Chapter Eight: What did you say?

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"You...what?" Kakyoin mumbled after what felt like forever. Your cheeks were a dark shade of crimson, and your eyes were cast down at your feet. Oh god. It felt like you were seventeen again, instead of twenty-seven. 

"I-" You were cut off by the sound of your phone ringing in your pocket, making you jump in surprise. You took it from your pocket and denied it, then put it back in your pocket. You couldn't even say anything else because your cell phone kept ringing. 

"Answer it," Jotaro said. You huffed and answered it, pressing it up against your ear.

"What is it-"


You felt your blood run cold. Kagome...she...sounded...terrified. 

"Kagome? What's wrong?" You asked.

"Sensei! Someone broke into the lab a-and they started t-tearing things up a-and-"

"Hey, calm down," You said, worried from her panicked and hysterical tone. "Are you okay?"

"I-I d-don't know! P-please Sensei! C-come ba-back! Th-they.." She trailed off in a sob. 

"I'll be there before dark. Go to my apartment, use the key under the mat, and lock every door and window. Hide in my bedroom until I get there. Do you understand me?" You ordered, already racing towards the door. 

"O-okay," She sniffled. 

"Hang in there," You said.

"Y/n? What the hell is happening?" Jotaro asked, grabbing your arm before you could open the door. 

"Someone broke into my facility and hurt Kagome," You explained. "I need to get to her immediately."

"One of us will go to-"

"No. You both are staying here," You said, authority dripping from your tone. "The last thing I need is someone trailing after me."

"What if it's a stand user? You said you thought Kagome was one, didn't you?" Kakyoin asked, his face contorted in worry. 

"It'll be fine. I can still see stands, so I could get us out of there if we need to run. I've gone nine years on my own. A day or two won't kill me," You said, glaring at Jotaro, who was still holding your arm with a frown. "Now let go,"

Jotaro hesitated, but let you go anyways, instead, both of them insisted they at least ride to the airport with you. You knew it would cause more trouble and waste time if you argued, so you didn't object. After packing your things and racing to catch a cab, it was like time couldn't go any slower. 

"Y/n," Kakyoin said, grabbing your wrist as you got out of the cab in front of the airport. 

"Hurry," You mumbled, glancing at your watch. 

"Be careful," Jotaro said. 

"I'm always careful," You huffed. "I'm still alive, aren't I? I'll call you when I sort everything out. I have to go. See you,"

You waved to them a final time before hurriedly walking into the airport. You tried to ignore the looks they gave you as you walked away. You silently thanked Kagome for calling you when she did. You really didn't want to explain what you had said. 

Once you were on the plane, you quickly shot your assistant a text and told her you would be there in about two and half hours. You sighed and you tucked your phone away, your chest tight in worry. It may have seemed like you weren't very fond of Kagome but the truth was, you don't know what you'd do without her. You've known her since she was eight and you've been in her life ever since. You first met her through a co-worker who was fostering her at the time. You were still in college, and she had been in your lab with your boss many times. You remember her sitting in your chair, laughing happily as you spun her around in the seat. 

When she transferred families, you hadn't seen her for a few weeks, and then she randomly showed up in your lab. When you had walked in, she was sitting in your chair at your desk, her head against her arms as she slept peacefully. She had run away from her house to come see you. You had to call her foster parents, all the while she begged you to let her stay with you. It had probably been the most heart tearing thing to watch as you handed her back to her parents as she screamed and cried for you. It had been arranged that she could see you after school, and for the next ten years, she came every day. When she started college, she was the first to apply to be your assistant. 

You never really knew why you took such a liking to her. Maybe it was because you related to her. Her parents died in a terrible crash, just as yours did. She had an older sister who killed herself after her parents died. Your brother died when he tried to come to you while you were in the hospital. You didn't know the reason, but you didn't question it either. You were happy Kagome was there, and you were happy to be someone she looked up to. You watched her grow up, something her own sister or parents wouldn't be able to do. You felt you had to protect her. 

So when she called you in such a panicked tone, you felt that same protectiveness flow through you. You knew you had to drop everything and get to her as soon as possible. You were afraid something would happen to her. Maybe you were paranoid, but you didn't care. You had to make sure she was alright. 

When the plane landed, and you had arrived at your apartment, you knew Kagome was there. Her bike was thrown in the rack, half-way in and half-way out. You ran up the stairs, taking them two at a time to your floor. When you reached your apartment, you fumbled with the keys before unlocking the door and throwing it open. 

"Kagome!" You called, shutting the door and dropping your bag at your feet. You didn't bother to take your shoes off as you jogged down the hall towards your bedroom. When you opened the door, Kagome was sitting at your desk. Her legs were folded under her and she had her head resting on her arms on the desk. Her hair was in a low ponytail behind her, and she had pajamas on. She was sound asleep with a pair of earbuds in. 

You sighed in relief, knowing that she was okay. As you walked towards her, you saw bandages on her hand, and a bandaid on her cheek. You crouched down beside the chair and gently shook her awake, pulling her earphones out as you did. 

"Y-y/n?" She asked as she awoke, her eyes slowing peeling open. 

"Hey," You said, raising your hand to her cheek. "Are you alright?"

She nodded and sat up, rubbing her eyes as she did. You stood up and turned your lights on. Kagome yawned tiredly as you kicked your shoes off. 

"What happened to your hand?" You asked as you shed your coat. 

"Oh," She said, looking down at her hand. "When that guy broke in, he threw a flask at me and it broke on my hand. Part of it scraped my cheek, but I'm fine."

"This guy," You said, facing her as you leaned against the wall. "Who was he?"

She shrugged. "I have no idea. He was...kinda tall, dark brown hair, dark eyes...oh! He was wearing this weird wrist bracelet or gauntlet or something," She explained.

"You sounded freaked out when you called," You said. 

"Well yeah," She said. "It was terrifying. He had...n-nevermind.." You raised an eyebrow. 

"He had what, Kagome?" You asked, a frown forming on your face. She looked up at you with conflicted honey eyes. 

"Y-you wouldn't believe m-me.." She mumbled. 

"Why do you think that?" 

"C-cause there's no explanation of w-what I saw." She said. 

"Kagome, I've seen more things in this world that don't have explanations than I'd like to admit. What did you see?" You said, crossing your arms over your chest. 

"I..." She took a deep breath. "I thing..come from him. It was the thing that tore up the lab. I-it was terrifying. It just went on this...rampage and started to destroy everything. It..was..weird. It didn't look like a a child would make up.."

You sighed, raising your hands to your face as you slipped your fingers under your glasses and pushed them into your hair. You felt that sinking feeling fall in your stomach, and you could tell Kagome was utterly afraid and confused as to what she saw. 

You hated that you were right after all.

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