Chapter Ten: Ouch

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"Kagome, this is Dr. Kujo Jotaro and Professor Kakyoin Noriaki," You said. "Jotaro, Kakyoin, this is Ito Kagome."

"K-Kagome is fine," She said, shaking Kakyoin's hand. 

"You can just call me Kakyoin," The redhead smiled. "I hate having Professor in front of my name."


"So she has a stand?" Jotaro asked, the two of you watching the redhead and the ravenette teen talk about video games. 

You crossed your arms and nodded. "Yeah, although it hasn't manifested clearly. She can see other stands, but her's has yet to appear." 

"What are you going to do?" He asked, recognizing the look in your eyes. 

"I'm not sure yet," You replied with a hum. "I think for now, I'll leave her be and have her working the forensic and the logical things with me. But if push comes to shove, we can always try and bring her Stand out."

Jotaro nodded and glanced down at his watch. "Josuke should be arriving soon," He said. 

"Sensei!" Kagome called, gaining your attention. "Kakyoin-san and I are getting something to drink. Would you or Kujo-san like anything?"

"You know what I like!" You called back, before turning to Jotaro. He shrugged before turning to look down the street when the voices of a band of females was heard. "Get Jotaro something as well!"

"I know what he wants," Kakyoin said. "See you later!" You waved and then turned to face the same direction as Jotaro. Your eyes immediately landed on the two people walking towards you, the taller one waving his hand. He had blue hair that was shaped into a pompadour and wore a blue school uniform. He was a little shorter than Jotaro, and by the looks of it, had a fangirl posse like he did. The other boy was a lot shorter, with a green uniform and silver hair. 

"Jotaro-san!" The taller one said, before noticing you. "Oh, hello!"

"Josuke, this is a friend of mine, L/n Y/n," Jotaro said. "She's a Stand user as well."

"Just call me Y/n," You said, shaking his hand. 

"Okay!" He smiled. "I'm Josuke, and this is my friend Koichi. It's nice to meet you Y/n-san."

"It's nice to meet you both as well," You said, bowing your head. "I've heard you've got a pretty nice stand."

"Huh? Oh yeah," He said, a pinkish aura surrounding him as he summoned his Stand. You raised your eyebrows in surprise. 

"Impressive," You mumbled. "What can he do?"

"Crazy Diamond can destroy things and then rebuild them. He can also heal people. It doesn't work on me though," Josuke said. 

"Josuke-kun!" One of the girls whined. "Why are you talking to her and not us!"

"Yeah who do you think you are! Trying to take our Josuke!" Another girl yelled. 

You put your hand on Jotaro's chest, stopping him before he could say anything. You turned to the girls, raising one of your eyebrows.

"Sweetie," You cooed. "I'm twenty-seven-years-old. I don't want a fifteen or sixteen-year-old. So shut your mouths before I shut them for you."

"Who do-"

"Get lost!" Jotaro yelled, making their cheeks tint pink. "You're all so damn annoying!"

"Some things never change," You grinned, looking up at the man. He looked down at you, his lip twitching ever so slightly. 

"Anyways, I'll see you after school," Josuke said, looking at Koichi. "We have to get going or else we'll be late."

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