Chapter Thirty-Eight: Devil Town [Part 2]

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You yawned as you looked around. Your shoulders shook from the crisp air of the morning, and a shudder went down your spine for an unknown reason. Kakyoin also yawned before laying his body on yours, making you huff.

"I'm tired!" He whined as you shoved him away, throwing him on Jotaro instead.

"Welcome to the club,"

"It's only 8:15," Keito said.

"So?" Kakyoin scoffed. You rolled your eyes at his childishness. The two teens went back and forth as you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket.

"Who's that from?" Kagome asked.

"Rohan," You replied. "He wants me to meet him at the Pepsi sign."

"Let's go then," Kagome said.

"No, all of you stay here. I can go by myself. You all need to stay and look around for Josuke, Okuyasu, and Koichi, who have yet to show up," You said, tucking your phone back into the pocket of your jacket.

"Come here for a sec then," Kakyoin said, motioning to you. You walked over to him as he grabbed your face and pressed his lips against yours in a semi-long kiss. It only lasted about 10 seconds, but that ten seconds told you everything.

"Be careful," He whispered.

You grinned. "Aren't I always?"

"No," Jotaro scoffed. You turned to him.

"Wish me luck then," You said, standing on your tip-toes. Jotaro rolled his eyes and pulled his hat down. You pouted.

"So mean," You huffed, turning to walk away. Jotaro grabbed your wrist and spun you to him, quickly pressing his lips against yours. You grinned up at him.

"Tch." He pulled his hat down even further. You rolled your eyes playfully as you turned and walked away.

"Behave you two," You pointed at the two teens before walking down the street. You heard them call after you, but you ignored what they said. You looked around before spotting the Pepsi sign, then Rohan's red car.

"Get in," He said as you approached the car. You raised your eyebrow but did so anyway. You slid in the passenger seat and looked at the manga artist, immediately noticing the strained look on his face. You frowned.

"What's wrong?" You asked, flicking your eyes from his face to your surrounding.

"Your stand allows you to reverse time, doesn't it?" He asked. You slowly nodded. "Have you done it?"

"No," You frowned. "No, I haven't. Why?"

"I can't help but feel like this is all happened before. I feel like Heaven's Door is doing something as well," He muttered. "It's...weird.."

"Rohan," You said, making him look to you. Your lips were tugged down in a frown, eyebrows furrowed together with a serious glint in your eyes. "Do you remember anything? Anything that seems out of place from your other memories?"

Rohan gripped the steering wheel in thought. A few moments passed before realization washed over his face and he turned to you. "A boy. He wore a yellow hat. I can't place him anywhere,"

"Hayato," You breathed. "Rohan, stay here." You said, getting out of the car. You closed the door as your eyes searched around the area.

Rohan remembers Hayato, but he can't place him in any of his memories. He feels like Heaven's Door is using its abilities, but he can't be certain. If he saw Hayato, then that means that Kira can't be too far away from him. And if he is, then that means you really are going to be involved. You were the only one who had gotten the closest to Kira so far, and he hadn't recognized you from when you attacked him either. You needed to find Hayato.

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