Chapter Thirty-Nine: Devil Town [Part 3]

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Your eyes landed on Kakyoin as he stretched his arms above his head with a tired yawn. Kagome and Keito were huddled together, looking at a piece of paper, and Jotaro was looking around. You blinked a few times as the grayish tint dimmed down, and everything resumed to normal. You looked at your phone. 7:37. No message from Rohan yet. 

“Love, why are you standing all alone?” Kakyoin called, making you raise your head as you slipped your phone into your hoodie pocket. 

“Sorry, I hadn’t realized everyone moved away,” You said, stuffing your hands in your pockets as you walked towards him. Kakyoin slipped an arm around your waist and pulled you into his side. 

“Is everything alright? You look a little pale,” He said, brushing his knuckles across your cheek. 

“I’m feeling fine,” You shrugged. “It just must be the lighting. It’s a little foggy.”

Kakyoin hummed as he looked around. “I guess it is,” Jotaro ceased his searching around for the three missing teens and walked towards you and Kakyoin. Your phone buzzed. 

“Oh, it’s Rohan,” You said. “He wants me to meet with him at the Pepsi sign.” 

“So soon?” Jotaro asked, glancing at his watch. 

“I guess he just wants a head start. I’ll go, you guys stay here,” You replied, tucking away your phone as the notification for the weather faded away. 

“Alone?” Kakyoin asked, looking down at you with a small frown. 

“It’s only around the block,” You said, slipping from his arms. “I’ll be fine. I have Atlantis now, so it’s not like I’m unable to fight anymore.”

“I know,” He muttered. 

“Still, someone should go with you,” Jotaro said. 

“You guys have to stay here and babysit,” You grinned, as you started backing away. 

“Don’t you dare,” Jotaro said, his blueish eyes slightly narrowing. 

“Oh, would you look at the time!” You said, glancing at your imaginary watch. “I gotta get going!”

“You rat!” Kakyoin called as your image glitched out onto the sidewalk. You waved to them over your shoulder as you walked away. 

“Have fun! Bye-bye!” 


Your grin faded the more you walked, your temporary amusement dying out into anxiety. Looking around, you tried to find Kira before he came to the alleyway. You stood under the Pepsi sign, watching as cars drove by on the opposite side of the road, far away from you. You scanned each car, looking for a certain manga artist. You had beat Rohan to the spot, thankfully, which means that the cycle that Kira created, was already beginning to bend. 

You had no idea what his stand could do now, but you could only assume that the arrow that his father took had something to do with it. You could be wrong, but to you, it was the only logical thing that you could think of. It seemed as if Kira could reset the whole day until the point where it was reset again. And his reset point must have been a little after Rohan was killed. This was bad for you. 

Battling another stand that had the ability to reverse time was going to be extremely difficult. In the end, it was just going to be a complete loophole of going back and forth in time, trying to stop one another from reverting. Your plan was to do something that broke the cycle, something that split the loophole and put everything back to normal. You didn’t know how to do it, though. You could, perhaps, catch him before he got to the alleyway. But who’s to say he couldn’t reset the day from there? You had no idea how this ability worked, and he was too smart to reveal it so soon. If it came down to it, you feared that you would end up having to revert time again, and risk everything. 

Going back in time once didn’t raise so much suspicion. Sure, people would think, “Hey, have I done this before?” But they don’t question it too much after that. But the second time, people begin to feel a sense of deja vu. “I’ve definitely been here before, but why can’t I remember it?” The third time made people question others. “Hey, have we done this before? We’ve been here once, haven’t we?”

You knew that if you were forced to do it again, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Kagome, and Keito would be able to tell. Especially Jotaro and Kakyoin. They had felt it more than anyone else, and everyone knew what it was like. It wouldn’t be that hard to tell. But, you just had to hope that you didn’t need to use it, and everything would work out. 

Your attention turned to the red car pulling in front of you before Rohan stepped out. 

“Y/n? What are you doing here?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed together. 

“It’s...a long story,” You sighed. “But, I’ll explain later. Right now, just stay here until I get back, alright? I’ll only be a few minutes.”

Rohan nodded. “Alright,”
You walked down the street, your eyes landing on the two girls in the distance. You rounded the corner, looking around as you did. Nothing seemed out of place, and no one else was here. You glanced down at your phone. 


You looked around again, glancing over your shoulder before walking further into the alleyway. You summoned Atlantis to help you search the area. Then, you heard voices. Turning around, you saw Hayato and Kira emerging from a side path that you hadn’t noticed before. Atlantis vanished before they could see him.

Hayato’s gaze landed on you, and the shock washed over him like before. Before he could utter a word, you had grabbed his shoulder and yanked him back into your chest. Hayato gasped your name out and you glared at Kira with an icy gaze. 

“Y-you!” Kira hissed out, taking a step back. Your lip curled up in a snarl.

“Yeah. Me,”

“Ho-how the h-hell are you here?!” He exclaimed, sweat forming at his brow. He was beginning to lose his cool facade. “F-fate can’t be changed!”

“Don’t you get it?” You asked, resting a hand on Hayato’s back as he gripped your pant leg tightly, trembling in fear. Atlantis materialized beside you, his hands ready at his sides, palms facing out with narrowed eyes and a frown on his lips. Kira’s eyes trembled as he took another step back in retaliation.

“I’ve already changed fate. The loophole you’ve created has been broken. You’ve lost, Kira.”

“N-no! I refuse!” He yelled, summoning his stand. “Killer Queen has the ability to turn anything it touches into a bomb!”

Your eyes widened as you swept Hayato from the ground, diving to the side to avoid the swipe his stand sent at you. You quickly shoved Hayato to his feet. “Run! Get as far away from here as possible!”

“Wh-what about you?” He asked in fear, his eyes widening as you jumped to your feet and shoved him towards the entrance of the alley, then as you jumped to the side. 

“I’ll be fine! Run, Hayato! Get the hell out of here before you get hurt!” You winced as your side clipped against the metal gate, rattling the bars as you gripped them for support.

You couldn’t even take a moment before your image was flickering to a different spot to avoid Killer Queen’s hands. Hayato gave a final, shaky glance before turning and running out of the alley. As he did, however, the image of Killer Queen touching the wall before flashed across your mind. Your eyes widened as Hayato reached out to brush his hand along the wall as he turned. You watched in horror as his body was blown back in slow motion. Shaking, you flicked your eyes to Kira, and he took a step back in fear from the intensity of your gaze. Your eyes burned with anger, lips slowly curling back as you slammed your hands on the gate, the sound echoing in the air as you pushed yourself up from the ground. Atlantis formed beside you. 

“Atlantis, revert time one hour.”

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