Chapter Fourty-One: Arms Tonite [Final]

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A sudden blow of cold wind had a chill running down your spine and disturbance washing over your face. Your eyebrows twitched in annoyance. It was probably Kakyoin being an asshole and stole your covers again. Your e/c eyes remained shut as you blindly reached out for your blankets. A sleepy frown formed on your face as you pouted, cracking one eye open to search for your cocoons of warmth.

Your eyes shot open as you jerked upright, a gasp choking past your lips. Your pupils immediately constricted as you looked around you, breathing quickening as you took in the familiar wreckage around you. You looked up at the crushed water tower and the water falling over the edge, then to the craters in the ground, then to the blood splattered on the ground and the broken glass and buildings around you.

You released a shaky breath and turned your attention back to yourself. You raised your hands to your torso, feeling around for any kind of wound. After finding you were perfectly fine, you stood up and turned in a slow circle, scanning the area.

It was so quiet, you could hear your heart thumping in your ears. No one was anywhere near you, and you were alone. You swallowed the lump forming in your throat. It felt like your chest was becoming heavier and heavier. The atmosphere around you becomes denser as an ominous aura settled into the air.

Your eyes landed on a figure in the distance, standing idly in the middle of the road. A hood was pulled over their head, and a tattered cloak swayed behind them. They wore baggy tan pants, held on their slim waist by a rope tied around their hips. A pair of leather boots silently tapped against the ground as they started walking forward. Something glinted under their cloak, the shine coming from something resting on their neck. They stopped in front of you, and as they raised their hands, you caught a glimpse of the scars littering their arms and hands.

You felt your eyes go wide.

E/c eyes stared back at you. H/c hair pooled from under the hood and fell to frame their face. They looked exactly like you. From the features on your face--your nose, cheekbone height, eye width and depth, and even the shape of your lips. They seemed to be as shocked as you as their lips parted in slight shock.

"Who are you?" The voices from both of you overlapped each other as you spoke at the same time.

"You first," You said, looking them up and down. Their outfit was certainly something you weren't used to. It almost looked...victorian.

"I'm Y/n, who in God's name are you? And why in the hell do you look exactly like me?" They asked, voice sounding more feminine than the masculine vibe they gave off by their clothes. You took note of the thick British accent in their voice and the obvious American features.

"I'm Y/n too," You mumbled. They looked you up and down before recognition washed over their face. With a heavy sigh, their shoulders rose and then fell. Raising a fingerless gloved hand, they grabbed the chain glinting on their thin collarbone and pulled the necklace over their head. A pocket watch swung in the air as they raised it before tossing it, then catching it in their palm and flipped it open. A yellow tint was on the clock, obviously aged by the years that had passed.

"It's not ticking. It confirms it then," They spoke, closing it with a harsh snap. It was then held out to you.


"I'm not sure what it means, but I can tell you this. My name is Y/n L/n, and I was born in London, England on (Y/BD/) in 1870. We share the knowledge of a common man, who we both wanted to destroy forever. Except you succeeded and I didn't."

"..who...who are you?" You mumbled. "I-I mean I know your name but..."

"..I don't know...but take this. It's important. That nimrod gave it to me as a gift, but it has a deeper meaning. It's yours. I don't want it any longer." They said, handing you the pocket watch.

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