Chapter Twelve: Not Sorry.

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"Y/n, Kagome-chan, you two should really go to sleep," Kakyoin said worriedly after looking t the dark circles under both of your eyes. 

"We don't need sleep," You said, taking the coffee from the table at the cafe. 

"We need answers," Kagome said, doing the same. 

Kagome, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Josuke, Koichi, and you all sat at a table at a small cafe near Josuke's school. Both students agreed to meet you very early in the morning before school. It was just turning seven in the morning, and you and Kagome have yet to get any sleep. A cup of hot/cold coffee sat in your hands as you listen to Jotaro explain to Josuke what you and Kagome found out last night. 

"So our next move is to find the arrow?" Josuke asked. 

"I don't think it will be very hard," Kagome said. "After all, the town is smaller than we think."

"If only I could get access to the police's database, I could run background checks on anyone associated with Angelo and narrow down our search." You mumbled. 

"Are you not able to?" Koichi asked. "I thought you were a detective."

"A private investigator doesn't always have access to the resources that police have." You sighed. "I could always swoon my way in, get a person on the inside, but that would take too much time."

"What about your lab?" Jotaro asked. 

"Trashed," Kagome said. "It's being repaired right now, but all our equipment has been destroyed."

"That kid has to have something to do with this," You said. 

"What makes you think that?" Josuke asked. 

"He trashed our lab, he followed us here, and he's tried to attack Kagome. My guess is that he knew what we were up to," 

"And he broke everything so we couldn't search for him," Kagome said in realization. "He's tracking us."

"What's to say he isn't watching us right now?" Josuke said. You folded your arms behind your head. 

"Cause if he was, he'd attack by now." You replied, leaning your chair back. "Unless he's really stupid."

Kagome caught your chair before you could tip back and fall. "I think Kujo-san may have scared him. He looked really mean when he saw you drop."

"No duh," Kakyoin said. "Jotaro always looks mean," 

Jotaro frowned. "I do not," He mumbled. 

"Anyways," You drug out, placing your chain back on all four legs. "Shouldn't you guys be heading off to school?"

"Yeah. We'll see you later. It was nice to meet you Kagome-senpai." Josuke said, smiling at her. You watched as her cheeks flushed red. 

"N-nice to meet you as well," She said, watching them stand and then leave. 

You brought your cup to your lips. "You like him,"

"NO!" She said, snapping her head towards you. 

"You're face is red,"


"You like Josuke-kun," 

"I DON'T!"

"Why are you blushing then?" You asked, glancing at her in the corner of your eye, a grin spreading on your plump lips. 

"C-cause of t-the way he ad-adressed me!" She said, putting her hands on the table. 

"He addressed you properly," You said, still grinning as you placed your cup down. 

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