Chapter Four: What Is It?

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Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into hours. Hours turned into days. It took Nitiro-san and Kagome to drag you out of your lab, where you had been cooped for two straight days.

"What are you even doing in there?" Kagome asked after shoving a plate of food into your hands. You weren't exactly in the mood for food at the moment, but to avoid another argument, you ate it anyway. 

You considered telling her about the sample of DNA on her but decided against it. You still had no idea what it was. You compared it to other human flesh samples and got a positive match, but whenever you ran it through the database, it was negative to the human DNA database. You re-swabbed it for more samples, and you currently have it running through every known DNA database. 

"Just dusting for fingerprints," You lied, mixing your rice around. "Are you sure you don't remember anything?"

Kagome nodded. "I don't know what happened. I just had this sharp pain in my ear, and the next thing I know, I'm waking up in the hospital."

"You gave us all quite the scare," Nitiro-san said, holding a piece of potato out at the teen girl threatening. "You had the whole lab worried."

"I'm sorry," Kagome said, looking down at her bowl. 

"It's not your fault," You said. "So don't apologize. You didn't know you were going to pass out, so there's nothing you should be sorry about. But until you are fully healed and all the test results are back, I don't want you back at the lab."

"What! Why?" The black-haired girl protested. 

"Because if you pass out again, you could knock something over and hurt yourself even more. I'm not keeping you away because I want to, I'm keeping you away because I don't want you to get hurt," You said, looking at her with soft eyes. "I'm not trying to be hard on you. I just would hate for you to get hurt again."

Kagome stared at you in a mix of surprise and shock. "O-okay."

"Now finish eating,"

Once you had finally convinced the others to let you return to your lab, you found that you had gotten a positive match to the DNA sample, and the black residue that was found on Kagome. You rushed to your computer, not even bothering to put your coat on. Your eyes scanned over the screen, then to the papers being printed off. You snatched them from the printer, making sure you were reading this right. 

You reached for the phone, only to jump when it started to ring. You quickly picked it up, answering as you normally did. 

"L/n-san, the two men are back."

"Great, send them back here immediately." You said before hanging up. You went to the machine that held the DNA samples and quickly retrieved the sample. 

"Y/n?" Kakyoin asked in a startled voice, watching you whip past him towards the microscope. 

"I ran the sample through our DNA base, but it never read it as anyone in our area. So I widened the scan to all of Japan and got a match. I also ran the black residue that the doctors and got a match on it as well," You said, pushing your glasses up as you looked in the microscope. "I can't believe I missed this.." You mumbled. 

"Okay, so what the hell is it?" Jotaro asked. 

"I traced the DNA samples back to a small, quiet town, just a little way's away from S-city," You said, raising your head with a grin. 

"The DNA sample came from Morioh?" Jotaro asked, eyebrows raising. You nodded and motioned for them to follow you. 

"I ran it again and got a positive ID match on an escaped murder convict. Anjuro Katagiri, better known as Angelo." You said, motioning to your computer that showed his mugshot. "He was convicted of robbery, rape, and murder when he was twelve. He became known as the most dangerous man in Morioh after spending twenty years in prison for the murder and rape of three boys. He was sentenced to death, but when his execution came around, he couldn't be killed. He escaped prison and has been around ever since. And the arresting officer was,"

"Ryohei Higashikata," Kakyoin said, eyes scanning over the report. 

"Josuke's grandfather," Jotaro mumbled.

"Bingo," You said. "And the residue that I found, was from, get this, Egypt."

"Egypt?" Jotaro asked, moving to the side as you stood in front of your computer, typing in more information. 

"Yup. The residue is actually black sand from the deposits pouring out of the Nile," You said, showing him the results. "I also got the reports and photographs from the hospital of Kagome's wounds and ran it through any and every possible puncture wound. I had to do a huge amount of research and late nights, but I found out what it was caused by." 

Jotaro and Kakyoin leaned over your shoulders as you pointed to two photos on the screen. "The one on the left was caused by an arrow. The one on the right is Kagome's wound."

"They're identical," Kakyoin said, looking down at you. 

"So an arrow pierced her skin," Jotaro said, also looking down at you. 

"That's not all," You said, holding a hand up. "Angelo's skin more than likely came from the arrow that hit Kagome. Meaning the same arrow was used to pierce both people. My guess is that the arrow originated in Egypt, then somehow got to Japan."

"Which means we need to get to Morioh sooner than we thought," Kakyoin said, looking at Jotaro. 

"Wait a second.." You said, remembering something. "Jotaro those pictures, do you still have them?" 

"Yeah. Why?" He asked, handing them to you. You pulled the mugshot of Angelo back up. 

"Just as I thought," You said, looking between the photos. "The person in these photos is identical."

"So that's Angelo?" Kakyoin asked. 

"That's Angelo," You said, handing the photos back as you placed your glasses back on your face. "And your ominous stand user."

"You're amazing, Y/n," Kakyoin said.

"Just doing my job," You grinned. "Now when do you plan on leaving for Morioh?"

"More than likely in the morning," Jotaro said, pulling his hat up a little. "If Angelo is a stand user, then we need to get there as soon as possible and find the old man's son."

You picked up the phone and pressed a button. "Nitiro-san, I have a new case in Morioh, Japan. I'll be leaving early tomorrow morning, and will probably be gone for five days or so. Thanks," You hung up and looked at the two men. 

"You're coming with us?" Kakyoin asked, unable to hide the smile coming onto his face. 

"Of course I am," You scoffed, rolling your eyes playfully. "My assistant gets attacked by some kind of arrow and it's linked to a stand user? Of course I'm going with you. I'll leave the stand battles to you two, but the rest I'll take care of. Angelo is a murderer, and I own my own lab as a private investigator, so..I'm picking up a new case."

"You never you?" Jotaro asked. 

"Someone is harming the people I care about, and you can bet I'm getting involved." You said, crossing your arms over your chest. 

"And no one is stopping me this time."

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