Chapter Eighteen: I Wanna Help Too.

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"You lied?" Jotaro asked.

You shifted uncomfortably on the bed. You felt guilt rise up in you. "Y-yeah,"

"Why?" Kakyoin asked with a frown. "Y/n, if you lied to us because you didn't want to be involved, you should have said so. We wouldn't have forced you to come with us," 

"N-no...that's...that's not why I lied," You sighed, shaking your head. 

"Then why did you?" Jotaro asked, face void of any emotion. You wish he would show something...anything. You would have settled for him to be angry at you for lying, but he wasn't. He was...calm. You didn't like it. 

"I-I...I was...scared," You admitted, looking down at your hands once more. Your eyes traced the scars on them. 

Kakyoin gently placed a hand over yours. "Of?"


This surprised them. "You're scared of your stand?" Jotaro asked with raised eyebrows. 

"He's not the same," You mumbled. "He's normal when he's not in combat...but...when he's terrifying. I don't know if it because of him..but..I always see that day. It doesn't matter who I'm going against. I can only see you and Kakyoin...dead...helpless and lifeless. It's like a haunting reminder to me. I can't stand it! I hate him! I wish I never had him!" You cry, tears falling over your cheeks. Jotaro wiped them away, and to your surprise, he pulled you into his chest. 

He never realized how torn up that trip had actually made you. To him, he was able to just block it out and push it behind him. He sometimes woke up with nightmares, shaky and sweaty, but he just forgot about it and moved on. He wasn't so good on emotions, so he never let them bother him. You, on the other hand, couldn't do that. You couldn't let go of everything you saw so easily. You wanted to, god you wanted to forget all about it, but you couldn't. It was haunting you. A reminder that everything didn't turn out happily. You were being drug under the black mess of trauma. It felt like you were dying at some times. If felt like you back in Egypt, running for your life, chasing down Kakyoin and Jotaro, begging yourself to go faster so you could make it in time. 

"P-please," You whispered, grabbing Jotaro's coat tightly. "J-just stay here."

"We aren't going anywhere," He mumbled, leaning against the headboard. 

"Nori," You sniffled, sitting up.

"I'm here," He said. You half-layed on Jotaro, half-layed on Kakyoin, eyes drooping as they soothed you back to sleep. Jotaro was running his fingers through your hair, and Kakyoin was rubbing circles on your hips and lower back. 

"I'm sorry," Jotaro muttered. "I shouldn't have said what I did to you,"

"I'm not mad," You said, nuzzling your head into his chest. "So don't apologize. This is what I wanted, and I have it, so I'm not holding any grudges."

"I'm still sorry," He said, pausing. It was like he was thinking his next words carefully. 



There goes your heart.

Your face flushed a dark red. You buried your face in your hands as Kakyoin laughed and Jotaro grinned a little. 

"W-why must you d-do this?" You mumbled. 

"What ever are you taking about Bunny?" Kakyoin smirked, his lips pressing against the back of your neck. 

"I hate you both, so fucking much," You groaned.

"I'm not the one harassing you. It the cherry bitch this time,"

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