Chapter Thirty-One: Three Musketeers

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slightly NSFW (?)

Your eyes slowly opened to the light shining through the curtains. You blinked a few times, your eyes focusing on the face in front of you. Jotaro was facing you, eyes shut while he slept peacefully. Some of his curls fell in front of his eyes, and his lips were slightly parted. He was shirtless, and you could see the dark marks on his neck and chest. Blushing deeply, you turned your head over your shoulder at the body behind you. Kakyoin's hair was tickling your cheek, making you smile softly. He had one arm under your head, and Jotaro was laying in his palm. His other arm was draped across your waist, overlapping the one Jotaro had thrown on you in the middle of the night. You raised up slightly, smiling down at them. You held the sheets to your chest as you looked around, just in case one of the windows were open, or someone had randomly popped into the room. It may seem stupid that you thought that, but it wouldn't be a surprise. Someone was always randomly in their room. 

"Y/n," Jotaro mumbled, opening his eyes. You looked down at him as you sat up completely, smiling gently. 

"Sorry," You said quietly, trying not to wake up the redhead. "I didn't mean to wake you."

His eyes closed when you ran a hand through his hair. "It's fine." He slurred sleepily. 

"Are you still tired?" You asked, tilting your head a little. He sighed. You took that as a yes. 

"Are you okay?" He mumbled, not opening his eyes as his head moved into your lap. 

"Yeah," You said, messing with his baby hairs on his neck. He shuddered. 

"Knock it off," He grunted. You grinned. 

"Sorry," You giggled softly, opting to twist one of his curls around your index finger instead. "You used to do that when we were younger too."

Jotaro simply grunted in response. You heard a soft whine behind you, glancing over your shoulder to see Kakyoin sitting up as he rubbed his eyes. Your face went dark red. His neck, chest, and lower stomach were covered in dark bites. He rubbed his eyes before blinking them open and cursing softly. 

"Jotaro, where-"

"Bottom shelf beside you." The ravenette in your lap said. 

"What's wrong?" You frowned. 

"Oh, it's nothing. Just eye drops," Kakyoin replied, fumbling around while he squinted. "Shit. I can't see-"

"Here. Let me get them," You said, tapping Jotaro's head. He raised up as you turned, leaning over the redhead to get on the shelf. You took the eye drops from the shelf before sitting back up on the bed. You shifted closer to him, crawling up in his lap. 

"Oh, hi." He grinned, his hands running up your thighs to your sides. 

"Behave yourself, Kakyoin," You warned, tilting his head back. "I will hurt you."

"I'd enjoy that-"

"Noriaki," You growled. 

"Ok, I'm sorry." He said as you twisted the cap off. 

"Good. Now open your eyes," You said, tilting the bottle down. After you'd put the right amount in, you set the bottle down and rubbed under his eyes. 

Kakyoin sighed appreciatively, leaning his head forward in your hands. "Thanks, love." He mumbled. 

"Hey, come here a second," Jotaro said as he stood up. He was wearing boxers (thank god), as he walked to the window and cracked the curtain, allowing a little more light into the room. You shifted off of Kakyoin. 

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