Chapter Thirty-Seven: Devil Town [Part 1]

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It felt like no matter how you saw it, how you planned it, or how you thought about it, nothing was going to work. Every plan you thought up, every idea, every quick thought, it all was useless. You hardly knew anything about Kira’s stand, much less about what its abilities were other than making bombs, and it left you at a dead end. You were frustrated. Maybe you were overthinking all of this, but you couldn’t help but feel anxious. Maybe it was because you had faced and anticipated a battle like this before, many years ago, and you were thinking on the same mindset you did before. Back then, you thought so highly of yourself. You thought you could kill Dio on your own, and that ended horribly. 

But you had to remember that you weren’t by yourself. You couldn’t think that you had to do this on your own. You had other people you could rely on. You were not alone. Besides, most of this wasn't your fight.

A pair of hands on your shoulders pulled you from your mind, making you turn your head to face the culprit. Kakyoin nuzzled his head into your neck, breathing in your scent. His hands traveled down your arms and circled your waist instead. He placed his chin on your shoulder. 

“What’s wrong, love?” He asked quietly, as not to disturb the others who were talking amongst themselves, and to not draw attention to the both of you. 

“I was just thinking,” You replied, looking down as you put your hands over his. 

“About?” He hummed, turning his head to look at you. 

“About how we’re gonna capture this guy. I can’t think of a plan because I don’t really know his stand,” You sighed. 

“One of us will think of something,” He said, rubbing circles into your skin. 

“I know,” You sighed. 

“Besides,” Kakyoin mumbled. “We’ll probably fight him without having a plan anyway.”

“Yeah,” You said. Kakyoin removed his arms and turned you around to face him. His orchid eyes scanned over your face, taking note of each detail. The fading dark circles under your eyes, the strain on your face, the slight furrow of your eyebrows, the blush rising to your cheeks the more he stared at you, and the tug of your lips as you tried to hide the smile beginning to form on your face. Kakyoin placed his hands on either side of your face; his hands were much smaller and softer than what Jotaro’s were. He stroked one cheek with his thumb and traced the scar under your eye with the other. Your eyes fluttered shut when he soothed some of the aches from the old wound and sighed softly. 

“Don’t get yourself worked up, baby,” He cooed, smiling gently at you. “It’s nothing we can’t handle. There’s seven of us and only one of him. He doesn’t stand a chance.”

“I know,” You mumbled, opening your eyes to stare up at him. “But I still can’t help but think.”

Kakyoin kissed your forehead gently, making your cheeks heat up. “I’m gonna remove your brain so you stop doing that,” He mumbled. 

“That wouldn’t be good on either of our parts,” You replied, grinning up at him. Kakyoin rolled his eyes. 

“Will you just trust us?” He said, moving to run a hand through your hair while it was down. He knew you’d put it up soon so it wouldn’t be in your way, so he took the time to mess with it while he could. He always loved playing with your hair; it was always so soft and silky, and it normally calmed you down and eased some of your tension. 

“I do trust you,” You muttered. 

“Then let us handle this,” He said, making you look up at him, lips parting in slight shock. “You wouldn’t let us help you before, so let us help you now. You’re always so quick to put yourself in danger so that one of us isn’t, but you don’t ever think about how much we care about you either. I, for one, absolutely hate it when you do it. Now, I’m not saying I blame you, and I can’t say that I’ve seen people get hurt as much as you have, but it still makes me upset whenever you let yourself get hurt. I hate to see you cry, and I hate it when you’re in pain, or you’re stressed like you are now. I’m no hero, but I at least want to save you. You saved me, so let me do the same for you. I don’t think I could handle you getting hurt anymore. You and Jotaro mean so much to me, and I fucking hate when I can’t do anything to help either of you, so, please. Just let me do this for you. Even if it is only one time, I want to be able to say all of us are fine.”

“Nori,” You whispered, eyes wide. 

“I love you, Y/n, I really, really, do. So please, let me save you.” He said, his thumb brushing against your bottom lip. 

“O-okay,” You whispered.  

Kakyoin smiled and pressed his lips against yours softly. He pulled away after a moment and continued to smile at you. 

“Oi, love birds, you two done yet?” Jotaro called in an annoyed tone. Kakyoin grinned mischievously and pulled you to his chest, dramatically spinning you around in the air. You yelped in surprise before giggling happily, your hands on his shoulders as he set you on the ground, only to lift you in his arms, carrying you bridal style. Your face was red from embarrassment, but you couldn’t help but smile and laugh. 

“Hmm, I don’t think so. I think I’m gonna go find a church and marry her while I’m at it,” Kakyoin said, looking around. You hit his chest. 

“S-stop messing around!” You laughed. Kakyoin looked down at you, and his face was suddenly serious. Your laughter slowly died out. 

“You think I’m joking?”

Your face instantly went brighter than the stop sign beside you and you heard Kagome and Keito started laughing at your sudden embarrassment. You squirmed away from Kakyoin and buried your face in your hands. 

“Stop laughing!” You cried. 

“S-sorry sensei!” Keito cackled. 

“Y-yeah!” Kagome laughed. You removed your hands and glared at them, making both of them shut up instantly. 

“What the hell is wrong with everyone?” Jotaro muttered, rolling his eyes. Kakyoin grinned as he tossed an arm around the raven-haired man’s shoulders. Jotaro looked down at him and raised an eyebrow. 

“Don’t act like you don’t care!” Kakyoin teased. “You’ve said the same thing multiple times before!”

You looked at him as he pushed Kakyoin away gently, pulling his hat down over his face as he muttered his phrase. 

You knew that Kakyoin was trying to lighten the mood, trying to ease the tension on your shoulders and to get you to smile and to stop worrying about what was to come. It worked, you’ll give him that.

But what kakyoin didn’t realize was that he was already saving you. He was already a hero. He just didn’t credit himself enough. 

“What are you smiling for?” Kagome asked, both teens peering around your shoulders. You shook your head. 

“Bunch of dorks,” You chuckle. 

“Yeah, well, it’s obvious you love those dorks,” Keito said, looking at Kakyoin as he tried jumping on Jotaro’s back, and Jotaro walked forward so he’d hit the ground. 

“Is it?” You asked, raising an eyebrow as Kakyoin summoned Hierophant and tripped Jotaro. 

“Maybe just a little,” Kagome said, wincing as Jotaro grabbed Kakyoin, and the fight began from there. 

“A thousand yen, Jotaro beats Kakyoin’s ass,” Keito said. 

“Kakyoin will win,” Kagome said. Both teens fished through their pockets and bet the money they had. 


“This is hardly fair,” Keito grumbled. 

“Sure is,” Kagome huffed, as both teens slapped the two thousand yen into your hand as you grinned. Kakyoin and Jotaro glared at each other from either side of your legs where you stood between them after pulling them apart from their little tussle. 

“Too bad, too sad,” You said, pocketing the money before summoning your stand and yanking both men back onto their feet. 

“Yare yare daze,” Jotaro huffed, fixing his coat. Kakyoin mocked him childishly. 

“If you two are done,” You said, glaring at both of them. “We have three missing teenagers and a missing manga artist.” 

“Sensei’s right, we need to get going,” Keito said, glancing at his watch. “It’s seven thirty-six.”

“Let’s go then,"

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