoulder. 

"Asleep right now," Josuke replied. "I healed her for any wounds she might have had and she passed out cold again,"

"It's better if she sleeps," Kakyoin mumbled, passing by Jotaro as the raven-haired man removed his jacket. "What about Okuyasu?"

"He's fine. Just tired. He and Jotaro were the one's to mostly keep Keito at bay," Kagome said. 

"Where is he?" Jotaro asked. 

"Kagome," Josuke drug out, rolling his head to look at her. "Tied him up and threw him in the bathtub. She was going to stick a bag over his head and then spray him," He said, glaring at the black-haired teen, who acted innocent. 

"What's wrong with that?" Jotaro asked.

"Jotaro, don't encourage her," Kakyoin chuckled, sitting beside you on the bed. He laid a gentle hand on your forehead. Okuyasu stirred awake, muttering something under his breath.

Kagome opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, but closed it and looked away. Josuke knew what she was going to say. It had been on everyone's mind, but no one had dared asked in fear of the answer they might get. He gave her a knowing glance, before looking at Okuyasu, who held a small frown on his face.

"Can we ask something?" Josuke said suddenly, making both adult males look towards the three of them with a questioning look.

"Why was everyone so scared of Atlantis when the arrow touch him?" Kagome asked.

"It was scary, but why was every freaking out?" Okuyasu added on, rubbing his eye.

Jotaro looked at Kakyoin before looking back down at the files on the table. Kakyoin sighed. 

"Atlantis has the ability to reverse time. That alone is terrifying. Even if Y/n does have a limit to how many times she can do it, it could be used for so many things. She could easily kill someone or bring them back to life as she has done before. When the arrow struck her, it unleashed some new ability to Atlantis. It gave him more power than he already has. Imagine how scary he could be before, then imagine what damage he could do with more abilities and strength," Kakyoin said, making each teen look at him with shock. 

"Y/n's stand could easily slaughter everyone in his path and wouldn't leave a trace. He's smart, just like Y/n. He's quick, sharp, and dangerous," Jotaro mumbled. "The arrow has more capabilities than just giving someone a stand. It can also enhance a stand's abilities."

"And it's hurting Y/n," Kakyoin said, looking at you. you hard dark circles under your eyes, and it was obvious that you weren't going to wake up for a while. "She's quickly being drained of her energy, and her body, along with her mind, is becoming exhausted. She's been down before...when we were younger. She became so exhausted because of her stand, she ended up in the hospital because she had a minor heart attack. I'm afraid if she uses Atlantis any more, that it'll happen again, but with a much worse outcome."

"Are you saying that her own stand could kill her?" Josuke asked. 

"It's happened before," Jotaro muttered, face hidden by his hat. 

"I'm telling you this, because it'll take all of us to do this, including Koichi-Kun and the others," Kakyoin said, looking between the three of them. "Y/n has always wanted to save everyone, and has never thought about it would affect her. We need to protect her. She can't draw her stand out again and fight, or she may die,"

"So it's our turn," Josuke said softly, looking at Okuyasu, then to Kagome.

"Y/n's stuck up for anyone," Okuyasu said, hands his pockets as he glanced at you. 

"It's time we stuck up for her," Kagome said standing up. "I have a stand now. I can finally help all of you. I can protect you guys as well."

At the sound of rustling, everyone turned to the bed, watching as you sat up. Your hair fell in front of your face as you pushed yourself up on your palms. A disconsolate look was on your face and a grave look in your eyes. Your eyebrows were laced together in worry, a small frown on your paled lips as you looked down at the sheet. The mood in the room immediately changed to one of worry. Kakyoin called your name softly, but you didn't respond. You moved the covers away from you and stood up. 

"Y/n?" Kagome asked, turning to you. You walked past her and to the center of the room. Jotaro watched you with a frown as you picked up the picture of the arrow, and the report the Speedwagon Foundation made when they collected it. Your gaze lingered on it for a moment before you placed it back on the table slowly. Jotaro put his hand on your shoulder and turned you to face him. You leaned against the table. 

"What's going on?" He asked, frowning at you. 

"He's not here," You said quietly, voice monotonous. 

"Huh?" Okuyasu said.

"He's not here," You repeated, eyes welling up before tears quickly streamed down your cheeks. Your face remained unchanged, even as Jotaro grabbed your face. 

"Y/n!" Kakyoin said, rushing towards you. 

"Wh-who's not here?" Kagome whispered, even though she probably already knew the answer. 

"I can't summon him," You said, eyes drifting to the wall as you blankly stared at it. "I'm alone. He's not here anymore. I can't feel him at all."

"Y/n..," Josuke said sadly. 

Jotaro brought you into his chest, pulling your head against his chest. "You aren't alone. He's...dormant," His act of trying to reassure you did nothing. It was a lie, and everyone knew it. You couldn't feel him anymore. The sense of warmth that was always bought with him. It was like something was missing inside of you. You slowly brought your arms up and rested them on his back. 

"My Atlantis is gone,"

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